Tag Archives: william barr

The Ochelli Effect – High Finance Low Maxwell Smart

From Ochelli.com

Mike and Chuck discussed the upcoming financial woes due to crash like a violent wave of punishment upon the shores of what was once America. How’s the virus treating you? Are you ready for another lockdown? Does anyone have the ability to predict what will come next?

Pearse Redmond was the guest in the second hour. Ghislaine Maxwell was the main topic of discussion. The Jeffrey Epstein story remains largely untold. What happened during her bail hearing? Who is covering-up for who?

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Show Notes:

Horry County soon could see 1,000 COVID-19 cases a day, making it tops in the state

USA v Maxwell docs

Porkins Policy Radio 195 JP Sottile on Empire and Climate change & Jon Gold on Bill Barr and 9/11 justice

This week JP Sottile joined me for the first hour to discuss the climate catastrophe. We started out by discussing how many people, including myself, have long ignored this issue. We talked about how daunting and overwhelming the crisis is, and how this has led many to feel as though they can’t do anything to make a tangible change. We talked about Sottile’s recent op-ed in Truthout.org which links climate change to the spread of empire. JP talked about the link between US imperialism, the growth of the oil industry, and the damage is has wrought on the environment. We touched on how the Pentagon outwardly acknowledges climate change but continues to exacerbate the underlying problems. We illustrated these points in a discussion on the melting Arctic and the scramble to control its oil. Closing out the first hour, JP touched on the dangers of oil-related products such as plastic.

In the second hour, Jon Gold joined me to discuss some of the latest developments in the unending quest for truth and accountability with 9/11. We started off the the news that Attorney General William Barr has until Friday to decide to release the name of the high ranking Saudi official who oversaw the handling of 9/11 hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. Jon talked about how listeners can get involved in pushing Barr to release the name. Later we talked about a U.S. federal judge ordering the FBI to release documents related to a probe of the the al-Hijji family in Sarasota, Florida, and its “many connections” to the hijackers including Mohammaed Atta. We finished the conversation by talking about the military trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four others, which is set for January 2021 at Guantanamo Bay.

Download episode 195

Show Notes:



We Can’t Confront Climate Change While Lavishly Funding the Pentagon

The Disappearing Male



U.S. Attorney General to decide whether a key name in 9/11 case is a ‘state secret’

U.S. judge orders release of FBI records in Sarasota probe that may tie Saudi royals to 9/11 hijackers


Trial for Men Accused of Plotting 9/11 Attacks Is Set for 2021

Porkins Policy Radio episode 170 JP Sottile and Robbie Martin on 2020 Dems, Trumps future, and neocon Tulsi Gabbard

JP Sottile joined me in the first hour to discuss the current political climate and the soon approaching 2020 Presidential election. We talked about the possibility of Trump not running in 2020 and the potential Republicans that might take his place. JP floated the idea of both John Kasich and Nikki Haley running. Later we talked about the seemingly endless list of Democrats lining up to take the nomination. JP and I touch on Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rourke, Mitch Landrieu, John Hickenlooper, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Joe Biden. We discussed the multitude of political problems with these potential candidates, and the shift within the Democratic party. JP also touched on the rise of figures like Ocasio Cortez who may represent the first real step towards true democratic-socialism. We also discussed what the true role of William Barr will be while acting Attorney General and the decline of the Trump wing of the GOP.

In the second hour Robbie Martin joined me to break down one 2020 presidential hopeful, Tulsi Gabbard. Robbie explained how Gabbard is wrongly being trotted out as the anti-war/ anti-interventionist candidate in 2020. Robbie talked about Gabbard’s support of torture and her neoconservative views on terrorism and the War on Terror. We touched on her anti-Muslim Hindu nationalist rhetoric and how that contributes to her hawkish views. Robbie and I also talked about the response from the left which has been to praise Gabbard as some sort of peace loving dove who will stop all the foreign wars. We also touched on the recent moves by the US to overthrow Maduro in Venezuela. Robbie and I talked about Venezuela being a true litmus test for anti-imperialists. We end by talking about Gabbard’s bizarre views on gay rights and what supposedly made her a defender of the LGBTQ community.

Download PPR episode 170

Show Notes:






Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Torture During 12/17/14 NDTV

Gabbard: Current policy not hard enough on Islamic extremism

Tulsi Gabbard Is a Rising Progressive Star, Despite Her Support for Hindu Nationalists

What Does Tulsi Gabbard Believe?

‘Homosexual extremists’ remarks come back to bite 2020 hopeful Tulsi Gabbard

Amid mounting coup threats in Venezuela, Maduro begs Trump for dialog

Mike Pence statement on Venezuela

The U.S. Has Venezuela in Its Crosshairs

Trump Recognizes Guaido as Venezuela Leader, Challenging Maduro