Tag Archives: DOD

Porkins Policy Radio 195 JP Sottile on Empire and Climate change & Jon Gold on Bill Barr and 9/11 justice

This week JP Sottile joined me for the first hour to discuss the climate catastrophe. We started out by discussing how many people, including myself, have long ignored this issue. We talked about how daunting and overwhelming the crisis is, and how this has led many to feel as though they can’t do anything to make a tangible change. We talked about Sottile’s recent op-ed in Truthout.org which links climate change to the spread of empire. JP talked about the link between US imperialism, the growth of the oil industry, and the damage is has wrought on the environment. We touched on how the Pentagon outwardly acknowledges climate change but continues to exacerbate the underlying problems. We illustrated these points in a discussion on the melting Arctic and the scramble to control its oil. Closing out the first hour, JP touched on the dangers of oil-related products such as plastic.

In the second hour, Jon Gold joined me to discuss some of the latest developments in the unending quest for truth and accountability with 9/11. We started off the the news that Attorney General William Barr has until Friday to decide to release the name of the high ranking Saudi official who oversaw the handling of 9/11 hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. Jon talked about how listeners can get involved in pushing Barr to release the name. Later we talked about a U.S. federal judge ordering the FBI to release documents related to a probe of the the al-Hijji family in Sarasota, Florida, and its “many connections” to the hijackers including Mohammaed Atta. We finished the conversation by talking about the military trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four others, which is set for January 2021 at Guantanamo Bay.

Download episode 195

Show Notes:



We Can’t Confront Climate Change While Lavishly Funding the Pentagon

The Disappearing Male



U.S. Attorney General to decide whether a key name in 9/11 case is a ‘state secret’

U.S. judge orders release of FBI records in Sarasota probe that may tie Saudi royals to 9/11 hijackers


Trial for Men Accused of Plotting 9/11 Attacks Is Set for 2021

Porkins Policy Radio episode 114 Nazi Captain America with Ryan Carey

Ryan Carey joins me once again to explore the strange world of comic books. We begin by looking at freelance comic writer Nick Spencer and his Nazi Captain America story-line. Ryan gives us an overview of Spencer’s reboot which has Captain America as a secret Nazi working for the evil “Hydra” since the very beginning, the Nazi’s winning the war, and good old Cap bringing about the Fourth Reich. Ryan and I talk about Marvel’s marketing of this new Captain America with Hyrda logo’s on all sorts of merchandise. We also touch on the alt-right’s embrace of this new Nazi Captain America. We look at neo-nazi’s wearing Hyrda tee shirt’s at the Charlottesville’s protests, and Andrew Anglin’s positive review of Nick Spencer’s Captain America. Ryan and I then move onto the strange and failed political career of Spencer in Cincinnati. We talk about Spencer’s run for city council and his racist political platform which sought to drive out black owned businesses. We touch on his desire for 200 more cops in order to clean up the streets from the “drug dealers, thugs, and prostitutes.” Ryan and I talk about Spencer’s bogus accusations that black owned radio stations and clubs were encouraging shootings through out the city. We also discuss his claims that a cabal of drug dealers and prostitutes were targeting him for assassination.

In the second hour Ryan and I address the insane complaints about Marvel comics being some sort of propaganda arm of social justice warriors. We juxtapose this with people like Nick Spencer. Later Ryan and I talk about the proposed partnership between Marvel and Northrup Grumman. Ryan explains how this all fell apart at NY ComicCon after fan push back. We explore this proposed crossover with the Avengers and N.G.E.N. (Northrup Grumman Elite Nexus) which would have been a free all ages comic. The comic would have even included full page adds and recruitment information for Northrup Grumman. Ryan and also discuss the long relationship between Marvel and Pentagon. We finish off by musing about the boring and predictable nature off the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and where it may be headed.

Download PPR episode 114

Show Notes:

Trash Film Guru


Four Color Apocalypse

Daily Grind House

A primer on Nick Spencer’s shitty politics


Daily Stormer review of Steve Rogers: Captain America #1

Marvel’s Deal with Arms Manufacturer Draws Criticism

Marvel Cancels Controversial Northrop Grumman Partnership

Marvel And Northrop Grumman Seeking Codebreakers For Team-Up Sweepstakes

King & Gerads Have Redefined Mister Miracle, And Possibly Comics

Interview: Tom King Tackles New Gods Mythology in Mister Miracle

Uncle the Podcast #076 Top Gun movie Review with Tom Secker and Pearse Redmond

From Uncle The Podcast:

Tom Secker of Spyculture.com and Pearse Redmond of PorkinsPolicyReview.com join us again for a movie review. The 1986 classic Top Gun is looked over with a fine toothed comb. Be sure to listen to this podcast to learn more about the movie than you ever knew before.

