Tag Archives: Anastasio Somoza García

The Ochelli Effect – Derivative Narrative

From Ochelli.com

The Author of the War State tells us Wall Street Window .com is moving and being expanded.
Mike Swanson joins us in hour 1 to break down the fascinating underbelly of the cult of civilization clashes. How does the War State behave with zealots in tow?
Chuck draws a comparison between Sith lords and “retired” CIA guys. Mike, as usual, provides the adult point of view. Does Trump understand anything aside from profit for his family and praise from the lowest common denominator?
How creepy are CIA guys? Chinese surveillance Checkers. How deeply embedded is the Alex Jones school of thought in the establishment? Where were the Muslim conspiracy plots before Obama showed up?
No matter how corrupt Trump is, his supporters won’t believe it. Meaningless meetings are up next for King Trump also. Maybe Dennis Rodman will save us all.

Pearse Redmond, Porkins himself enters the second hour. It looks like we have to be on the lookout for the reloaded cocaine import agency. Chuck has said for years that the atrocities of Iran Contra, never ended, and were never fully accounted for.
The Salvador Option and the roots of MS13 are explored. Is anyone paying attention? What does the Catholic church have to do with all of this? Is there a right-wing conspiracy to control the whole planet?
Is Ortega evil? Some of the death squad diplomacy of the United States bares responsibility for much of Latin America’s seekers of refuge turning up on our southern border?
A derivative narrative for the same calendar day that Bobby Kennedy was shot 50 years earlier and Ochelli went entirely independent one year earlier.

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Show Notes:

US fingerprints all over Nicaragua’s bloody unrest

The Salvador Option: the US is Once Again Supporting Death Squads in Central America