Tag Archives: special forces

The Ochelli Effect: Sibel without Sally Field plus AFRICOM

From Ochelii.com

Friend of the show and fellow radio host Pearse Redmond joins Chuck to tell the story of his involvement and exit from Boiling Frogs Post and NewsBud. How Chuck and Pearse were first introduced was a few years ago when Pearse accompanied author and alternative media figure Sibel Edmonds to The Ochelli Effect during a promotional campaign to raise mony for the now established Newsbud organization. Pearse tells his side of the story about how , when and why he became disenchanted with the organization and it’s head Sibel Edmonds. In a rare two hour discussion on Tuesday Ochelli Effect (Mike Swanson is normally on the first hour) Pearse goes through not only this story but unpacks Niger and the many silent ops and African branch of the alleged “War On Terror”. We even get to examine the latest installment of , “WTF TRUMP” with audio from a current impeach 45 commercial that has suddenly emerged in the MSM and social media universe. Pearse is now a regular contributor to the show but has been a long standing friend and is heard LIVE on American Freedom Radio Tuesdays.

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Show Notes:

When you don’t make the cult

The Ochelli Effect: Vietnam War Racket Raqqa Rolling Thunder

From Ochelli.com

Hour 1 The Author of “The War State” Michael Swanson continues the series of critiques regard the Ken Burns Documentary on Vietnam. The domestic unrest of 1967 and the how and why of the rise of the anti-war movement itself was the main topic. Has COINTELPRO become reborn? Is Jeff Sessions running Drug War 2.0 ? Is the script of a documentary only important in that you must keep the viewer awake ? Are there better films for one to get a realistic portrait of Vietnam ? Is Burns making a point or just putting his audience to sleep? Should we even take all the air time that we have dissecting this series? Chuck and Mike suggest films that WON’T waste your time. Hearts and Minds , Fog Of War , and Winter Soldier make the list among others.

Hour 2 Pearse Redmond joins us to break down much of the current media chaos caused by the Trump era of alternative facts and brush fire war with the truth, good taste and anything thing that once was the artist formerly known as America. The host of Porkins Policy Radio and Chuck attempt to keep pace with the madness. Vietnam War Racket Raqqa Rolling Thunder ? is history repeating itself or simply stuttering? Can anyone keep up? If people keep saying things are getting better , does it count? Who’s cooking for Putin? As The People of Puerto Rico suffer , Trump complains they haven’t helped themselves? Wars and Rumors of Wars? Wars of Rumors , and Fake News as described by…?

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