Tag Archives: Ochelli Effect

The Ochelli Effect – Insider Outsider Traders Politics

From Ochelli.com

What is happening in the retail world of investment? Is the market informed ahead of the broadcast news?

Mike Swanson tried to help Chuck understand the new and old points of access to the many money games as they currently stand.

Is there a new money maze being constructed in real-time as we speak? What does Mike think about the Vaccine driven profits and losses that are just being noticed?

Pearse Redmond talked about the Governor of New York and the absurd defenses offered for the political animal kingdom that is all Cuomo.

Does anybody see a path to resignations soon? Are bloodlines still a way of creating political alliances?

Can Andy become a media star like his meat-headed brother?

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Show Notes:

First hour

The National-Security State and the Kennedy Assassination

JFK, the Vietnam War, and the War State

Reimagining transportation with the Waymo Driver

Designing Autonomous Vehicles for Series Production

This cheerful Waymo ad highlights all the ways we’ll use self-driving cars in our daily lives

Second Hour

Westchester CE Latimer Compares Calls for Andrew Cuomo Resignation to Mob that Lynched Emmett Till

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Should Not Resign, Say Half of New Yorkers in a Poll

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Aides Called Former Staffers to Discredit Accuser

U.S. Prosecutors Investigating How Cuomo Administration Handled Covid-19 in Nursing Homes

Why Andrew Cuomo Must Resign

Cuomo’s Office Hobbled Ethics Inquiries by Moreland Commission

Cuomo’s cellphone trouble an element in two harassment allegations

Churchill: Was Cuomo’s coverup about the book?

The Ochelli Effect – Jefferson’s History Current Mysteries

From Ochelli.com

In the first hour of our Tuesday show Authors, Mike Swanson and Carmine Savastano discussed Thomas Jefferson. When did the narrative of judgment shift on this founding father? Has the revision of American history gone amok?

Are Jefferson’s ideas about racial identity anything special when compared to his contemporaries? Is the icon or demon of the past anything like the reality?

Pearse Redmond arrived in the second hour to discuss the trend of depression among independent content creators. Is Agitated apathy the new normal? Is mass-mental-illness driving what we observe?

How is the mantra of death and disease affecting you? Are we still at war?

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Show Notes:

Man Linked to Killing at a Portland Protest Says He Acted in Self-Defense

DOJ charges American Boogaloo Bois with attempting to provide material support to Hamas

Two Self-Described “Boogaloo Bois” Charged with Attempting to Provide Material Support to Hamas

Terry Nichols marries Marife Torres

Terry Nichols meets with Ramzy Yousef

The Ochelli Effect – Domestic Foreign Enemy Bingo

From Ochelli.com

Michael Swanson had the mighty layers of echo-chamber reality in mind when he joined Chuck for his usual Tuesday discussion.

Is religion responsible for the different interpretations of what is and is not true in our society at this time? Mike mentions another book he may release very soon.

Chuck reads Bible verses in the first hour as they were suggested to him by the chatroom. Why is Trump the “chosen one” among hypocrites? How dangerous is a man considered to have the blessing of any alleged god?

Are we becoming more foolishly tribal as social media keeps people from facing ideas that are not their own? Times are strange these days.

Pearse Redmond is still taking a break from the radio, but he is still doing every other Tuesday with us.

Porkins touches on a few key notes related to the Epstein case but doesn’t go too deep. He is currently writing a book on the subject.

Chuck and Pearse spent most of the second hour discussing Iran and other aspects of the destructive American Policy in the Middle-East.

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The Ochelli Effect – Resistance War Against America

From Ochelli.com

The Resistance War Against America is better known as The Vietnam War. Mike Swanson is currently working on a series of books devoted to the war.

Chuck and Mike discussed a wide range of individuals and historical realities related to many aspects of the conflict. Chuck discusses the flow of events in 1967 and 1968 while Mike fills in some recently revealed information regarding the Defense Secretary at the time.

This conversation was not planned and provides some remarkable insights into a rather dark chapter in American History.

In hour two, Pearse Redmond joined the show and discussed the most recent military coup in Bolivia. President Evo Morales seems to have stood in the way of multinational corporate cabals and their interests in the natural resources of Bolivia. Pearse discussed the idea that minerals often associated with batteries may have been the issue that was Morales undoing.

The pressures and general conditions of narco-trafficking are examined alongside the curious grant of asylum by another state struggling with Narco-concerns, Mexico.

