Tag Archives: FBI

The Ochelli Effect – New York Crazy Babies

From Ochelli.com

We are sorry for the delays on the podcast feed lately.

Mike Swanson wanted to talk about movies. Chuck asked a few questions about financial stuff. The rise of machines is happening and hardly anyone has to go to work anymore. The fall, rise and fall again of Japan get noticed.

Did people spend their Stimmy on drugs? Is it a crazy thing to hang out with naked baby dolls? Does Mike like Star Trek Discovery? Are all gangsters Italian? What if Captain Kirk was a serial killer?

Pearse Redmond and Chuck discussed a few ironic scandals and what cartoons have jumped the shark. Are all the children insane?

Chuck tweeted a picture of a chick on his lap. Is the New York state of mind slightly bent? Is the Cuomo scandal worth talking about?

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Porkins Policy Radio 195 JP Sottile on Empire and Climate change & Jon Gold on Bill Barr and 9/11 justice

This week JP Sottile joined me for the first hour to discuss the climate catastrophe. We started out by discussing how many people, including myself, have long ignored this issue. We talked about how daunting and overwhelming the crisis is, and how this has led many to feel as though they can’t do anything to make a tangible change. We talked about Sottile’s recent op-ed in Truthout.org which links climate change to the spread of empire. JP talked about the link between US imperialism, the growth of the oil industry, and the damage is has wrought on the environment. We touched on how the Pentagon outwardly acknowledges climate change but continues to exacerbate the underlying problems. We illustrated these points in a discussion on the melting Arctic and the scramble to control its oil. Closing out the first hour, JP touched on the dangers of oil-related products such as plastic.

In the second hour, Jon Gold joined me to discuss some of the latest developments in the unending quest for truth and accountability with 9/11. We started off the the news that Attorney General William Barr has until Friday to decide to release the name of the high ranking Saudi official who oversaw the handling of 9/11 hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. Jon talked about how listeners can get involved in pushing Barr to release the name. Later we talked about a U.S. federal judge ordering the FBI to release documents related to a probe of the the al-Hijji family in Sarasota, Florida, and its “many connections” to the hijackers including Mohammaed Atta. We finished the conversation by talking about the military trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four others, which is set for January 2021 at Guantanamo Bay.

Download episode 195

Show Notes:



We Can’t Confront Climate Change While Lavishly Funding the Pentagon

The Disappearing Male



U.S. Attorney General to decide whether a key name in 9/11 case is a ‘state secret’

U.S. judge orders release of FBI records in Sarasota probe that may tie Saudi royals to 9/11 hijackers


Trial for Men Accused of Plotting 9/11 Attacks Is Set for 2021

Porkins Policy Radio episode 193 Jeffrey Epstein distractions and limited hangout with Robbie Martin

This week I started off the first hour by ranting about the media coverage the Epstein Saga has received in the alternative and mainstream. I talked about the way we are deliberately being distracted with stories that either go nowhere or push extremist ideologies. I focused particular attention on the photo of Ghislane Maxwell at In-N-Out Burger which appears to have either staged or photoshopped. The troubling theory describing Epstein as part of the global Zionist conspiracy is discussed. I also took calls from listeners.

In the second hour Robbie Martin joined me to continue and expand this conversation. We looked at the way the conspiracy culture has approached this story. Robbie and I discussed the possibility that what we are seeing now is a limited hangout, designed to control the narrative and ensure that those involved are protected. We talked about why it took so long for the FBI to raid Epstein’s house in the Virgin Islands and if that was designed to ensure that information was destroyed. Later Robbie talked about his theory that Donald Trump may have been involved in his own blackmail operation through the use of his hotels. We finished off the conversation with a look at how Trump has utilized Qanon in the past months, becoming an active participant in the cult like group.

