Tag Archives: mali

The Ochelli Effect – Mad Mad Mad World News

From Ochelli.com

No Mike Swanson this week. So keeping with the Tuesday tradition on the show of being highly informative, Chuck and Pearse packed as much news and information into two hours as they could

From Bill Barr on Capital Hill to Explosions in Iran, Porkins and Ochelli covered the wild world on sportsman-like conduct without touching upon organized sports.

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Show Notes can be found here I will be adding them to this post in the next few days.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 186 Ken Silverstein on The Intercept, NRA spending scandal, and Venezuela

In the first hour, I went solo and talked about some recent developments in the West African nation of Burkina Faso. I started off with the recent hostage rescue operation by French special forces which freed 4 tourists. I talked about the political instability that Burkina Faso has been facing over the past several years. I also talked about the rumors that the hostages were going to be handed over to the Macina Liberation Front in Mali. I spoke about the rise of jihadi groups across West Africa and how much of it unfolded in 2012 with the ouster of Mali’s president Amadou Toumani Toure. I also discussed the role that France continues to play as a colonial overlord in West Africa. I finished off by looking at a recent attack on a church in northern Burkina Faso and how it might link to gold mining in the country, and how this is exploited by groups like the neocons.

In the second hour the founder of Counterpunch and Washington Babylon, Ken Silverstein, joined me. We started off by talking about Ken’s latest media project WashingtonBabylon.com. Ken talked about the structure of the site and the unique way they are approaching both journalism and political reporting. Later we talked extensively about The Intercept and the myriad problems facing the billionaire-funded outlet. Ken talked about the recent scandal where yet a third whistleblower has been sent to jail after cooperating with The Intercept and Jeremy Scahill. Ken talked about his own time at The Intercept and why he ultimately had to walk away. Ken and I trashed Glenn Greenwald and also talked about the theory that The Intercept is, in fact, an intelligence operation to entrap whistleblowers. Later we talked about some of Ken’s reporting looking at the NRA spending scandal and why Wayne LaPierre paid $14,000 in rent for a summer intern. We finished the conversation by looking at the situation in Venezuela. Ken also teased a bombshell story he is writing on Marco Rubio.

Download episode 186

Show notes:

French special forces rescue hostages in a deadly Burkina Faso raid

French ex-hostages arrive in Burkina Faso capital, pay tribute to soldiers killed

French troops free hostages in Burkina Faso

Macina Liberation Front

The Complex and Growing Threat of Militant Islamist Groups in the Sahel

Burkina Faso: Gunmen Kill Priest, Worshippers in Burkina Faso Church

Burkina Faso church attack: Priest among six killed

Burkina Faso – An Emerging World-Class Gold Province

Nexus Gold Corp



Where Journalism Goes to Die

The Intercept Is The Surveillance State: How Scahill & Cole Got Played By NSC & NSA

Is The Intercept An Intelligence Operation? An Ongoing Inquiry


Why a Coup Is Unlikely in Venezuela

Caracas Chronicles, Part I of an Ongoing Series

Porkins Policy Radio episode 119 Treasure Trove: JFK and Osama Bin Laden documents with Chuck Ochelli

Chuck Ochelli joins me in the first hour to discuss all the recent news regarding the JFK assassination. Chuck tells us about JFK Lancer Conference, where he gave a presentation and received an award commending him for his work on JFK. We then move onto the recent release of files on the assassination. Chuck and I discuss some of the sensationalism surrounding them such as the Hitler in Colombia files. We also talk about the files that documents the US government’s idea to use Soviet planes in false flag attacks in Russia. Chuck and I then explore some of the truly important revelations and confirmations that have come to light. Chuck talks about several files that prove that Priscilla Johnson McMillan was in fact a CIA asset. Chuck also touches on some of the local officials who we can now confirm were involved with the CIA, such as Dallas mayor Earle Cabell. We then discuss the broader implications of this particular release. Chuck and I talk about how the mainstream and alternative media have interpreted these documents. We end by discussing the importance of pursuing
answers to the JFK assassination.