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Show Notes:

Bolivia coup led by Christian fascist paramilitary leader and millionaire – with foreign support

Trump celebrates resignation of Bolivia’s president

The East is a Podcast – Coup in Bolivia w/ Federico Fuentes

The Ochelli Effect – Regular Kakistocracy News Hours

From Ochelli.com

Regular Joe stands in for Michael Swanson. So we did another Regular Guy News Hour. Harry Potter, Playboy, and the Chosen savior of the ignorant are all covered in the first hour.

In the last few minutes of the first half of this podcast, you might have to hear about sex, drugs, and rocks rolling in people’s heads. The second hour starts with Hurricanes and ends with Cartoons and Dark Crystals. No, I am not high, but the bug bomb really screwed up my throat and eyes.

Pearse Redmond joined in the second hour to remix the news and talk Starship Trump, Clowns, and Cartoons.

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The Ochelli Effect – American Made Ignorance Fatigue

From Ochelli.com

Not only do the inmates Run the Assylum but they are members. As an interesting seeker for asylum is protected by the Trump administration, Chuck and the great Michae; Swanson examines the strange web of mental-energy-draining infotainment floating around the English speaking world. Mike will be on more next week to discuss the odd financial landscape that is currently the alleged robust economy. Until then one wonders when the Chinese and American monetary devices might disappear into the dreaded eternally approaching collapse.

Is the ever-looming shadow of Steve Bannon still throwing shade on the Trump Regime despite having moved on to bigger cons?

Pearse Redmond also hit us up with info. on the Epstein case and general issues regarding media coverage, and the lack of blood lust in the apathetic uninformed public mind.

From PI media releases to the latest information explaining the blackmail and other elements of the Epstein case Pearse deals with it all rather well.

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For show notes please visit Ochelli.com

The Ochelli Effect – Digital Historical Literature Lament

Mike and Chuck started the Tuesday show discussing book stores and how they have disappeared in recent years. The Amazon book store has shaped how people find things to read, despite being limitless in its offerings. While talking the two actually do searches of the site to see what happens when they look for Mike’s great book “The War State”. Your results may vary.

Mike also mentions how publishing is changing and complains a bit about how good books on the JFK Assassination do not rise to the top of many search results. A short discussion on why the Vietnam War is written about currently was also part of the discussion.

Porkins arrived in the second hour. Chuck and Pearse discussed his show the two recorded earlier in the day. Both men explain the process of growth in one experiences doing a long-standing radio show/podcast.

Both Hours provide some unique analysis of media in general along with cultural reactions in the wake of multiple evolutions.

Tuesdays are always fun, educational, and unexpected on The Ochelli Effect. News, and entertainment factory installed.

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The Ochelli Effect – Facebook Myopia Dystopia Amblyopia

On TYR’s Day, A Cornucopia of Phobias and fabricated amblyopia deconstruct dreams of utopia. Michael Swanson started things off by examining the evolving social media/advertising head games driving personal interactions, Fame, and many walks of shame.

Facebook is for grandpa. The toxic anti-social media platform has been a thing for nearly a generation. What happened to your news stories and inspirations for outrage? Is it about to become more fertile digital soil for cults of personality to blossom within?

Venezuela is the focus in the second hour. Pearse Redmond and Chuck break down the alleged uprising and even speculate about the reality that may be unfolding while the MSM runs it’s standard mocking bird programming. Is anyone else reminded of “The Bay of Pigs”?

Are fake news and the anti-social media going to continue dominating public perceptions? Will the truth remain trapped behind enemy lines on the far side of the great Fire Wall?

Are the resource pirates with private armies merely utilizing the digital weapons developed in the internet age to make the repeating blueprint of regime change and population control continue far beyond 2020?

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Show Notes:

Juan Guaido coup speech

Leopoldo Lopez escapes to Spainish Embassy

Guaido’s whereabouts unknown

Soldiers involved in coup reportedly claiming asylum in Brazilian embassy

“El personalismo de Guaidó ha puesto en peligro el alzamiento contra Maduro”


Live Updates: Venezuelan Govt Says Guaido Coup Failed, Lopez Hides in Chile’s Embassy

Clashes rock Venezuela as Guaido, Maduro vie for power

Exclusive – Blackwater founder’s latest sales pitch: mercenaries for Venezuela

Pompeo claims Russia stopped Maduro leaving Venezuela for Cuba

The Making of Leopoldo López

Venezuela – Guaidó Got Snookered – White House Starts Beating War Drums

Top general: US military focused on collecting intelligence in Venezuela

The Ochelli Effect – JFK Mob Hit Stew

From Ochelli.com

In the first hour, Michael Swanson and Chuck had a unique exchange about the JFK Assassination and its implications regarding current events. Chuck also mentions his new glasses while the evolution of refining knowledge on deep political issues is made plain.