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Porkins Policy Radio episode 99 National Security Cinema with Matthew Alford and Tom Secker

Tom Secker and Matthew Alford join me today to discuss their brand new book National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood. We begin by talking about the overall structure of the book and why Tom and Matt decided to write it. Matt and Tom talk about how this book is different from other scholarly books on the topic of government influence in Hollywood and entertainment at large. Tom and Matt talk about the wealth of new research that they discovered which shows that this influence has only increased over time. The three of us examine DOD entertainment liaison head, Phil Strubb, and critique his claim that he only plays a minor role in Hollywood. We look at films such Contact, who in exchange for a few military trucks altered every subversive comment on the military, or simply wrote them out of entire scenes. We talk about how powerful a tool this is not just in presenting a particular image, but in ensuring that a particular image is never know to the viewing public. We discuss how the Pentagon continually wants a benevolent representation of themselves even though they continually boast to the media that they are the most destructive force on the planet. We also talk about the Terminator franchise which manages to instill the message that nuclear war isn’t so bad and that the military will always be there to help afterwards.

In the second hour we continue looking at several other cases studies including Hotel Rwanda, Rules of Engagement, and Thirteen Days. In the case of Hotel Rwanda Matt explains how this movie followed all of the US State Department’s talking points about the 1994 Rwandan genocide with no direct influence from the government. Tom breaks down the numerous changes to the structure on Rules of Engagement which would eventually result in arguably the most racist American film about an Arab nation to date. We also focus on the corporatization of the film industry in tandem with the national security state. The three of us rant about the blatant use of product placement in films today and how this is another piece of national security cinema. We end on a slightly positive note by talking about what can be done to combat this pervasive and dangerous problem. Tom and Matt also give some examples from the book of filmmakers which have actively fought against the national security states influence in cinema.

Download PPR episode 99

Show Notes:

National Security Cinema (paperback)

National Security Cinema (Kindle)

The Writer With No Hands

Porkins Policy Radio episode 74 Tom King, the CIA and Comic Books with Ryan Carey

Writer and comic book reviewer Ryan Carey joins me for an in depth discussion of the comic industry and its relationship with the CIA. We begin by looking at the early days of comic books and their first forays into politics during WWII. Ryan talks about the overt left leaning politics of the original Superman comics and how this evolved into a nationalistic pro-US series during WWII. Next we move onto ex-CIA agent Tom King who’s charmed life has led him to the pinnacle of comics, writing the latest Batman comics. Ryan explains how King went from being a clandestine office in Iraq and Afghanistan to moving quickly up the ladder within the industry. We talk about King’s earlier work such as Omega Men and Vision and how shades of his past bled through with the writing. Ryan also talks about The Sheriff of Babylon which is loosely based on his own experiences inside Iraq. Ryan also points out the bizarre circumstances surrounding Kings career and how he continued to move up despite poor comics sales.

Later we discuss the significance and influence that Batman has with the comics industry and why it is so important. Ryan and I talk about why the CIA would gravitate to Batman and seek to influence it and its message. Ryan explains how several of King’s story-lines fit into the narrative the CIA is constantly putting out. We also talk about how the latest Batman comics have Bruce Wayne working indirectly for a shadowy arm of the government. Ryan and I also touch on the fact that CIA asset Ben Affleck is the latest actor to portray Batman and how this couldn’t just be a coincidence.

Download PPR episode 74

Show Notes:

Trash Film Guru


Daily Grindhouse

How one man went from the CIA to writing Batman adventures

The spy who came into the comic book store

Porkins Policy Radio episode 71 Boulder’s Dark Secret: Stephen and Joyce Singular on JonBenet Ramsey

In the first hour we are joined by Stephen Singular and his wife and writing partner Joyce for a follow up episode on the JonBenet Ramsey case. Joyce kick-starts our conversation by giving us her perspective on the case and her involvement in it. Next we move onto the overlooked incident involving a high level city official who was caught with explicit pornography (possible child related) in his desk at work. Stephen and Joyce explain how this relates to the larger issues at play in Boulder: prominent and influential people involved in an underground scene that were never looked at by the police. They explain how this is par for the course when it came to investigating these aspects of the case. I also ask Joyce and Stephen about the possibility that JonBenet’s murder may have been related to blackmail against John Ramsey. Joyce also elaborates on the strange poems that a handful of people (including themselves) received that explicitly named people involved in the murder and child pornography world in Boulder. Later on Stephen and Joyce answer some listener questions about the case. We also explore the larger question of why this case has fallen the way side in recent years. Stephen and Joyce both give their perspectives as to why people no longer want to investigate this case, but also the current developments that are ongoing.

In the second hour I update the listeners on the most recent development in the JonBenet case regarding Burke Ramsey’s lawsuit against CBS and Dr. Werner Spitz. Then I move on to the conspiracy culture and the latest attempt at mainstreaming the movement. I talk about the History Channel show Hunting Hitler and the possibility that it is an experiment and operation designed to influence the movement. I talk about the show’s main host, former CIA agent Bob Baer, and the involvement of the Pentagon in the show. I explore the idea that both the CIA and DOD may be trying to influence the way the alt-media/conspiracy culture conducts research and present themselves to the world at large. I also talk about the pitfalls that this presents to us moving forward and being taken seriously.