In the second hour I talk about the massive release of documents from the Abbottabad raid back that killed Osama bin Laden. I explain a bit of the history behind the release and the role that the Foundation for Defense of Democracies played. I discuss the initial takeaways that have been reported in the media almost exclusively through FDD and the Long War Journal. I also break down my analysis of the relationship between Iran and Al Qaeda, which has become a major focus of the story. I then raise and attempt to answer several questions I have about the documents in question and the questions over the raid itself and the true history and role of Bin Laden. I talk about the notion that Osama bin Laden was already dead and trove of files is simply a media stunt. I question the ability to gather up 470,000 documents, files, video, audio, etc in the short amount of time that the Navy Seals had. This issue of no internet access and phone lines within the Abbottabad compound is also looked at. Later I explore the ludicrous notion that Bin Laden was running day to day global Al Qaeda operations through letters hand delivered by courier. I finish off by wondering if bin Laden was in fact alive but under house arrest and completely out of the loop. I discuss the idea that he was killed in Pakistan solely for PR purposes. I also talk about where his wives are and why no one has attempted to contact them.

Download PPR episode 119

Show Notes:


JFK Lancer

JFK Assassination Records – 2017 Additional Documents Release

JFK files show informant told CIA Hitler was living in Colombia

U.S. Government Planned False Flag Attacks to Start War With Soviet Union, JFK Documents Show

November 2017 Release of Abbottabad Compound Material

Understanding al Qaeda through the massive trove of Osama bin Laden’s files

The Ochelli Effect: Sibel without Sally Field plus AFRICOM

From Ochelii.com

Friend of the show and fellow radio host Pearse Redmond joins Chuck to tell the story of his involvement and exit from Boiling Frogs Post and NewsBud. How Chuck and Pearse were first introduced was a few years ago when Pearse accompanied author and alternative media figure Sibel Edmonds to The Ochelli Effect during a promotional campaign to raise mony for the now established Newsbud organization. Pearse tells his side of the story about how , when and why he became disenchanted with the organization and it’s head Sibel Edmonds. In a rare two hour discussion on Tuesday Ochelli Effect (Mike Swanson is normally on the first hour) Pearse goes through not only this story but unpacks Niger and the many silent ops and African branch of the alleged “War On Terror”. We even get to examine the latest installment of , “WTF TRUMP” with audio from a current impeach 45 commercial that has suddenly emerged in the MSM and social media universe. Pearse is now a regular contributor to the show but has been a long standing friend and is heard LIVE on American Freedom Radio Tuesdays.

Download episode

Show Notes:

When you don’t make the cult

The Ochelli Effect: Vietnam War Racket Raqqa Rolling Thunder

From Ochelli.com

Hour 1 The Author of “The War State” Michael Swanson continues the series of critiques regard the Ken Burns Documentary on Vietnam. The domestic unrest of 1967 and the how and why of the rise of the anti-war movement itself was the main topic. Has COINTELPRO become reborn? Is Jeff Sessions running Drug War 2.0 ? Is the script of a documentary only important in that you must keep the viewer awake ? Are there better films for one to get a realistic portrait of Vietnam ? Is Burns making a point or just putting his audience to sleep? Should we even take all the air time that we have dissecting this series? Chuck and Mike suggest films that WON’T waste your time. Hearts and Minds , Fog Of War , and Winter Soldier make the list among others.

Hour 2 Pearse Redmond joins us to break down much of the current media chaos caused by the Trump era of alternative facts and brush fire war with the truth, good taste and anything thing that once was the artist formerly known as America. The host of Porkins Policy Radio and Chuck attempt to keep pace with the madness. Vietnam War Racket Raqqa Rolling Thunder ? is history repeating itself or simply stuttering? Can anyone keep up? If people keep saying things are getting better , does it count? Who’s cooking for Putin? As The People of Puerto Rico suffer , Trump complains they haven’t helped themselves? Wars and Rumors of Wars? Wars of Rumors , and Fake News as described by…?