Download PPR episode 193

Show Notes:

EXCLUSIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell’s respectable new life: Jeffrey Epstein’s long-time consort and the alleged procurer of his underage victims has been living with 43-year-old tech CEO at his secluded $3M oceanfront mansion outside of Boston

Jeffrey Epstein’s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell spotted at In-N-Out Burger in first photos since his death

Speculation grows Ghislaine Maxwell is planting appearances to throw the public off her scent

Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister spotted packing up bags near home where socialite was rumoured to be staying

EXCLUSIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell STAGED In-N-Out photo in Los Angeles with her close friend and attorney, using confidante’s dog Dexter in the snapshot

Pic of Ghislaine Maxwell at In-N-Out Burger May Be Fake





Porkins Policy Radio episode 192 Whitney Webb on Jeffrey Epstein’s death, Mossad allegations, listener calls, and more

NOTE: I have removed this episode because I no longer stand by it. I spoke about this and the problematic reporting in a bonus podcast with Aaron Franz. You can call me a shill for Israel or a Zionist. I do not believe that there is a global Jewish conspiracy and I regret having promoted work that skews in that direction.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 191 Whitney Webb on Jeffrey Epstein and the history of sexual blackmail

NOTE: I have removed this episode because I no longer stand by it. I spoke about this and the problematic reporting in a bonus podcast with Aaron Franz. You can call me a shill for Israel or a Zionist. I do not believe that there is a global Jewish conspiracy and I regret having promoted work that skews in that direction.

The Ochelli Effect – Making Money Epstein Bars

From Ochelli.com

A historical exploration with Michael Swanson took us from the beginning of the Twentieth Century to the Post-911 reality in money, gold, and wars flat. Patterns seem to make sense when you remember that worship of the profit for the death industry is the American reality.

Were “Concentration Camps” named correctly in the first place? Who else might have been concentrated into a camp in America’s past and in The World’s present? Woodrow Wilson was from New Jersey, but Chuck is not proud of the guy, but they used to teach kids about him NJ public schools.

Mike gives us his insight into all of this despite Chuck’s mood swings. By The Way, H. Ross Perot Died today?

Pearse Redmond does his round-up of reports and chronology on the Jeffery Epstein Saga. Has one of the rich criminals actually been dealt with? Is there more to come? How disturbing are the case and the lack of reporting that has been when we understand exactly how greasy this whole thing is?

Are high-powered scumbags going to be accountable for their crimes? Trump, Clinton, and way too many names you know are in the mix. A vast sex trafficking network and corrupt Labor Department people are simply not what rape victims need obstructing them from Justice.

Tuesdays are always informative on The Ochelli Effect.

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Show Notes:

USA v Jeffrey Epstein (SDNY Indictment)

SDNY Bail Memo

Bill Clinton statement on Epstein

Trump: “Not A Fan” Of Jeffrey Epstein; “Feel Very Badly” For Alex Acosta

Porkins Policy Radio episode 189 Lizzy on Al Kamandjati and how to help in Palestine / George Nader Arrest

This week I am joined once again my good friend Lizzy to discuss her work in Palestine. Lizzy began by talking about her own personal journey which has led her to live and work full time in Ramallah. We discussed her work with Al Kamandjati, a non-profit which offers world-class music lessons for Palestinian children. We talked about the mission of Al Kamandjati and its founder Ramzi Aburedwan. Lizzy talked about Aburedwan’s life growing up in the Al Amari refugee camp and how this led him to create the organization. Lizzy touched on the day to day struggles that Palestinians face including night raids, checkpoints, and violence at the hands of the IDF. She talked about her own personal experiences dealing with this trauma. Lizzy and I talked about several people she knew who were murdered by the IDF and the psychological toll on the families involved. Later we discussed ways for people to get involved. Lizzy talked about the need for people to simply educate themselves about the reality of the situation. We also talked about simple ways for people to organize here in the US. Later we touched on the complacency and apathy in the US when it comes to the plight of the Palestinians, and how we can overcome this.

In the second hour, I change gears and talked about the recent news that international fixer, Trump transition team member, and convicted pedophile, George Nader, was arrested in JFK Airport for possession of child pornography. I talk about the roots of this case which stemmed from his 2018 arrest in Dulles Airport. I touched on his cooperation with Robert Mueller and the strange way he was “let go” and allowed to return to the UAE. I discussed some of the truly heinous charges against Nader. I also talked about what this may mean in the larger context of Trump World.

