Tag Archives: war

Porkins Policy Radio episode 199 Matthew Alford on Brexit, Boris Johnson, and Black Rod

This week I welcomed Matthew Alford to discuss all things Brexit. We kicked off the show by talking about Boris Johnson’s rise to power. Matt talked about Johnson’s public persona as an “inbred upperclass twit,” and how this has shaped his political career. Next, we dove head first into the ongoing drama of Brexit. Matt updated the listeners on the latest developments, including the announcement of a general election on December 12. Matt also analyzed recent polls, which suggest that Johnson and the Conservatives will most likely win and therefore push forward with his party’s plan to leave the EU. We talked about the wisdom of holding a second election and why Matt advocates for voting Labour. We also touched on complex issues like the border with Northern Ireland and how Brexit could unravel the delicate political architecture of the peace deal in Northern Ireland.

In the second hour we discussed Donald Trump’s false narrative that he is some sort of “peace president.” Matt focused on why so many in the conspiracy culture seem to latch onto this false narrative. We also spoke about Trump’s destructive policies in Venezuela and the deteriorating political situation in Haiti. Matt concluded the episode by talking about what some in the UK are overlooking (e.g., the UK as a major arms dealer) due to a strong focus on Brexit. We ended by talking about some of the positive initiatives such as climate change activism around the world, and various other protests during which individuals en mass speak truth to power.

Download episode 199

Show Notes:

Matthew Alford University of Bath

Writer With No Hands (Facebook)


Union Jackboot: What Your Media and Professors Don’t Tell You About British Foreign Policy

How the Western media support state terror – while millions die

The Ochelli Effect – American Made Ignorance Fatigue

From Ochelli.com

Not only do the inmates Run the Assylum but they are members. As an interesting seeker for asylum is protected by the Trump administration, Chuck and the great Michae; Swanson examines the strange web of mental-energy-draining infotainment floating around the English speaking world. Mike will be on more next week to discuss the odd financial landscape that is currently the alleged robust economy. Until then one wonders when the Chinese and American monetary devices might disappear into the dreaded eternally approaching collapse.

Is the ever-looming shadow of Steve Bannon still throwing shade on the Trump Regime despite having moved on to bigger cons?

Pearse Redmond also hit us up with info. on the Epstein case and general issues regarding media coverage, and the lack of blood lust in the apathetic uninformed public mind.

From PI media releases to the latest information explaining the blackmail and other elements of the Epstein case Pearse deals with it all rather well.

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For show notes please visit Ochelli.com

The Ochelli Effect – JFK Mob Hit Stew

From Ochelli.com

In the first hour, Michael Swanson and Chuck had a unique exchange about the JFK Assassination and its implications regarding current events. Chuck also mentions his new glasses while the evolution of refining knowledge on deep political issues is made plain.

Chuck’s Shortlist The BEST JFK Assassination Authors:
E-mail Walt: kiasjfk@aol.com

Publications and Books by John Newman


Walt Brown on Youtube with Mike Swanson:

JFK Mob Hit Stew

Hour number two revolved around a strange mob hit in the news and a discussion on what the news is not alerting you about. Pearse Redmond makes a few announcements, and Chuck has to say he is sorry.

Tuesdays are always fun, educational, and unexpected on The Ochelli Effect. News, and entertainment factory installed.

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Show Notes:

NATO To Discuss Black Sea Presence This Week, Russia’s ‘Aggressive’ Actions

NATO Ministers In Washington For Two-Day Meeting Dedicated To The Bloc’s 70th Anniversary

NATO Chief Meets Trump As U.S. President Calls For Increased Defense Spending

Kay Bailey Hutchison

President Trump Meeting with NATO Secretary General

NATO allies extend Stoltenberg’s term as secretary-general

Saakashvili’s Two Cents on Trump, Putin and Mueller Probe

Fmr. Georgia President: Mueller probe undermined America’s reputation

The Ochelli Effect – Deep State Orange Onion

From OchelliEffect.com

On this special Tuesday Broadcast Pearse Redmond and JP Sottile joined Chuck to do the pre-game show and Live coverage of The State of The Union Address. Both hours are far less painful than the realization that this is a serious look at the alleged leader of the “Free” world.

