Tag Archives: mike pence

Porkins Policy Radio episode 176 Ricardo Vaz on Venezuela and the Naked Imperialism of the US

Ricardo Vaz of Venezuelanalysis.com joined me to discuss the ongoing regime change operations in Venezuela. We stared off by discussing the recent return of so called “interim president” Juan Guaido after his visit to several Latin American including Colombia and Brazil. Ricardo talked about the muted response from Maduro, who allowed Guaido to return with out a fuss after being banned from international travel. Ricardo also talked about the response on the ground in Venezuela to Guaido’s return, and the fact that he appears to be losing some momentum as a political leader. We also talked about Guaido’s recent travel where he was allegedly scolded by US Vice President Mike Pence in Venezuela. Ricardo and I also broke down some of the wild statistics that figures like Guaido and John Bolton have been bandying about. We focused on the claims of 600 army defections and 20,000 Cuban intelligence operatives working inside Venezuela. We also touched on the devastating impact of the sanctions on medicine like insulin and the bridge-aid standoff . We fished off the conversation by discussing some of the other opposition figures including Leopoldo Lopez, Julio Borges, and Juan Requesens.

Download PPR episode 176

Show Notes:


Guaido Returns to Venezuela amid US Threats Against Maduro

Trump Renews Venezuela Emergency Decree as Maduro Dismisses Guaido Threat

Another Failed Coup in Venezuela?

An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela: Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Coup

Debunking Four Mistruths About Venezuela’s Humanitarian Aid Showdown

The Real ‘Humanitarian Aid’ in Venezuela: Gov’t Supplies Food at Affordable Prices to Local Residents

Heavily Armed Soldiers Aborted a Plan to Enter Venezuela by Force

‘What the Hell Is Going On?’ How a Small Group Seized Control of Venezuela’s Opposition

The Ochelli Effect – Deep State Orange Onion

From OchelliEffect.com

On this special Tuesday Broadcast Pearse Redmond and JP Sottile joined Chuck to do the pre-game show and Live coverage of The State of The Union Address. Both hours are far less painful than the realization that this is a serious look at the alleged leader of the “Free” world.

LBJ may have moved the SOTU to primetime, but Trump just moves your stomach contents closer to your toilet dominating all-time in the fake not-so-much-news cycle 50 years later. Is it now really this complicated? Don’t sit yet.
Deep State Orange Onion

Cliff Notes

Note The designated survivor is Rick Perry. (Not kidding) The advertised one-hour speech ran about 20 minutes over. After attempting to listen to the speech again right after the show, Chuck reports a headache. Support for 45 grew according to instant polling, thus the death of American genius is confirmed.

After noting many guests following a script that would almost sound like a kinder more gentile Trump. Somebody apparently loaded Trump’s speech with every clichéd vapid Neo-Con wet dream of Americana known to the Federalist Society, The Koch Brothers, and beyond.

In the call and answer game with his audience Russian Agent, Orage continued with the following sets of shallow emotional appeals tailored for his supports and the other clapping monkey puppets in Congress.
The Wall, Angel Families, The show of brown faces he is claiming as helped with criminal justice reform and the ask from another reality TV star, The Moon Landing, Random hero-worship for soldiers, He wants others to abandon the politics of revenge, half-hearted celebration of women, AIDS, Cancer, Right wing filler, Anti-abortion, Military bragging, The New Nuclear arms race, pat on the back for nothing actually getting done regarding North Korea, Interference in Venezuala justifications, Attacking socialism, “We Are Born Free”, U-S-A U-S-A U-S-A chants, servitude to Israeli paradigm, Pandering more to troop worshipers, “Great Nations do not fight endless wars”,USS Cole insert, “It is a radical regime, They do bad bad things(Refering to Iran as the leading state-sponsor of terrorism),After again stating that defending the Jewish people is a high priority survivors of the tree of Life massacxre get topped with one guy who survived that Nazi wasve as well, a quick happy birthday chorus for him, Trump describes American rescue from a German train the man “remebers” allegedly, “The American soldiers were proof god exists”, “We must keep America great in ourr hearts and many other empty platitudes in an effort to continue the sleeping whiplash of unknown cryptography that is American political theater in 2019.

El Paso Texas is the example Trump cited to justify The Wall but it sounds fishy. (Ochelli had been to this city when it was dangerous. The idea that it was foreign-born criminals who made it that way holds no water from Chuck’s observations.) What else did the Drumpf make up? He actually made reference to The Pledge of Allegiance and His alleged god several Times. Are you tired of this yet? The WWE Hall of Famer delivered the greatest hits every ill-informed MAGA troll eats for breakfast but was it balanced?
Deep State Orange Onion

Nancy seems to be a master of body language. The women in white stole his thunder for a few moments. Find the kindergarten clap in the footage. Trump breathes heavily at the microphone.