Download episode

The Corbett Report: Pearse Redmond Breaks Down The Neo-imperialism in Africa


Pearse Redmond of Porkins Policy Review joins us for the first time to discuss how divide and rule has been used to neo-colonize the continent of Africa. We discuss how America and its allies have sown the seeds of strife, conflict and genocide in many different countries over the years, and the corporate and geopolitical interests that they are serving. We also discuss China’s role in Africa and whether it truly represents a third way.

Download Corbett Report interview 870

Porkins Policy Review episode 16 The imperial conquest of Libya with Eric Draitser

On this week’s episode we talk with Eric Draitser of Stopimperialism.com.  We discuss the current reality of Libya as it stands three years after the NATO-led war which destroyed what was once the richest and most prosperous nation in Africa.  Eric and I break apart his recent article entitled “The Secret War in Libya”, which delves into the various developments beginning to take form in the south of the country between the Green Resistance and black Libyan tribes.  Rounding out the conversation is a discussion on the role of AFRICOM and its role in helping to destabilize and colonize Africa.  This is a jam packed podcast with a lot of very important information for anyone concerned about the West’s imperial agenda.

Download PPR episode 16

Show notes:

Stop Imperialism

The Secret War in Libya

US expands military net over Africa, checking China’s influence

Latest episode of Stop Imperialism podcast

The Antidote episode 1


Neu! – “After Eight”

Jowandi – “Kutjarra Kutjarra”

PPR episode 9 “Thanksgiving news dump”

Download PPR episode 9

Show notes:

Nuclear Deal with Iran prelude to war, not breakthrough

Tehran accord destined to fail?

FSA will not take part in Geneva 2 talks: Commander

Syrian rebels who have no problem ‘fighting alongside’ Al Qaeda

Sino-US war of nerves intensifies

Mali coup leader Sanogo charged with murder

Will French Troops Bring Peace to Central African Republic

American colonization of Africa rapidly increasing

Alleged CIA chief in Islamabad (named leaked) is Craig Peter Osth

Penny Lane: Gitmo’s other secret CIA facility

Top secret document reveals NSA spied on porn habits as part of plan to discredit ‘radicalizers’

NSA uses pornography to discredit those who question 9/11


“Love Train” – The O’Jays

“Never felt this way (remix)” – Jem 77

Germany about to enter neo-colonial war in Mali

The Bundestag has approved the deployment of 330 military personal to Mali to help France and AFRICOM’s colonial conquest.  This comes on the back of a recent operation by French forces in a village near the strategic city of Gao.  It wasn’t that long ago that France and much of Europe condemned America for their colonial war in Iraq.   Amazing what a few years can do to a population and its leaders.

Obama’s militarization of Africa expands to Niger

Obama’s re-colonization of Africa continues to march on. The imperialist president has alerted Congress that he has sent 100 armed troops to Niger helping to set up the newest drone base in Africa. Supposedly the drone base is there to help the French imperialists fight Al Qaeda militants in neighboring Mali, but this is just cover for AFRICOM’s conquest of west Africa. Even though this is being reported in the mainstream media the general public doesn’t seem to care. For the political right this is totally fine and justifiable in their unending fight against Islamic terrorists, where as the cowardly left is completely fine with this provided the person implementing it has a “D” next to their name. The African people, who will suffer the blowback of such policies, are of course never consulted on wether or not they would like an American special forces operating an assassination drone base in their country. Obama relies on the support of authoritarian African leaders who will sell out their own country for money and military hardware from America. With all of the discussion in the past few weeks on drones, thanks in part to the Senate confirmation hearings of the assassination czar John Brennan, you might think that Americans would at the very least question the perceived benefit of yet another drone base in a foreign country. But alas the general public doesn’t bat an eye. What’s to worry about? It’s not like an influx of American military personal and advisers has ever had a negative effect on a foreign countries politics or internal conflicts.
