Tag Archives: Boiling Frogs Post

The Ochelli Effect: Sibel without Sally Field plus AFRICOM

From Ochelii.com

Friend of the show and fellow radio host Pearse Redmond joins Chuck to tell the story of his involvement and exit from Boiling Frogs Post and NewsBud. How Chuck and Pearse were first introduced was a few years ago when Pearse accompanied author and alternative media figure Sibel Edmonds to The Ochelli Effect during a promotional campaign to raise mony for the now established Newsbud organization. Pearse tells his side of the story about how , when and why he became disenchanted with the organization and it’s head Sibel Edmonds. In a rare two hour discussion on Tuesday Ochelli Effect (Mike Swanson is normally on the first hour) Pearse goes through not only this story but unpacks Niger and the many silent ops and African branch of the alleged “War On Terror”. We even get to examine the latest installment of , “WTF TRUMP” with audio from a current impeach 45 commercial that has suddenly emerged in the MSM and social media universe. Pearse is now a regular contributor to the show but has been a long standing friend and is heard LIVE on American Freedom Radio Tuesdays.

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When you don’t make the cult

Trans Resister Radio ep. 159 – Pearse Redmond interview Newsbud


FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here:

From The Age of Transitions:

Pearse Redmond returns to the show to tell us about Newsbud. Sibel Edmonds and others are trying to start a new large-scale online news source that will be completely funded by individual people, and not big foundations, corporations or government. If and when Newsbud is up and running Pearse will be a senior producer working full time to bring you more of the kind of material that he now creates at Boiling Frogs Post and Porkins Policy Review. Newsbud is now raising start up money via a Kickstarter campaign.

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TOR Radio: Here’s What Will Set Newsbud Apart from Other Alternative Media Outlets (Pearse Redmond & Sibel Edmonds)

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here:

From Traces of Reality:

On this edition of Traces of Reality Radio: Guillermo is joined by Sibel Edmonds, editor and publisher of Boiling Frogs Post, and Pearse Redmond, host of Porkins Policy Radio, to discuss the new media venture Newsbud. Sibel, Pearse, and Guillermo explain what sets Newsbud apart from the rest of the alternative media, and why a 100 percent reader-supported outlet is vitally necessary in today’s media landscape.

Also on the program: the curious case of Michael Scheuer and his marriage to the CIA’s “Queen of Torture” Alfreda Frances Bikowsky, the media’s overall silence on the issue, and why it matters.

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Show Notes:

BFP: Newsbud – Where Media Integrity Matters


Buzzfeed: CIA’s “Queen Of Torture” Married To Former CIA Official Who Urges War Between Sunnis And Shiites

BFP: Confirmed Identity of the CIA Official behind 9/11, Rendition & Torture Cases is Revealed

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BFP Roundtable Ron Paul and his movement: Was he the answer?

Subscribe to Boiling Frogs Post for the full episode

From Boiling Frogs Post:

With the presidential election seemingly looming over everything in this episode we look back at Ron Paul and his movement, and ask the question: Was he the answer? The three of us break down how all of us got involved in the Ron Paul Revolution and libertarian politics. We discuss how the movement represented a different choice to politics than the rest of the mainstream. Pearse Redmond shakes things up by asking whether Ron Paul was really about change, or whether he was about shifting the alternative community back into the Republican Party. We also touch on the nefarious individuals involved in the campaign that may have played a part in derailing the message of Paul. Later we move on to Rand Paul and break down how he represents a near complete reversal of his father. As we round out the conversation we explore the libertarian movement as a whole and discuss the near absence of women with in it. We also touch on why there are so few women in the alt-media, and the abhorrent way that they are treated by a majority community.

BFP Roundtable – DOD Goes to Hollywood: Largest ever FOIA release from Pentagon’s Entertainment Liaison Office

From Boiling Frogs Post:

In this episode Tom Secker and I are joined by Professor Matthew Alford for a discussion of the Department of Defense’s’ ever increasing relation with Hollywood cinema. We discuss the history and nature of the DOD’s Hollywood Entertainment Liaison office, how this office has existed since the early 1900’s and has had a tremendous influence on the creation of our cinema and culture, the current head of the DOD Entertainment Liaison Office, Phil Strubb, and how he has gone about expanding the scope and influence of the military’s involvement in Hollywood films.

We later move on to a real bombshell – – a massive document dump that Tom and Matt received from the DOD Entertainment Liaison Office through an FOIA request. Representing the largest ever FOIA release of documents from the Pentagon’s Hollywood office, these documents offer a rare glimpse into a persistent propaganda effort by the military. The three of us would also like to encourage everyone in the BFP community to look through these documents and let us know what you find. Tom, Matt and I each discovered different nuggets of information, so we would love to see what you find yourselves. Be sure to let us know in the comments section!