Abrams response: Personal story lead describes the circumstances of her family and an act of kindness by her father. “I love our country”. Insert her acts of kindness for federal workers recently suffering under the Government shut-down. Overall, more of a yawnfest than one imagined in Chuck’s opinion. Red Meat for progressives though.

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Porkins Policy Radio episode 170 JP Sottile and Robbie Martin on 2020 Dems, Trumps future, and neocon Tulsi Gabbard

JP Sottile joined me in the first hour to discuss the current political climate and the soon approaching 2020 Presidential election. We talked about the possibility of Trump not running in 2020 and the potential Republicans that might take his place. JP floated the idea of both John Kasich and Nikki Haley running. Later we talked about the seemingly endless list of Democrats lining up to take the nomination. JP and I touch on Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Mitch Landrieu, John Hickenlooper, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Joe Biden. We discussed the multitude of political problems with these potential candidates, and the shift within the Democratic party. JP also touched on the rise of figures like Ocasio Cortez who may represent the first real step towards true democratic-socialism. We also discussed what the true role of William Barr will be while acting Attorney General and the decline of the Trump wing of the GOP.

In the second hour Robbie Martin joined me to break down one 2020 presidential hopeful, Tulsi Gabbard. Robbie explained how Gabbard is wrongly being trotted out as the anti-war/ anti-interventionist candidate in 2020. Robbie talked about Gabbard’s support of torture and her neoconservative views on terrorism and the War on Terror. We touched on her anti-Muslim Hindu nationalist rhetoric and how that contributes to her hawkish views. Robbie and I also talked about the response from the left which has been to praise Gabbard as some sort of peace loving dove who will stop all the foreign wars. We also touched on the recent moves by the US to overthrow Maduro in Venezuela. Robbie and I talked about Venezuela being a true litmus test for anti-imperialists. We end by talking about Gabbard’s bizarre views on gay rights and what supposedly made her a defender of the LGBTQ community.

Download PPR episode 170

Show Notes:






Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Torture During 12/17/14 NDTV

Gabbard: Current policy not hard enough on Islamic extremism

Tulsi Gabbard Is a Rising Progressive Star, Despite Her Support for Hindu Nationalists

What Does Tulsi Gabbard Believe?

‘Homosexual extremists’ remarks come back to bite 2020 hopeful Tulsi Gabbard

Amid mounting coup threats in Venezuela, Maduro begs Trump for dialog

Mike Pence statement on Venezuela

The U.S. Has Venezuela in Its Crosshairs

Trump Recognizes Guaido as Venezuela Leader, Challenging Maduro

Porkins Policy Radio episode 69 Post Election PizzaGate Rant with Robbie Martin and Chuck Ochelli

Today I am joined by frequent guests Robbie Martin and Chuck Ochelli for the second hour. Robbie and I begin by discussing our general feelings about the soon to be President Donald Trump and the post election world. We take a close look at the people that Trump is surrounding himself with as he begins to form his cabinet and administration. We pay particular attention to the small faction of neocon’s that refused to jump on the “Never Trump” bandwagon and instead supported him wholeheartedly. The two of us explore the bizarre connections some of Trumps potential cabinet members and the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. Robbie describes how Vice President elect Mike Pence played a major role in the anthrax propaganda, going so far as to be one of the victims who was infected. We talk about Rudy Giuliani’s company BioONE which was responsible for the clean up of the Florida Sun building after the first anthrax attack. We also touch on Guliani’s chemical weapons drill, Operation Tripod, which was set to be held on September 12, 2001. Robbie and I also talk about PNAC neocon James Woolsey and his efforts to blame anthrax and 9/11 on Saddam Hussein. Robbie also talks about Woolsey’s famous anthrax drill, Operation Dark Winter. We explore the idea of what Trump’s response might be to a 9/11 or biological attack with these men surrounding him.

In the second hour Chuck joins us to discuss why the so called alt-media and conspiracy culture doesn’t seem to care about what is going on behind the scenes of the Trump administration. We talk about PizzaGate and TwitterGate and how they may be being used as a mass distraction. I bring up the suspicious timing of these two stories in relation to the upcoming Jeffrey Epstein deposition. We also explore how these stories have taken on a very scary tone and response from the conspiracy culture. The three of us talk about the fact that we now have Twitter “investigators” openly proliferating alleged child pornography in an attempt to stop it. We give our own advice as to how this should be dealt with and the level to which we should involve ourselves in this sort of work. I also ask Robbie and Chuck their views on the increasing sexualization of children, and how the alt-media/conspiracy-culture may be feeding this beast. We also touch on the similarities between this and the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980’s, and how the occult is not all black magic child sacrifice.

Download PPR episode 69

Show Notes:
Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp,” but he’s filling it with Bush-era “Crazies” instead

A Very Heavy Agenda

Media Roots