Download episode 189

Show Notes:


History of Al Kamandjati

PPR 103 Helping in Palestine and Armchair Investigators

Children of the Stone: The Power of Music in a Hard Land

The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World

Mornings in Jenin: A Novel

The Lemon Tree: An Arab, a Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East

Pity the Nation: The Abduction of Lebanon

Blood Brothers: The Dramatic Story of a Palestinian Christian Working for Peace in Israel

The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in the Middle East

George Nader, Witness in Mueller Probe, Denied Release on Child-Porn Charges

George Nader 2018 criminal complaint

The Ochelli Effect: Facetime Emoticons Marketing Corruption

Bannon described Trump Organization as ‘criminal enterprise’, Michael Wolff book claims

Trump Pal ,Child Rapist George Nader / Green Party Indictment Facts

Porkins Policy Radio episode 187 Jon Gold and Adam Fitzgerald on 9/11 lawsuit and FBI FOIA

This week Jon Gold joined me once again to talk about two recent 9/11 related news stories and the varying degrees of attention they have received in the media. We started off by discussing the recent developments in the 9/11 Victims and Families lawsuit against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Jon and I discussed their latest attempts to force the FBI to reveal the name of a high ranking Saudi government official who was overseeing two Saudi operatives in the United States who provided material support to at least two of the hijackers. We talked about these operatives, Fahad al-Thumairy and Omar al Bayoumi, and their role in helping hijackers Khalid al-Mihdar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. Jon talked about the importance of this particular lawsuit and the continued emotional trauma this has had on the victims and families of 9/11.

Later we discussed the recent FOIA release of the so-called Dancing Israelis which included photocopies of a handful of the infamous photographs taken on 9/11. Jon and I talked about Urban Moving Systems and emphasis that the 9/11 Truth community puts on this particular story.

In the second hour, we continued this conversation along with researcher Adam Fitzgerald. We explored Urban Moving Systems further, talking about their possible connections to some of the hijackers. The three of us also touched on the hijackings themselves and the discrepancies and anomalies that took place that day. We also touched on how films like United 93 have colored our understanding of the event itself. We closed out the conversation by talking about the importance of 9/11 in the current geopolitical landscape, and how it goes a long way to explaining the situation we find ourselves in today.

Download episode 187

Show Notes:



Jon Gold YouTube


Adam Fitzgerald YouTube

(10:25 a.m.) September 11, 2001: Staff in White House Bunker Learns of Flight 93 Crash; Vice President Cheney Already Thinks an ‘Act of Heroism’ Occurred

FOIA Release of 9/11 Dancing Israelis thru the FBI

Newly released FBI docs shed light on apparent Mossad forknowledge of 9/11 attacks

Previous Hijackings Originating From Within The United States Before 9/11

Porkins Policy Radio episode 183 Kevin Gosztola on Julian Assange and Criminalizing Journalism

This week friend of the show Kevin Gosztola of Shadowproof.com joined me to discuss the latest developments with Julian Assange. Kevin explained the charges that have been brought against Assange and the spin they have received in the media. He talked about the use of term “hacking” and why that is, in fact, an incorrect definition of what Assange has actually been charged with. Kevin also talked about Chelsea Manning who is still in jail after losing a recent appeal. Kevin also talked about the 2017 FBI affidavit which is the theory for the government’s case against Assange, should he be extradited back to the US. Kevin talked about the language used in the affidavit and its similarity to the Espionage Act. We also talked about the government’s theory that Assange aided the enemy through the publication of the Afghanistan War Logs. We discussed how this could set a dangerous precedent for all journalism. Later Kevin and I explored the larger implications of the US government’s attacks on Assange and journalism in general. We touched on the criminalization of basic journalistic practices like eliciting information from sources and protecting sources. We also talked about how this could be used against foreign and Americans journalists across the world. We closed out the first hour by talking about Ecuadorian president Moreno.

