Tag Archives: Republican party

Porkins Policy Radio 167 Stolen Future with Stephen Singular and the Miami Herald on Jeffrey Epstein

In the first hour we are joined by frequent guest Stephen Singular to discuss his latest book Stolen Future: The Untold Story of the 2000 Election. We start off by discussing how this book came into being. Stephen talked about his experiences back in 2000 investigating how the election was manipulated down in Florida and who may have played a role in this. We talked about Election Systems and Software, the industry leader in electronic voting machines, and the company behind the infamous punch cards and hanging chads. Stephen talked about ES&S’ deep ties to the Republican Party and to wealthy far-right groups. Later we discuss how this problem was never solved due to 9/11 and the media’s unwillingness to probe the issue. Stephen and I talk about the future of voting and the dangers of not confronting these issues.

In the second hour I talk all about the recent Miami Herald series on Jeffrey Epstein and the subsequent media coverage. I talk about the recent settlement Epstein made with attorney Brad Edwards, explaining how this is actually a win a a step in the right direction. I also talk about the important federal case seeking to overturn the deal Epstein and his cohorts received. Later I break down the Herald’s series, Perversion of Justice, and discuss what it got right and wrong. I talk about the new information that the Herald has uncovered and how this is yet again another positive step towards real justice.

Download episode 167

Show Notes:


Stolen Future: The Untold Story of the 2000 Election

Perversion of Justice

Brad Edwards and Jack Scarola press conference

Jeffrey Epstein Settles Out of Court in Civil Trial to Avoid Release of New Info

Attorney Bradley Edwards Explains the Latest on Jeffrey Epstein’s Prosecution


Ms. Maxwell’s Motion for an Order to Show Cause re Protective Order

Declaration of Ty Gee in Support of Ms. Maxwell’s Motion for an Order to Show Cause re Protective Order

Dershowitz letter

Porkins Policy Radio episode 162 JG Michael on the Evolution of the Right-Wing Movement: From Moldbug to Gavin McInnes

This week J.G. Michael of Parallax Views joined me to discuss the current state of the right-wing movement. J.G. started out by talking about the intellectual roots of the far right and how that has evolved over the years. He touched on lesser known but highly influential people like Curtis Yarvin and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. J.G. also talked about the role that silicon valley and tech culture within the neoreactionary movement.

Later we discussed right-wing front man Gavin McInnes and his political gang the Proud Boys. We talked about his recent speech at the Met Club where he reenacted the murder of socialist Inejiro Asanuma by right-wing nationalist Otoya Yamaguchi. J.G. discussed how the Proud Boys fit into this complex milieu. We talked about their role as the Republican Parties brown shirts. Later we talked about punk music and some of their connections to the far right. We ended by talking about some of the real people behind these dangerous groups who are merely using McInnes and others as fronts.

Download PPR episode 162

Show Notes:

Parallax Views

Parallax Views Patreon

Zero Books

Zero Books Patreon

Inejiro Asanuma

Founder of Proud Boys Says He’s Arranging Surrender of Men in Brawl

Porkins Policy Radio episode 122 The economy, Bitcoin, AI, and Christmas with JP Sottile and Aaron Franz

Friend of the show JP Sottile joins me in the first hour for an in-depth discussion about the recently passed tax reform bill in the House. We talk about what this reform package is promising and what the possible outcomes may actually be. JP discusses how this will ultimately benefit the richest of the rich in America, while most likely punishing the rest of the nation. We analysis the GOP’s strategy with pushing this wildly unpopular bill. JP and I discuss the idea that this may be part of a longer term strategy of ousting Trump from power. JP touches on Bannon’s attempts to tax the rich more and how this was rebuffed by the Republican establishment. Later we talk about how this may result in the GOP being out of power for some time. We then move onto a discussion of Bitcoin and how this has become the story that everyone is talking about. JP and I link this in with the tax reform bill and the financialization of the world economy. We talk about the idea of Bitcoin being a bubble and the logical result of our highly financialized world. JP and I also touch on the creepy transhumanist aspects of Bitcoin. We talk about the transhumanists behind Bitcoin, and how the embrace of it maybe a prelude to more transhumanists transitions. We end by briefly talking about Trump’s bizarre water drinking habits, and the rumor this is related to possible drug use.

I start off the second hour by talking about my show being reported in major news outlets including the Palm Beach Post and Daily Mail. I discuss how the mainstream media reported on my interview with F Lee Bailey and Pat McKenna, and some of the positives and negatives. Later good friend Aaron Franz joins us to discuss some of the strange occult aspects of Christmas. Aaron talks about the winter solstice’s connection to Jesus and the story of Christmas. Aaron and I also touches on the occult nature of buying a Christmas tree itself. We talk about strange ancient Greek castration practices under evergreen trees. We talk about the life and death ritual of buying a Christmas tree. We then move onto the most recent news stories about AI, focusing mostly on Sophia, Ben Goertzel, and SingularityNET. Aaron talks about Goertzel’s role within SingularityNET and his promotion of the BlockChain. We also talk about the strange rise in acceptance of sex robots and how this could be a pernicious development for society as a whole.

Download PPR episode 122

Show Notes:


House will have to vote for tax-cut bill again

Coinbase Halts Bitcoin Cash Trading Abruptly After Exchange Launch

Age of Transitions


BFP Roundtable Ron Paul and his movement: Was he the answer?

Subscribe to Boiling Frogs Post for the full episode

From Boiling Frogs Post:

With the presidential election seemingly looming over everything in this episode we look back at Ron Paul and his movement, and ask the question: Was he the answer? The three of us break down how all of us got involved in the Ron Paul Revolution and libertarian politics. We discuss how the movement represented a different choice to politics than the rest of the mainstream. Pearse Redmond shakes things up by asking whether Ron Paul was really about change, or whether he was about shifting the alternative community back into the Republican Party. We also touch on the nefarious individuals involved in the campaign that may have played a part in derailing the message of Paul. Later we move on to Rand Paul and break down how he represents a near complete reversal of his father. As we round out the conversation we explore the libertarian movement as a whole and discuss the near absence of women with in it. We also touch on why there are so few women in the alt-media, and the abhorrent way that they are treated by a majority community.

BFP Roundtable – Exposed: The Timing & Orchestration of Seymour Hersh’s “Bin Laden Kill”

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here:

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am no longer associated with Sibel Edmond, or BoilingFrogs/Newsbud. I think she is a con-artist and a petty and vindictive individual. If you want to know more about why I broke off all ties with Sibel you can find out more here: https://porkinspolicyreview.com/2017/10/25/the-ochelli-effect-sibel-without-sally-field-plus-africom/
From Boiling Frogs Post:

In this BFP Roundtable episode Sibel Edmonds and Pearse Redmond discuss the recent “bombshell” article by Seymour Hersh regarding the so-called Bin laden Raid, offer their analysis of the article itself, and explain why this is yet another attempt to obscure the elephant in the room. The discussion includes two never-before-released revelations regarding the Hersh story and the FBI’s Bin Laden tapes: Extrapolating from her sources, Sibel explains why Hersh wrote this article, the timing of it, and the players and agenda behind it. Later she delivers another bombshell that deals with the FBI’s infamous Bin Laden tapes: From her time as an FBI translator Sibel was privy to some very interesting information regarding these tapes, how they were used by the Deep State, and how this relates back to the Hersh article.

For the full video and audio please subscribe at Boiling Frogs Post