Tag Archives: Iraq

The Ochelli Effect – Baghdadi Dead Again Baseball

From Ochelli.com

Mike Swanson and Chuck discussed what is yet to come in financial news. They also discussed the latest news regarding the World Series. Management is ultimately responsible for how business is affected by resource allocation.

Mike also discussed his process for compiling his morning e-mails regarding the headlines before the opening bell on Wall Street.

Pearse Remond talked about the alleged elimination of the alleged leader of ISIS in the second hour.

Do we have questions about this? Yes, we do. Not only is the bizarre narrative as spoken by Trump strange, but the entire history of the story and figure is it, along with odd facts about the location, just seem to lead to many more questions.

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For show notes please visit Ochelli.com

Porkins Policy Radio episode 125 North Korea Anthrax Propaganda with Robbie Martin

Robbie Martin joins us for an in-depth look into the most recent saber rattling between the US and North Korea. We start off by talking about the general hysterical political rhetoric that we see here in the US. Robbie and I touch on the size of Trump’s nuclear button as an example. Next Robbie and I explore the strange stories that emerged just before the new year talking about North Korea’s anthrax weapon program. Robbie and I talk about the Ashai Shimbun article that kick started the bogus story, as well as the multiple reports of a North Korean defector with anthrax antibodies in his system. Robbie talks about the problems with this narrative and its similarities to the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. We also look into the science behind these claims and debunk the notion that you can even house anthrax in an ICBM. Later Robbie and I talk about the anti-war movements continued decay, and the lack of voices speaking out against the threat of war in North Korea. Robbie talks about the difficulties in defending the North Korean people. We talk about the ways in which they have become so demonized that most average people could care less if they were murdered by the US military.

In the second hour Robbie discusses his work looking into the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. We discuss how they have fallen off as a topic of discussion and research. Robbie talks about the widespread use of Cipro during this time, and the dangers of using antibiotics unless you are truly sick. We also talk about whistleblower Matt DeHart and his connection to the anthrax investigation. Later Robbie and I dive head first into the latest iteration of Pizzagate by looking into “Qanon”. We discuss what the QAnon story is, its origins, and how it is just the latest example of controlled opposition. The two of us explain why this should not be taken seriously, and look into the sad state that the MAGA movement finds themselves in.

Download PPR episode 125

Show Notes:

A Very Heavy Agenda

Media Roots

North Korea said to be testing anthrax-tipped ballistic missiles

Anthrax antibodies detected in blood of North Korean defector, raising biological weapons fears

North Korea: Building Missiles Armed with Anthrax That Can Hit America?

U.S. Forces Are Training To Capture North Korea’s Weapons Of Mass Destruction

American Anthrax v1.5

Matt DeHart

Welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump

Porkins Policy Radio episode 113 Michael Swanson on Ken Burns Vietnam Propaganda

Michael Swanson, the author of The War State, joins me for an in-depth discussion of the Ken Burns and Lynn Novick Vietnam documentary series. I begin the conversation by discussing my own fascination with the Vietnam War. I talk about the influence my father has had on my understanding of the war, touching on his experiences with the army when he was drafted in 1969. Michael and I then dive into the film itself. We look at some of the serious flaws and aspects that the we felt were left out with the film including the CIA and drug trafficking. Michael and I dive deeper into the bizarre narrative that Burns and Novick craft, whereby the politicians and military leaders are never shown actually making policy decisions, but instead are shown as making bad choices with good intentions. Michael and I explore this concept in some depth and offer up our own reasons for why the Vietnam war was not started “in good faith by decent men.” Michael and I also critique the way in which the Gulf of Tonkin Incident is handled in the film. We explain how the film avoids admitting that the whole incident was made up and instead repeats an outright lie.