Download PPR episode 71

Show Notes:

Porkins Policy Radio episode 68 Presumed Guilty: Stephen Singular on JonBenet Ramsey Murder


Presumed Guilty: An investigation of the JonBenet Ramsey case, the media, and the culture of pornography

Shadow on the Mountain: Nancy Pfister, Dr William Stlyer, and the Murder of Aspen’s Golden Girl

Hunting Hitler

The CIA and Hollywood episode 14 Zero Dark Thirty

Robbie Martin is our final guest for this season as we dissect the 2012 docudrama Zero Dark Thirty. We discussed the difficulty in defining what kind of film this is – somewhere between a spy thriller, a documentary and a dry European art house movie. We get into the well-documented CIA support for the film and ask why this is the only major movie about the Abbottabad raid to get ‘Bin Laden’ and why it wasn’t particularly successful. Was the film meant to serve as a substitute for any real evidence of what happened in Abbottabad in 2011? Did the filmmakers even care whether what they were portraying was true or were they blinded by the excitement of the special access they were granted?

After summarizing the role of senior CIA and DOD intelligence officer Michael Vickers (who is portrayed in Charlie Wilson’s War) we discuss why so many CIA agents are portrayed in movies and TV. The conversation then zeroes in on ‘Maya’ – based on the real life CIA officer Alfreda Frances Bikowsky, who was critically involved in the 9/11 intelligence breakdown and the post-9/11 torture program. Getting back to the film we talk about the raid sequence itself which is very dry and realistic but we never actually see Bin Laden. We conclude that Zero Dark Thirty is like a rorschach test where you can bring your own expectations and prejudices to your experience of watching the movie. We round off talking about the portrayal of torture in the film and ask whether the controversies around the film were created as a smokescreen to avoid people asking the question: was it really Bin Laden?

Download The CIA and Hollywood ep 14

Show Notes:

Zero Dark Thirty

CIA Memo on Rewriting Zero Dark Thirty

Zero Dark Thirty the CIA and DOD files

The ‘Dynamite’ Pentagon Interview Behind ‘Zero Dark Thirty’

Bin Laden Burial took place on Top Gun ship

CIA Inspector General’s Report on Engagement with the Entertainment Industry

Who is Richard Blee (podcast)

Alfreda Frances Bikowsky

Alec Station

CIA’s Queen of Torture Married to Former CIA Official Who Urges War Between Sunnis and Shiites

The CIA and Hollywood episode 11 The Men Who Stare at Goats

Jay Dyer joins us for this episode where we analyse the 2009 comedy The Men Who Stare at Goats, loosely based on Jon Ronson’s book of the same name. It tells the story of a journalist who is inducted into the world of psychic soldiers during the Iraq war. The movie goes on to explain some of the history behind the First Earth Battalion, an experimental Pentagon unit devoted to developing a new generation of super soldier informed by the hippy and New Age movements. We examine what the film leaves out, especially in the form of MKULTRA and similar CIA projects and experiments with similar aims, and ask whether the purpose was not to ask ‘How could love and peace help win wars?’ but to weaponise New Age philosophy and the New Age movement.

The Men Who Stare at Goats is the final movie in the George Clooney/Grant Heslov series before they took the full plunge and made Argo with the help of the CIA. We look at whether Goats – Heslov’s directorial debut – was the final step in their long-term overture to the CIA. The fact that Goats reduces the CIA’s involvement in such projects to a single scene, and was distributed by none other than Overture Films are strong hints towards this. We also map out the evidence and implications of state sponsorship of the entire Goats project, from Ronson’s original book and documentary series through to the Hollywood version. The use of technical advisors who were part of these Pentagon units back in the 70s/80s and who were ‘reactivated’ to help fight the War on Terror implies that at least the DOD, if not the CIA, were in favour of this film. We round off by pondering the plausibility of the remote viewing phenomenon.

Download The CIA and Hollywood ep 11

Vimeo Version

Show Notes:

The Men Who Stare at Goats (book)

Crazy Rulers of the World (documentary series)

The Men Who Stare at Goats (film)

First Earth Battalion Field Manual

Jim Channon’s website (archived)

Goats Declassified: The real men of the First Earth Battalion

Project Hollywood

Pearse Redmond Patreon

Tom Secker Patreon

The Opperman Report: Jeffrey Epstein, O.J. Simpson, and much more


I just had the great pleasure of joining Ed Opperman on the Opperman Report.  We began by discussing the most recent developments with regards to the Jeffrey Epstein case.  I broke down the case as well as the ongoing legal battle between Brad Edwards, Paul Cassell and the government.  I also discuss the recent legal battles that Alan Dershowitz has suffered as he faces an uphill legal fight in his defamation suit.  Ed and I also talk about some of the recent releases’ of depositions in the Epstein case and what they say about Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Dershowitz and the over all scale and scope of this pedophile ring.  Ed and I also talk about our disdain for Donald Trump and his former political strategist Roger Stone.

Later Ed and I discuss the OJ Simpson case and some of our theories on it.  We talk about the possibility of cocaine trafficking as a motive for the murder, and the numerous Scientology connections to the case.

In the after show we are joined by listener Joshua Brookshire and discuss a variety of topics.  I discuss the CIA and Hollywood podcast series,  DOD and CIA FOIA documents, money laundering in Hollywood, Central Asian geopolitics, Bowe Berghdal and much more.