Chuck’s Shortlist The BEST JFK Assassination Authors:
E-mail Walt: kiasjfk@aol.com

Publications and Books by John Newman


Walt Brown on Youtube with Mike Swanson:

JFK Mob Hit Stew

Hour number two revolved around a strange mob hit in the news and a discussion on what the news is not alerting you about. Pearse Redmond makes a few announcements, and Chuck has to say he is sorry.

Tuesdays are always fun, educational, and unexpected on The Ochelli Effect. News, and entertainment factory installed.

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Show Notes:

NATO To Discuss Black Sea Presence This Week, Russia’s ‘Aggressive’ Actions

NATO Ministers In Washington For Two-Day Meeting Dedicated To The Bloc’s 70th Anniversary

NATO Chief Meets Trump As U.S. President Calls For Increased Defense Spending

Kay Bailey Hutchison

President Trump Meeting with NATO Secretary General

NATO allies extend Stoltenberg’s term as secretary-general

Saakashvili’s Two Cents on Trump, Putin and Mueller Probe

Fmr. Georgia President: Mueller probe undermined America’s reputation

The Ochelli Effect – Deep State Orange Onion

From OchelliEffect.com

On this special Tuesday Broadcast Pearse Redmond and JP Sottile joined Chuck to do the pre-game show and Live coverage of The State of The Union Address. Both hours are far less painful than the realization that this is a serious look at the alleged leader of the “Free” world.

LBJ may have moved the SOTU to primetime, but Trump just moves your stomach contents closer to your toilet dominating all-time in the fake not-so-much-news cycle 50 years later. Is it now really this complicated? Don’t sit yet.
Deep State Orange Onion

Cliff Notes

Note The designated survivor is Rick Perry. (Not kidding) The advertised one-hour speech ran about 20 minutes over. After attempting to listen to the speech again right after the show, Chuck reports a headache. Support for 45 grew according to instant polling, thus the death of American genius is confirmed.

After noting many guests following a script that would almost sound like a kinder more gentile Trump. Somebody apparently loaded Trump’s speech with every clichéd vapid Neo-Con wet dream of Americana known to the Federalist Society, The Koch Brothers, and beyond.

In the call and answer game with his audience Russian Agent, Orage continued with the following sets of shallow emotional appeals tailored for his supports and the other clapping monkey puppets in Congress.
The Wall, Angel Families, The show of brown faces he is claiming as helped with criminal justice reform and the ask from another reality TV star, The Moon Landing, Random hero-worship for soldiers, He wants others to abandon the politics of revenge, half-hearted celebration of women, AIDS, Cancer, Right wing filler, Anti-abortion, Military bragging, The New Nuclear arms race, pat on the back for nothing actually getting done regarding North Korea, Interference in Venezuala justifications, Attacking socialism, “We Are Born Free”, U-S-A U-S-A U-S-A chants, servitude to Israeli paradigm, Pandering more to troop worshipers, “Great Nations do not fight endless wars”,USS Cole insert, “It is a radical regime, They do bad bad things(Refering to Iran as the leading state-sponsor of terrorism),After again stating that defending the Jewish people is a high priority survivors of the tree of Life massacxre get topped with one guy who survived that Nazi wasve as well, a quick happy birthday chorus for him, Trump describes American rescue from a German train the man “remebers” allegedly, “The American soldiers were proof god exists”, “We must keep America great in ourr hearts and many other empty platitudes in an effort to continue the sleeping whiplash of unknown cryptography that is American political theater in 2019.

El Paso Texas is the example Trump cited to justify The Wall but it sounds fishy. (Ochelli had been to this city when it was dangerous. The idea that it was foreign-born criminals who made it that way holds no water from Chuck’s observations.) What else did the Drumpf make up? He actually made reference to The Pledge of Allegiance and His alleged god several Times. Are you tired of this yet? The WWE Hall of Famer delivered the greatest hits every ill-informed MAGA troll eats for breakfast but was it balanced?
Deep State Orange Onion

Nancy seems to be a master of body language. The women in white stole his thunder for a few moments. Find the kindergarten clap in the footage. Trump breathes heavily at the microphone.

Abrams response: Personal story lead describes the circumstances of her family and an act of kindness by her father. “I love our country”. Insert her acts of kindness for federal workers recently suffering under the Government shut-down. Overall, more of a yawnfest than one imagined in Chuck’s opinion. Red Meat for progressives though.

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