Tag Archives: mob mentality

Porkins Policy Radio episode 72 Member South Park Season 20 with Emma Redmond

Today I am joined by my sister Emma to discuss and dissect season 20 of South Park. We begin by explaining what transpired this season: Mr. Garrison becoming President, Cartman falling love, gender wars, and the dangers of internet trolling. We begin by talking about the “Member Berries” and their devious plot to use the power of nostalgia to elect the Trump like Mr. Garrison. Emma and I discuss the power that nostalgia can have on ones psyche, and how we are constantly manipulated into following certain trends because of it. We then move onto the the issue of trolling which features prominently through out this whole season. We talk about Gerald’s trolling and explore the idea over whether it is in fact ok or funny to troll. Next we talk about the the gender wars that ensue through out South Park and the world at large. We talk about Butters transformation as a men’s rights activist and how this is mirroring society at large. Emma and I also touch on how Butters is schooled in all of this with the help of Bill Clinton.

In the second hour we break down South Park’s portrayal of Trump as Mr. Garrison. We talk about why Matt Stone and Trey Parker decided to use Garrison as a stand in for the president-elect, and if it worked as a statement and as a comic device. We round out the episode by discussing the genius of South Park as a show. We talk about how the series, and this season in particular, manages to show that the true enemy among us is society and ourselves. Emma and I also have a candid discussion on the dangers of horse porn.

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