Tag Archives: political bias

The Ochelli Effect – American Made Ignorance Fatigue

From Ochelli.com

Not only do the inmates Run the Assylum but they are members. As an interesting seeker for asylum is protected by the Trump administration, Chuck and the great Michae; Swanson examines the strange web of mental-energy-draining infotainment floating around the English speaking world. Mike will be on more next week to discuss the odd financial landscape that is currently the alleged robust economy. Until then one wonders when the Chinese and American monetary devices might disappear into the dreaded eternally approaching collapse.

Is the ever-looming shadow of Steve Bannon still throwing shade on the Trump Regime despite having moved on to bigger cons?

Pearse Redmond also hit us up with info. on the Epstein case and general issues regarding media coverage, and the lack of blood lust in the apathetic uninformed public mind.

From PI media releases to the latest information explaining the blackmail and other elements of the Epstein case Pearse deals with it all rather well.

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For show notes please visit Ochelli.com