In the second hour Michael and I talk about some of the government talking heads that appear in film such as: John Negroponte, Leslie Gelb, Rufus Philips, and Donald Gregg. We explore their backgrounds and the destructive impact they had on the Vietnamese people. I talk with Michael about the Phoenix Program which is only briefly touched on in the whole series. We explore why Burns and Novick lay most of the blame of the Phoenix Program at the feet of the Vietnamese. Michael also elaborates on this by talking about the negative portrayal of the Vietnamese through out the film. We pay particular attention to North Vietnamese leader Le Duan and South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem. Michael and I also discuss the documentaries skewed version of the assassination of Diem, and how yet again the CIA is almost completely airbrushed out of it. Michael and I touch on Lucien Conein’s integral role in the assassination as well as heroin trafficking. We also discuss the CIA’s war in Laos and discuss the overarching agenda behind the film. Michael and I also talk about the impact of Vietnam and its parallels with the Iraq and Afghan War.

Download PPR episode 113

Show Notes:

The War State

The War State (book)

Wall Street Window

PPR Special Michael Swanson Ken Burns Vietnam Extra

The Vietnam War

Douglas Valentine: Expectations for PBS/Ken Burns’ “The Vietnam War”

Reflections on the Vietnam War and the Ken Burns/PBS Series: John Ketwig

Alfred W. McCoy: The History of the Southeast Asian Drug Trade

What the Pentagon Papers Do and Do Not Reveal w/ Peter Dale Scott (1971)

Porkins Policy Radio episode 108 Tom Secker on 9/11 Truth, Legacy of Al Qaeda, and Mind Controlled Hijackers

Tom Secker joins me for a discussion of the sixteenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. We begin by discussing our general emotions and thoughts on the actual anniversary. We discuss how it unfolds both here in New York and across the ocean in the U.K. Tom and I then discuss how 9/11 has evolved into a heavily scripted and predictable event over the past several years. We touch on how the attack is viewed without context, in terms of what actually happened and what followed it. Tom and I also talk about our own personal experiences navigating the 9/11 truth movement. We then move onto Tom’s recent podcast series dealing with history of Al Qaeda. We discuss the legacy of Al Qaeda today and how the group has become largely forgotten by the public. Tom and then debate where Al Qaeda and “Radical Islamic Terrorism” may be headed. I offer up the theory that we may be entering a reset in terms of Al Qaeda. I point to the recent events in both Turkey and Myanmar as examples. Tom offers up the idea that the real battle is between the US and Russia. We endure hour discussing the recent sonic attacks on CIA agents in Cuba, that have left them with hearing loss and mild brain damage.

In the second hour I talk about a pet theory of mine involving the 19 hijackers and the possible use of mind control or some form of mental conditioning. I use Timothy McVeigh as well as Sirhan Sirhan as a basis for my argument. I pay particular attention to the reports of the hijackers snorting coke in strip clubs, and ponder if this had something to do with the concept of mind control. I finish off by touching on why the 9/11 truth movement is reticent to discuss this concept.

Download PPR episode 108

Show Notes:

ClandesTime 121 Operation Terror

ClandesTime 113 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: The Destruction of Yugoslavia

ClandesTime 114 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: Ali Mohamed

ClandesTime 115 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: The Manchester Manual

ClandesTime 116 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: The Embassy Bombings

ClandesTime 117 – An Alternative History of Al Qaeda: The 9/11 Intelligence ‘Failure’

Why Did World Trade Center Building 7 Fall? New Study Claims Gov’t Story False

Tensions rise in northern Syria as US troops and Turkey-backed FSA exchange fire

Aung San Suu Kyi says ‘terrorists’ are misinforming world about Myanmar violence

Foreign powers behind violence in Myanmar

US forces claim exchanging fire in northern Syria’s Manbij, FSA denies

More facts revealed about mystery sonic attacks on US embassy in Cuba

Lone Wolf Research (Wendy S. Painting)

Porkins Policy Radio episode 107 JP Sottile on Evil Jar Jar Binks and the Alt Right’s Alternate Universe