LBJ may have moved the SOTU to primetime, but Trump just moves your stomach contents closer to your toilet dominating all-time in the fake not-so-much-news cycle 50 years later. Is it now really this complicated? Don’t sit yet.
Deep State Orange Onion

Cliff Notes

Note The designated survivor is Rick Perry. (Not kidding) The advertised one-hour speech ran about 20 minutes over. After attempting to listen to the speech again right after the show, Chuck reports a headache. Support for 45 grew according to instant polling, thus the death of American genius is confirmed.

After noting many guests following a script that would almost sound like a kinder more gentile Trump. Somebody apparently loaded Trump’s speech with every clichéd vapid Neo-Con wet dream of Americana known to the Federalist Society, The Koch Brothers, and beyond.

In the call and answer game with his audience Russian Agent, Orage continued with the following sets of shallow emotional appeals tailored for his supports and the other clapping monkey puppets in Congress.
The Wall, Angel Families, The show of brown faces he is claiming as helped with criminal justice reform and the ask from another reality TV star, The Moon Landing, Random hero-worship for soldiers, He wants others to abandon the politics of revenge, half-hearted celebration of women, AIDS, Cancer, Right wing filler, Anti-abortion, Military bragging, The New Nuclear arms race, pat on the back for nothing actually getting done regarding North Korea, Interference in Venezuala justifications, Attacking socialism, “We Are Born Free”, U-S-A U-S-A U-S-A chants, servitude to Israeli paradigm, Pandering more to troop worshipers, “Great Nations do not fight endless wars”,USS Cole insert, “It is a radical regime, They do bad bad things(Refering to Iran as the leading state-sponsor of terrorism),After again stating that defending the Jewish people is a high priority survivors of the tree of Life massacxre get topped with one guy who survived that Nazi wasve as well, a quick happy birthday chorus for him, Trump describes American rescue from a German train the man “remebers” allegedly, “The American soldiers were proof god exists”, “We must keep America great in ourr hearts and many other empty platitudes in an effort to continue the sleeping whiplash of unknown cryptography that is American political theater in 2019.

El Paso Texas is the example Trump cited to justify The Wall but it sounds fishy. (Ochelli had been to this city when it was dangerous. The idea that it was foreign-born criminals who made it that way holds no water from Chuck’s observations.) What else did the Drumpf make up? He actually made reference to The Pledge of Allegiance and His alleged god several Times. Are you tired of this yet? The WWE Hall of Famer delivered the greatest hits every ill-informed MAGA troll eats for breakfast but was it balanced?
Deep State Orange Onion

Nancy seems to be a master of body language. The women in white stole his thunder for a few moments. Find the kindergarten clap in the footage. Trump breathes heavily at the microphone.

Abrams response: Personal story lead describes the circumstances of her family and an act of kindness by her father. “I love our country”. Insert her acts of kindness for federal workers recently suffering under the Government shut-down. Overall, more of a yawnfest than one imagined in Chuck’s opinion. Red Meat for progressives though.

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Open Minds On Air: Undue Influence in Pop-Culture Star Trek

From OpenMindsFoundation.org

In this month’s episode, Pearse is joined by Spike Robinson to launch a new series, “Undue Influence in Pop Culture,” where they plan to examine various popular movies, television series and books through the lens of undue influence and coercive control. This month, they compare and contrast two episodes of classic Star Trek: “Return of the Archons” and “A Taste of Armageddon.”

“Return of the Archons” is a classic example of how Hollywood portrays thought control or “brainwashing”, with a population of blissed-out automatons, only breaking out of tranquility for their purge-like Festival – a society completely under the control of a supercomputer, which was programmed six thousand years ago by the “savior” of their race, Landru. The people are glassy eyed and speaking in a strange, stylized sort of language, with no autonomy or independent thought.

However, it is in “Taste of Armageddon” that the real face of cultural coercion can be seen – for two planets fighting a mechanized, computer-calculated war, their cultures have become so tightly controlled that otherwise sane, rational people – people who talk normally and even persuasively about their “system” are so under the influence of their leaders that they will “willingly” step into vaporization booths, rather than face the indoctrinated phobia of what might happen to their world if they do not comply.

Using these two episodes as a starting point, Spike and Pearse discuss what mind control is, what it isn’t, and how our popular culture informs our opinions on this highly complex subject.