In the second hour, I talked about CIA director Gina Haspel’s recent speech and Q&A at Auburn University. I talked about Haspel as the director of the CIA and how she has differed from recent directors. I also touched on the doublespeak and doublethink used throughout her speech encouraging young people to join the intelligence services. Later I talked about comments made by the moderator Lt. Gen. Ronald Burgess regarding Guantanamo Bay.

Download episode 183

Show Notes:



Justice Department Charges Julian Assange With Computer Crime But Alleges Conspiracy To Abet Espionage

FBI Affidavit In Assange Case Shows Government Is Criminalizing Publication Of Afghanistan War Logs

In Rejecting Chelsea Manning’s Appeal, Court Essentially Ignores All Arguments For Release From Jail

2017 Affidavit in support in support of criminal complaint and arrest warrant

CIA Director Gina Haspel Speaks at Auburn University

CIA Director Gina Haspel speaks at Auburn University (full video)

Remembering CIA’s Heroes: Johnny Micheal Spann

Secretary Pompeo Participates in Q&A Discussion at Texas A&M University

Porkins Policy Radio episode 180 Raid on North Korean embassy and Ed Opperman on Qanon hitmen

This week marked the return of PPR to a live show format on Ochelli.com. In the first hour hour I discussed the under reported raid on the North Korean embassy in Madrid. I talked about the shadowy group Cheollima Civil Defense which claimed responsibility for the raid. I discussed the allegations by Spanish authorities that at least two assailants have links to the CIA. Later I talked about the ringleader of the raid, Adrian Hong Chang, and his strange connections to institutions such as Yale and Freedom House. I finish off by touching on Leo Wolosky who has been retained by Cheollima Civil Defense as legal counsel. I also touch on the larger legal and geopolitical implications of breaking into a foreign embassy and stealing cell phone and computers.

In the second hour Ed Opperman joined me for a wide ranging conversation. We started off by talking about Alex Jones’ continued legal problems with Sandy Hook parents. Ed and I discussed the recent deposition Jones had to give. We talked about the responsibility that we have as producers of media to tell the truth. We also touched on the extent to which we are responsible for the actions that out listeners carry out. Ed and I also talked about the danger of going after conspiracy theorists even ones as crazy as Alex Jones. Later Ed and I talked about the recent murder of purported Gambino boss Frank Cali by Anthony Comello. We talk about Comello’s fascination with Qanon and flashing MAGA slogans written on his hand in court. Ed and I discuss whether there is more to this case or if Comello is just a nut or a patsy. We finish off by ranting about how much we hate Michael Avenatti. Ed offers up his expert opinion on if Avenatti will face jail time.

Download episode 180

Show Notes:

CIA implicated in attack on North Korean embassy in Madrid

A shadowy group trying to overthrow Kim Jong Un allegedly raided a North Korean embassy in broad daylight

Cheollima Civil Defense claims responsibility for raid on DPRK embassy in Madrid

Mystery group tied to break-in at DPRK embassy in Madrid will suspend activities

Who Ordered The CIA To Assault North Korea’s Embassy In Spain?

Analysis: Who was behind the raid on the North Korean embassy in Madrid?

Judge Identifies CIA Related Man Who Led The Raid On North Korea’s Embassy In Spain

North Korean embassy assailants filmed the attack to prove their actions, say Spanish police

Dissident group ‘approached the FBI’ after raid on North Korean embassy in Madrid

Spain: FBI offered data stolen in North Korean Embassy raid

Alleged North Korea embassy raider Hong is regime change advocate

Raymond Lee Harvey a.k.a. Osvaldo

Alex Jones / Sandy Hook Video Deposition, Part I

Alex Jones / Sandy Hook Video Deposition, Part II

Frank Cali

Mob boss murder suspect who appeared in court with ‘MAGA forever’ on his hand was ‘dramatically’ changed by right-wing conspiracy websites, lawyer claims in court

Suspect indicted in killing of reputed crime boss Francesco “Frank” Cali

Anthony Comello Says He Shot Gambino Leader Because He Feared for His Life