JP Sottile of http://newsvandal.com/ joins me in the first hour to discuss the next phase of the political soap opera that is Trump’s presidency. We focus on a recent article JP wrote examining the alt-right and the fantasy world they continue to live in. JP gives us his analysis of Steve Bannon’s exit from the White House and back to Breitbart. We talk about how Bannon is still very much in control of Trump’s talking points and the trajectory of his policies and ideology. We also touch on the upcoming midterm elections and the predicament for both Trump and the GOP. JP talks about his idea that Trump represents the martyr who will ultimately fail yet still been seen as the victim. The two of us discuss how Trump is a Chauncey Gardiner type individual, where by his supporters and detractors are able to project whatever they want onto him. JP and I also talk about how deep state has evolved since 9/11 and his now very actively and openly working within Trump’s White House. We also touch on how the deep state/globalists are misrepresented by Trump’s sycophants. JP and I also discuss the controversial theory that Jar Jar Binks was in fact a Sith Lord.

In the second hour I talk about Trump’s increase in airstrikes and the huge cost is it inflicting on civilians around the world. I discuss how Trump has expanded Obama’s legacy and continued to redefine words and their meaning to hypnotize us into accepting war and destruction. I also answer a listener question, as well as take another listener to task for leveling some asinine accusations against me.

Download PPR episode 107

Show Notes:



The Alt-Right’s Alternative Reality

Alfred Korzybski

Trump’s Air War Has Already Killed More Than 2,000 Civilians

Trump’s Policy Is Clear: Civilian Casualties Don’t Matter in the War on Terror

Jar Jar Binks was a trained Force user, knowing Sith collaborator, and will play a central role in the Force Awakens

Porkins Policy Radio episode 74 Tom King, the CIA and Comic Books with Ryan Carey

Writer and comic book reviewer Ryan Carey joins me for an in depth discussion of the comic industry and its relationship with the CIA. We begin by looking at the early days of comic books and their first forays into politics during WWII. Ryan talks about the overt left leaning politics of the original Superman comics and how this evolved into a nationalistic pro-US series during WWII. Next we move onto ex-CIA agent Tom King who’s charmed life has led him to the pinnacle of comics, writing the latest Batman comics. Ryan explains how King went from being a clandestine office in Iraq and Afghanistan to moving quickly up the ladder within the industry. We talk about King’s earlier work such as Omega Men and Vision and how shades of his past bled through with the writing. Ryan also talks about The Sheriff of Babylon which is loosely based on his own experiences inside Iraq. Ryan also points out the bizarre circumstances surrounding Kings career and how he continued to move up despite poor comics sales.

Later we discuss the significance and influence that Batman has with the comics industry and why it is so important. Ryan and I talk about why the CIA would gravitate to Batman and seek to influence it and its message. Ryan explains how several of King’s story-lines fit into the narrative the CIA is constantly putting out. We also talk about how the latest Batman comics have Bruce Wayne working indirectly for a shadowy arm of the government. Ryan and I also touch on the fact that CIA asset Ben Affleck is the latest actor to portray Batman and how this couldn’t just be a coincidence.

Download PPR episode 74

Show Notes:

Trash Film Guru


Daily Grindhouse

How one man went from the CIA to writing Batman adventures

The spy who came into the comic book store

ClandesTime 063 Homeland Season 5 ep. 8

From SpyCulture:

This was not the most interesting instalment of Homeland so Pearse and I talked about topics related to the episode including the history of Kosovo and NATO’s use of jihadis in the entire Balkans region, the arrest this week of a mysterious unnamed Montenegrin arms trafficker on his way to Paris, and why it is that the US Marine Corps Entertainment Liaison Office reports do not make any mention of Homeland.  Pearse hypothesises that the USMC and Homeland had some kind of deniable outside-the-loop relationship and that suggests a much larger degree of co-operation than usual.

