The Ochelli Effect – Interactions Between Organisms


We speak in the first hour with long-time-listener Regular Joe. It is somewhat troublesome to attempt a conversation with a Trump supporter. Joe and family go to the dentist and find that families are strangers next to each other. It is often a good thing to unplug. Joe also gives tips on how to avoid a pointless conversation feedback loop. Social media may be video games designed for people with no skills.

Pearse Redmond, also known as Porkins, appears in the second hour. Chuck and Pearse would both like a ticket back to the real timeline they came from. Is it 1984? Why do right wing celebrities suck? President Trump is exactly the damaged idiot to lead a parade of damaged idiots. Is this why David Bowie was “Afraid of Americans”? After sorting through and separating fake news from filler, it is easy to get exhausted.

Two hours with two friends from the show. We all urge you to be fearless. Big brother is not to be embraced. War is not peace. He who controls the present does control the past. He who controls the past may indeed control the future. Chuck believes we have the option to write it all ourselves or allow others to write and edit it all for us.

Don’t get it twisted!

interactions between organisms


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