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The Ochelli Effect – Derivative Narrative

From Ochelli.com

The Author of the War State tells us Wall Street Window .com is moving and being expanded.
Mike Swanson joins us in hour 1 to break down the fascinating underbelly of the cult of civilization clashes. How does the War State behave with zealots in tow?
Chuck draws a comparison between Sith lords and “retired” CIA guys. Mike, as usual, provides the adult point of view. Does Trump understand anything aside from profit for his family and praise from the lowest common denominator?
How creepy are CIA guys? Chinese surveillance Checkers. How deeply embedded is the Alex Jones school of thought in the establishment? Where were the Muslim conspiracy plots before Obama showed up?
No matter how corrupt Trump is, his supporters won’t believe it. Meaningless meetings are up next for King Trump also. Maybe Dennis Rodman will save us all.

Pearse Redmond, Porkins himself enters the second hour. It looks like we have to be on the lookout for the reloaded cocaine import agency. Chuck has said for years that the atrocities of Iran Contra, never ended, and were never fully accounted for.
The Salvador Option and the roots of MS13 are explored. Is anyone paying attention? What does the Catholic church have to do with all of this? Is there a right-wing conspiracy to control the whole planet?
Is Ortega evil? Some of the death squad diplomacy of the United States bares responsibility for much of Latin America’s seekers of refuge turning up on our southern border?
A derivative narrative for the same calendar day that Bobby Kennedy was shot 50 years earlier and Ochelli went entirely independent one year earlier.

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Show Notes:

US fingerprints all over Nicaragua’s bloody unrest

The Salvador Option: the US is Once Again Supporting Death Squads in Central America

Porkins Polcy Review episode 141 Exploitation of trauma and neocon psychology with Yuval Laor

This week I am joined by Yuval Laor of the Open Minds Foundation, and one of my co-hosts for Open Minds On Air. We discuss the neoconservative movement, the exploitation of trauma, and Israel. Yuval and I start off the conversation with the breaking news that Donald Trump has decided to pull the US out the Iran Nuclear Deal. We talk about what this means for America and the prospect of war with Iran. Yuval gives us his perspective of this as an Israeli-American, and how the public within Israel is reacting to the news. Yuval and I then shift into the neocons who are obviously happy with Trump’s latest pronouncement. We look at their belief system and the psychology of the movement by using Israel as a template. Yuval talks about the continual use and exploitation of the holocaust and the trauma of it with in Israel. He discusses how this has manipulated Israeli society on a psychological level to the point where they view the Holocaust as constantly being right around the corner. We talk about the way that the Israeli state continually traumatizes its youth with regards to the Holocaust. Yuval and I then break down how this is the same method by which the neocons have sought to manipulate people here in the United States.

Later Yuval and I talk about the power of awe and fervor. Again using Israel as an example we talk about “Jerusalem Syndrome” and how it works on people who are not even religious. Yuval talks about John Kerry’s awe moment at Masada as well. We then shift into high fervor people and their inability to view the world outside of a good vs. evil black and white mentality. Yuval explains how the neocons have psychologically fallen into this mindset, and the ways in which it has effected their views on foreign policy. We also address whether neoconservationism is a cult group or a secret society. We also touch on Trump’s psychology and why he is so susceptible to manipulation, particularly by the neocons. Yuval also discusses the concept of a thought-terminating cliché. Yuval then closes out the episode with a very appropriate joke.

Download PPR episode 141

Show Notes:

Yuval Laor

Open Minds On Air episode 1

Trump Says He’ll Exit Iran Nuclear Deal and Reinstate Sanctions


Defamation (film)

Jerusalem Syndrome

John Nelson Darby

Thought-terminating cliché

The Ochelli Effect: Reality Stars Gone Wild

From Ochelli.com

TV Reality Stars Gone Wild ? Porkins takes the first hour as we slog through the alleged alt. media and the strange ways people will flip their positions to serve emotional stupidity. How exhausted is everyone from the news cycles? Does anyone consider the total effect of mass shootings like the most recent one in Florida ? Does the MSM only get motivated when it is white faces crying for their cameras? By The Way what the hell is that noise outside Redmond’s window? Who in their right mind floats banks deciding if you can have a gun? Is the violence built in to the American culture something that can never be removed? It was a late start , but we got to all of this in the first hour…

Second hour the News Vandal himself JP Sottile joins us to add much needed perspective. After Chuck jokes about JP showing up every 28 Days or so we get into it. Has Agent Orange AKA Trump been the thing the CIA has waited for to destroy legitimate Conspiracy culture? Is this The Ochelli Effect’s Yogi Berra Moment? Are You Not Entertained?

