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Porkins Policy Radio episode 57 Matthew Russell Lee – Corruption and Control at the UN

Today I am joined by the founder of Inner City Press, Matthew Russell Lee, to discuss his investigative work inside the United Nations. Matthew and I begin by discussing his recent expulsion from the UN after his persistent work on the John Ashe UN corruption scandal. Matthew explains how Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, in conjunction with former UN ambassador Frank Lorenzo, was involved in one of the largest ongoing corruption scandals at the UN. We also discuss the symbiotic relationship between corruption, media censorship and UN atrocities around the world. We talk about the head of UN peacekeeping, Herve Ladsous, and his role in maintaining France’s colonial control of Africa. Later, we discuss the crisis in Yemen and the way this is being covered up by both the UN and the media. Matthew and I also touch on some of the more bizarre stories coming out of the UN, including the one about 40 pounds of pure cocaine in the mail room. We finish off by looking at the legacy of Ban Ki-Moon’s UN, and explore the possibility of his running for president in South Korea.

Download episode 57

Show Notes:

Inner City Press


Inner City Press YouTube

US vs John Ashe, Ng Lap Seng, Frank Lorenzo Criminal complaint

UNreal: UN Correspondents Assoc, VOA & Reuters Order Press Out of UN Press Briefing Room

UN Guards Grab ICP Laptop and ID Badge, Take Control of Press Files, VOA Laughs

UN Evicts ICP After It Covers Role of Ban Ki-moon & Gallach in Ng Lap Seng Bribery Scandal, Rapes

On Haiti, ICP Asks OCHA’s Ging of UN’s Cholera Responsibility, He On Donors

At UN, 40 Pounds of Cocaine Found in UN Mail Room, NYPD Called