Download ClandesTime 063

Vimeo Version

Show Notes:

Watch Homeland season 5

Homeland Season 5 Episode 8 – An Intelligence Expert Weighs In

Marine Corps Entertainment Liaison Office FOIA documents

De-Manufacturing Consent-Fear and Fake Journalism: Is the ISIS Propaganda Working?


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I recently joined Guillermo Jimenez on De-Manufacturing Consent to discuss ISIS, Mathew VanDyke, Steven Sotloff, and a whole lot more.  To listen to the full podcast become a member of Boiling Frogs Post here.

FYI, I myself am a member and can honestly say it is the best $50.00 a year you are likely to spend on real alternative media.


From Boiling Frogs Post:

On this edition of De-Manufacturing Consent: Guillermo is joined by Pearse Redmond, host of Porkins Policy Radio. Pearse breaks down the enigmatic character of Matthew Van Dyke, the former “journalist” turned freedom fighter in Libya, who Pearse refers to as the “CIA’s favorite mercenary.” We discuss his relationship with both James Foley and Steven Sotloff — journalists allegedly kidnapped, murdered, and beheaded by the Islamic State and used in propaganda videos — and the implications of their association with a deceitful, phony journalist, self-professed propagandist, and potential CIA asset.

We also discuss the ongoing fear mongering regarding ISIS, their supposed infiltration of Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, and their plot to sneak across the US border and use Mexican drug cartels to “take out a power grid” in the United States. We detail how such an outlandishly ridiculous story took shape and spread throughout the media, perfectly timed to coincide with the anniversary of 9/11, and how certain sectors of the “alternative media” are feeding into this latest round of fear-based propaganda.

For Show Notes please visit Traces of Reality

ClandesTime 027 Wrong is Right

Aaron Franz and I joined Tom Secker for a roundtable discussion on the  film Wrong is Right; a 1982 political conspiracy thriller/black comedy.  This is without a doubt one of the most bizarre movies I have ever watched.  We discuss the obvious intelligence/military connections, as well as the prophetic memes and terrifyingly accurate predictive programing.  We also break down the meaning and message behind the film.  This was an extremely fun conversation but I would suggest that you watch Wrong is Right first.

Download ClandesTime episode 27

Porkins Policy Radio ep. 19 Mathew Van Dyke: The CIA’s Favorite Mercenary

On this week’s episode we expose the bizarre character know as Mathew VanDyke.  VanDyke is a former journalist who became America’s best know “freedom fighter” in Libya during the 2011 NATO war.  After returning home from the fighting Van Dyke rose to prominence again with his pro-rebel propaganda film on Syria, Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution.  We trace VanDyke’s history through out the Middle East and show how he is most likely some form of CIA asset and mercenary.  In this podcast we also expose some key details which Van Dyke tried his hardest to conceal, including his knowledge that Syrian rebels had chemical weapons, that despite his claims to the contrary he is in fact a paid mercenary, and much more.  Mathew Van Dyke represents a new breed of pro-war propagandists who deserve to be shown for who they are.

Download PPR episode 19

Show Notes:

Who is Mathew Van Dyke? – Truthloader


How Osama bin Laden Changed My Life

CPJ: VanDyke’s deception increases risks for journalists

The Accidental Warrior

The American Filmmaker Who Became A Freedom Fighter In Libya

Twitter conversation where VanDyke claims not to be a mercenary

Not Anymore: A Story of Revolution

Syrian Electronic Army VanDyke Leaks

NATO’s War on Syria Just Got Dirtier


Syria: Media Disinformation, War Propaganda and the Corporate Media’s “Independent Bloggers”

CIA agents emails leaked- CW’s, Sex Scandals, Rigged Interviews…etc

Full Transcript of Leaked Syria ‘War’ Conversation Between Erdogan Officials

NATO Wages Desperate Last Battle in Northern Syria

Mathew VanDyke tweets that he will sue me for defamation


Souls of Mischief – “From 93 Till Infinity”

MISTAH FAB – “Ghost Ride It”