No Mike Swanson This week , but we had two of the best regulars on the show we could get. Mike will return soon to complete the Wall Street History discussion and it will link perfectly to this show.

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Porkins Policy Radio episode 125 North Korea Anthrax Propaganda with Robbie Martin

Robbie Martin joins us for an in-depth look into the most recent saber rattling between the US and North Korea. We start off by talking about the general hysterical political rhetoric that we see here in the US. Robbie and I touch on the size of Trump’s nuclear button as an example. Next Robbie and I explore the strange stories that emerged just before the new year talking about North Korea’s anthrax weapon program. Robbie and I talk about the Ashai Shimbun article that kick started the bogus story, as well as the multiple reports of a North Korean defector with anthrax antibodies in his system. Robbie talks about the problems with this narrative and its similarities to the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. We also look into the science behind these claims and debunk the notion that you can even house anthrax in an ICBM. Later Robbie and I talk about the anti-war movements continued decay, and the lack of voices speaking out against the threat of war in North Korea. Robbie talks about the difficulties in defending the North Korean people. We talk about the ways in which they have become so demonized that most average people could care less if they were murdered by the US military.

In the second hour Robbie discusses his work looking into the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. We discuss how they have fallen off as a topic of discussion and research. Robbie talks about the widespread use of Cipro during this time, and the dangers of using antibiotics unless you are truly sick. We also talk about whistleblower Matt DeHart and his connection to the anthrax investigation. Later Robbie and I dive head first into the latest iteration of Pizzagate by looking into “Qanon”. We discuss what the QAnon story is, its origins, and how it is just the latest example of controlled opposition. The two of us explain why this should not be taken seriously, and look into the sad state that the MAGA movement finds themselves in.

Download PPR episode 125

Show Notes:

A Very Heavy Agenda

Media Roots

North Korea said to be testing anthrax-tipped ballistic missiles

Anthrax antibodies detected in blood of North Korean defector, raising biological weapons fears

North Korea: Building Missiles Armed with Anthrax That Can Hit America?

U.S. Forces Are Training To Capture North Korea’s Weapons Of Mass Destruction

American Anthrax v1.5

Matt DeHart

Welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump

Porkins Policy Radio episode 120 Decline of the US Empire with JP Sottile and Death of Saleh in Yemen

JP Sottile of NewsVandal.com joins me in the first hour to discuss the decline of the US empire. We begin by discussing the continued decline of the US media. JP and I touch on the the ways in which the US media (particularly TV) has become ever more enamored with the cult of celebrity. We discuss the ways in which the TV talking heads will obsess over a single tweet by Trump while actual real news is happening all around us. JP and I speculate over the reasons for this trend, and why the media loves to distract us with “news items” about presidential tweets. We also touch on the lighting speed with which the news cycle now runs at. Later JP and I talk about the decline of US dominance globally and how this may explain why we are seeing so many violent conflicts erupting across the globe. JP focuses on the numerous crises in the Middle East, and how they are being exploited in order to stave of the eventual death of both the US and Saudi Arabia.

I begin the second hour by briefly touching on the arrest and escape of former Georgian President JP Saakashvili. I then turn my attention to the recent murder of former president of Yemen Ali Abduallah Saleh. I give a brief look at the recent history of modern Yemen and how it has continually been used by regional and world powers. I also talk about the Arab Spring which ousted Saleh and his return to power in 2015 with the Houthi movement. I then explore the Houthi’s and attempt to explain some of the complexities surrounding their political movement. The issue of Iranian support for them is also explored. I finish off by discussing my displeasure with some of the political rhetoric from left which appears to be supporting war against Saudi Arabia. I talk about the problems with choosing sides in any war and Yemen in particular. I also talk about how this still fits into the US/Saudi narrative of their being a “good” and “bad” side in this war.

Download PPR episode 120

Show Notes:

News Vandal

Ukrainian Prosecutors Call For Manhunt After Saakashvili Freed From Custody

Yemen – Saudis Throw The Towel – Saleh is Baaack – Russia Wins

Yemen Without Saleh

Houthis claim takeover of Yemeni capital, president calls for ‘all people’ to rise against them

The Rise of the Houthis

Yemen’s war is destroying a generation of children