Tag Archives: war crimes

The Ochelli Effect – American Made Ignorance Fatigue

From Ochelli.com

Not only do the inmates Run the Assylum but they are members. As an interesting seeker for asylum is protected by the Trump administration, Chuck and the great Michae; Swanson examines the strange web of mental-energy-draining infotainment floating around the English speaking world. Mike will be on more next week to discuss the odd financial landscape that is currently the alleged robust economy. Until then one wonders when the Chinese and American monetary devices might disappear into the dreaded eternally approaching collapse.

Is the ever-looming shadow of Steve Bannon still throwing shade on the Trump Regime despite having moved on to bigger cons?

Pearse Redmond also hit us up with info. on the Epstein case and general issues regarding media coverage, and the lack of blood lust in the apathetic uninformed public mind.

From PI media releases to the latest information explaining the blackmail and other elements of the Epstein case Pearse deals with it all rather well.

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For show notes please visit Ochelli.com

Porkins Policy Radio episode 161 Sam Spadino on Trump Daddy Issues and Kanye West with War Criminals

Comedian and activist Sam Spadino joined me this week. We spoke about his latest attempt to ask Donald Trump the simple question, “Who is Jeffrey Epstein”? Sam talked about his arrest at a Trump rally in Rochester, Minnesota. He talked about actually happened and set the record straight. We discussed his time in jail and the the charges brought against him which include resisting arrest and trespassing. Sam also discussed his two conversations with the Secret Service. We touched on the idea that Sam is being monitored, and why Trump is so terrified of people bringing up his relationship with Epstein. Sam also explained why he started yelling Dad as he was being thrown out of the rally.

Later Sam and I talked about the way that many Trump supporters view him as a father figure. We discussed how unhealthy this is, and the effects that it is having on people. We touched on Kanye West’s recent comments about not having a strong male figure in his life. And his desire to have Trump be his daddy. I finish off the show by ranting about Kanye West hanging out with war criminal Yoweri Museveni. I talked about Musevini’s genocide against the Acholi people and how Kanye is not now nor ever will be Tupac.

Download PPR episode 161

Show Notes:


Footage of Sam being taken out of rally

‘Man-bunned’ menace arrested at Donald Trump rally, jailed, interrogated… twice

6 Things to know about Trump protester Sam Spadino

Kanye West meets Yoweri Museveni, gifts him pair of Yeezys

A Brilliant Genocide

Ugandan Presidnet Worse Than Idi Amin

Porkins Policy Radio episode 140 In Praise of Blood by Judi Rever

Freelance journalist Judi Rever joins me this week for an in-depth discussion of her new book In Praise of Blood: The Crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front. Judi talks about her first experiences in the aftermath of the Rwandan Genocide while reporting in Congo in the late 1990s. Judi discusses what it was like to uncover the true nature of both the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) and its actions before, during, and after the genocide. We then move onto Paul Kagame himself and the structure of the RPF. Judi and I talk about Kagame’s life in Uganda, his close relationship with Yoweri Museveni, and his time as head of Ugandan intelligence. Judi also talks about the much feared Directorate Military Intelligence (DMI). She talks about the structure of the DMI and how it functioned as the nervous system of the genocide. We then move onto the political ideology of the RPF and what it would ultimately achieve. Judi and I discuss its extreme views which saw the mass slaughter of Hutus all across Rwanda and the seizing of land as a result. Judi talks also talks about how Kagame and the RPF have turned Rwanda into a nation of spies and informants.

In the second hour Judi and I talk about the Byumba Stadium Massacre, and how it acts as a template for RPF’s crimes throughout the genocide and afterwards. Judi explains how the RPF tactic of luring injured and starving Hutus into a central area under the pretense of providing aid was used through about the genocide. We discuss how under Kagame’s direction, burning bodies avoided the existence of mass graves, which could be discovered on satellite photos. Later on we talk about the assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana. Judi explains the reality of the assassination, which was in fact carried out by the RPF on orders from Paul Kagame. We talk about the significance of this event and how the media is beginning to openly talk about the true nature of the assassination. Judi and I also touch on western collaboration with Rwanda. Judi explains the CIA’s role in aiding Rwanda during the genocide and afterwards during its military operations in Zaire that overthrew Mobutu. We also talk about the exploitation of minerals in Congo by western companies under the auspices of the Rwandan military.
We finish the conversation by talking about Kagame’s silencing of activists, whistleblowers, and journalists in both Central Africa and Western Europe. Judi discusses the importance of speaking out and what we can do to expose Kagame and the RPF’s massive crimes.

Download PPR episode 140

Show Notes:

In Praise of Blood: The Crimes of the Rwandan Patriotic Front


Excerpt: In Praise of Blood and new revelations from the depths of the Rwandan genocide

Rwandan Generals Accused of War Crimes in UN Employ

Why we must listen to those who have fled Kagameā€™s Rwanda

Porkins Policy Radio ep. 20 The Falsification of Genocide with Keith Harmon Snow

This week we are joined by independent journalist Keith Harmon Snow for an extended conversation on the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda and it’s effect on Congo and central Africa. This is a longer podcast than usual, but one I am especially proud of. For the most part I take a back seat and just let Keith break down the truth about what actually happened during those infamous 100 days, and how that event reverberated through out Africa. Keith names names and connects a lot the dots in this complex story involving the Pentagon, multinational corporations, mass media propaganda, and the brutal slaughter of millions in the pursuit of domination and money. Keith breaks down how the Tutsi elite, with the backing if the US, UK, and Israel, actually committed the majority of war crimes and acts of genocide. We explore how this was used as the pretext to invade and rape the Eastern Congo. Keith also goes into depth regarding the imperial history of Africa. I really suggest that you read through the articles in the show notes, as well as explore all of Keith’s writing. He is a fountain of knowledge on a subject that few here in the West fully understand.

Download PPR episode 20

Show Notes:

Conscious Being Alliance

All Things Pass

Exposing U.S. Agents of Low Intensity Warfare in Africa: The “Policy Wonks” BehindĀ  Covert Warfare & Humanitarian Fascism

Real Rwandan Genocide & Brainwashing of the Western Mind

The Rwanda Genocide Fabrications: Human Rights Watch, Alison Des Forges and Disinformation on Central Africa

Hotel Rwanda: Hollywood and the Holocaust in Central Africa

The US Sponsored “Rwanda Genocide” and its Aftermath

Gertler’s Bling Bang Torah Gang

Apocalypse in Central Africa: The Pentagon, Genocide and War on Terror

Blood Diamond: Double Think and Deception Over Those Worthless Little Rocks of Desire


Orlando Julius – “Psychedelic Afro Shop”

De Frank & his Professionals – “Psychedelic Man”