For full episode please subscribe here

BFP Roundtable – Death and Rebirth: The end of Al Qaeda and rise of ISIS


From Boiling Frogs Post:

On this episode we are joined by BFP contributors James Corbett and Christoph Germann for a discussion of the US Deep State’s role in creating ISIS, its evolution, and the possible end of Al Qaeda. The three of us explore the idea of “moderate” Al Qaeda members speaking out against ISIS, and their attempts to save the dying Al Qaeda brand. We also discuss how ISIS has changed the rules of terrorism by ushering in a new level of violence that is devoid of any real political ideology, touching on the notion that they are merely a place holder for some other new form of jihadi movement yet to emerge, and then finish off the conversation by looking at recent geopolitical developments in Central Asia and how these nations are dealing with the threat that ISIS presents.

*We would like to thank James Corbett and Tom Secker for all of their help with the editing of this podcast.

To view the full episode please subscribe to Boiling Frogs Post

DisinfoWars with Tom Secker – The Disinfowar on Terror

disinfowars logo

From Boiling Frogs Post:

Today I am joined by Pearse Redmond of PorkinsPolicyReview.com and one of the hosts of the BFP roundtable. We expand on the last two episodes, responding to some listeners comments, in particular explaining our views of the Oded Yinon plan for a ‘greater Israel’ and the persistent but false rumour that Shin Bet were secretly behind the Entebbe hijacking. Our discussion also explores how Israel is a magnet for people’s attention and hostility not just in the Middle East but all across the world, and how this is likely a deliberate consequence of NATO’s policy of creating and supporting the Israeli state.

Download DisinfoWars episode 5

BFP Roundtable – Exposed: The Timing & Orchestration of Seymour Hersh’s “Bin Laden Kill”

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here:

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here: https://porkinspolicyreview.com/2017/10/25/the-ochelli-effect-sibel-without-sally-field-plus-africom/
From Boiling Frogs Post:

In this BFP Roundtable episode Sibel Edmonds and Pearse Redmond discuss the recent “bombshell” article by Seymour Hersh regarding the so-called Bin laden Raid, offer their analysis of the article itself, and explain why this is yet another attempt to obscure the elephant in the room. The discussion includes two never-before-released revelations regarding the Hersh story and the FBI’s Bin Laden tapes: Extrapolating from her sources, Sibel explains why Hersh wrote this article, the timing of it, and the players and agenda behind it. Later she delivers another bombshell that deals with the FBI’s infamous Bin Laden tapes: From her time as an FBI translator Sibel was privy to some very interesting information regarding these tapes, how they were used by the Deep State, and how this relates back to the Hersh article.

For the full video and audio please subscribe at Boiling Frogs Post

BFP Roundtable: Who is Putin & Why has he let his nation become encircled by NATO

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here:

In this second episode of the new BFP Roundtable series Pearse Redmond, Sibel Edmonds and Tom Secker discuss the recent “revelation” from Putin regarding Gladio B operations in Chechnya. They start with the basic facts that Putin has laid out: intercepts obtained by the FSB show that US officials in Azerbaijan were supporting and backing Chechen rebels during the early 2000’s. The panel each breaks down the interesting timing of these revelations, which come as a series of shake-ups in and around Russia have threatened Putin’s grasp on power. Is this a threat from Putin to the West or a bone to throw to the hardcore nationalists within the Russian Federation? Later they move on to the question of who Putin is as a leader and how he has managed to let his nation become completely encircled by NATO. The group then moves on to how the geopolitical chessboard has been reoriented away from ideological battles into one based on identity and media control. They finish off by looking at how Russia Today fits into this new geopolitical landscape.

For the full video please subscribe to BFP here.

BFP Roundtable: Graham’s So-Called Smoking Gun, Saudi Arabia & Yemen

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here:

From Boiling Frogs Post:

In this introductory episode Sibel Edmonds, Guillermo Jimenez and Pearse Redmond introduce the new BFP Roundtable Season and discuss new ideas and possibilities for coming shows. From there the panel quickly moves on to its first topic: Senator Graham’s so-called smoking gun (The infamous redacted 28-pages), the possible reasons for and timing of this old pickled issue’s circulation, in conjunction with the Saudi Arabia-Yemen angle and connections. The panel heatedly debunks more than one widespread spin used by mainstream and pseudo-alternative media outlets in reporting Saudi Arabia’s assault on Yemen with the carefully-designed Iran element. And finally, the panel invites BFP activist community members to join and expand this discussion and provide their ideas for coming roundtable discussion topics.

*This is our introductory episode for the new BFP Roundtable season. The coming episodes will be here at Boiling Frogs Post, and will be available only to BFP activist members. You can subscribe and join our community here.