Tag Archives: tom secker

ClandesTime 138 The Reflecting Pool


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From SpyCulture.com

I am joined today by Robbie Martin and Pearse Redmond to talk about the 2008 9/11 conspiracy thriller The Reflecting Pool. We pick on various aspects of the film that relate or comment on the 9/11 truth movement, including the bizarre consensus that thermite brought down the WTC which has overshadowed the much more important issue of the destruction of evidence. We also get into the fake CIA Presidential Daily Briefing in the film that has no real-world parallel and therefore seems to be a metaphor about the risks of trusting inside sources. We round off talking about our favourite moments in the movie and on the ending where (SPOILERS) our protagonist appears to have lost his mind.

Show Notes:

The Reflecting Pool

PPR Bonus Podcast episode 16 Cambridge Analytica Rant with Tom Secker

Tom Secker of SpyCulture.com joins me for a discussion of all things Cambridge Analytica. We start off by talking about the recent Channel 4 expose of the company. Tom and I talk about what Cambridge Analytica is being accused of (sexual blackmail, using MI6 agents, manipulating voters) and ask the question is this really anything new? We also focus on James Bond villain Alexander Nix, his mysterious background, and his role as a modern day colonialist. We use Nix’s role in Kenya’s recent elections as an example.

Later we move onto the the purple haired “whistleblower Christopher Wylie and truly begin our rant. We talk about the major ethical problems with Wylie and his role within CA. Tom and I talk about the perception being built around Wylie, and how this doesn’t fit with his actual actions within the data mining company. We close out by talking about the way the liberal media has covered this story. Tom and I discuss how groups like Channel 4 and Hillary Clinton seem to think that the majority of the public are idiots that need to be protected from companies like Cambridge Analytica. We talk about the need for people to actually build defenses against manipulators and not simply vote or buy a certain product because they are “too stupid” to make their own decision.

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Porkins on Sputnik: China Defends 10% Military Budget Increase as ‘Proportionate and Low’

The Chinese government recently announced a near 10% increase in their military budget for 2018. Chinese state media have defended the decision, saying it is part of a modernization program, calling the increase “proportionate and low.”

The increase is the biggest jump in Chinese military spending in recent years. In 2014, the total was $132 billion, which grew to $145 billion in 2015, $147 billion in 2016 and will reach $175 billion next year. Zhang Yesui, a spokesperson for the first annual session of the 13th NPC, explained that the extra money is not to increase China’s overall military capacity, but to update and modernize their armed forces:

“A large part of the growth of the defense budget is to make up for the low military spending in the past and is mainly used to upgrade equipment and improve the welfare of servicemen and women and the living and training conditions of grassroots troops.”

Sputnik spoke to political analyst Pearse Redmond about the geopolitical struggles that are the underlying reasons for China’s consistently growing military expenditure:

“As China becomes more and more integrated in the global economy it understands that maintaining economic superiority requires more security. In Africa, where China has poured vast sums of money into various projects, they have also been quietly building small military bases and developing relationships with various African military and security forces. For example, in Djibouti, once the exclusive military domain of the US, China now operates a naval base adjacent to the Port of Doraleh, which is west of Djibouti City.”

Full article…

Porkins Policy Radio episode 136 Homeland Season 7 Russiagate Redux with Tom Secker

Tom Secker joins e today for our mid season breakdown of Homeland Season 7. We start off by discussing the first major arc of the season, the Ruby Ridge/Waco standoff between O’Keefe and and the FBI. Tom and I discuss the surprisingly balanced approach Homeland has taken to this topic. We discuss the idea that this is a clever attempt at portraying the CIA as the adults in the room willing to negotiate, as opposed to the psychotic gun totting FBI. We also explore the historical events Homeland is touching on: Ruby Ridge and Waco. Tom also mentions the recent shows on the Uni-bomber and Waco which were also quiet sympathetic to Kaczynski and the Branch Davidians. Of course we also talk about our favorite agent provocateur Brett O’Keffe. Later we move onto the second major arc of the season, fake news and Russian Active Measures. Tom and I discuss how this is woven into the story line and the way in which Homeland discusses it. We dissect the new character Yevgeny Gromov, the mysterious head of Russian ops in the US, and talk about how he represents a widely held viewpoint within Russian intelligence.

In the second hour Tom and I dive into the very covert ways in which the CIA are portrayed as the heroes. We again touch on Saul and Carrie as our surrogates for the agency even though neither of them works for the CIA anymore. We ponder if this is a new method for the CIA’s entertainment liaison office. Tom and I also explore several real life parallels that seem to line up with Homeland. We look at the Skripal poisoning and the recent report that Mikhail Lesin was murdered on orders from Putin. We also touch on Saul’s ability to run his own operations with zero oversight while National Security Adviser. We finish off by complaining about the Frannie story-line, our love of the 4chan episode, and our hope that O’Keefe and Dar Adal escape from prison and get their own spin off series.

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Show Notes:

Spy Culture

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Homeland Season 7

Porkins Policy Radio episode 130 Homeland Season 7 Premiere with Tom Secker

Tom Secker of Spy Culture joins me to discuss the season 7 premiere of Homeland. We start off by giving a quick recap of the previous season which saw a faction of the deep state attempt to assassinate President Elect Elibazeth Keane. Tom and I then dive into this season, which breaks with Homeland protocol, and picks up 52 days after the events of season 6. We talk about where we are: President Keane locking up the supposed coup plotters, Carrie trying to expose her overreach, and Brett O’Keefe trying to “tell the truth.” We discuss our general thoughts on this griping first episode and discuss why we are excited for the season progression. We then move onto one of the main themes of this season, the various characters defense and love of the state. Tom and I look at Carrie and Saul and how they represent the “good” CIA trying to restore democracy and civil liberties. We talk about the clever way show runner Alex Gansa and the CIA have inserted this idea without even mentioning the agency once. Tom and I also talk about my favorite character Brett O’Keefe, also known as Alex Jones. Later on we explore the real world parallels that Homeland is introducing including: fractured political state, the threat of an omnipresent deep state after the president, and how Homeland mimics the way families are being torn apart by Trump’s America.

In the second hour Tom and I talk about the interesting mention of 4chan by O’Keefe. I also talk about my theory that they are obliquely referencing Qanon in this episode. We then move onto the climactic scene where coup plotter General McClendon is assassinated inside a federal prison. Tom and I theorize as to who was behind this. I lay out my theory that this may have been a third unknown actor, most likely the Russians. Tom and I finish off by touching on a very revealing interview Alex Gansa gave to Variety. We talk about Gansa’s comments that the CIA is working with the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as his own reference to the deep state going after Trump. I round out the episode by going off about the recent cornstarch anthrax letter that was sent to Donald Trump Jr. I talk about Jack Posobiec’s idiotic comments and lack of historical knowledge about the government orchestrated 2001 Anthrax attacks, as well as Julian Assange’s claims that he received a letter with white powder.

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Show Notes:


Homeland Season 7

‘Homeland’ Boss on Season 7’s Trump Inspiration, Alex Jones and RIP Peter Quinn

PPR episode 125 North Korea Anthrax Propaganda with Robbie Martin

American Anthrax v1.5

Donald Trump Jr.’s Wife Taken to Hospital After White-Powder Scare

Julian Assange claims package containing ‘threat’ and ‘white powdery substance’ sent to him at Ecuadorian embassy

Porkins Policy Radio episode 128 Tom Secker on SEEX and A Tribute to Robert Parry

Good friend Tom Secker joins me today in the first hour for an in-depth discussion of the Science and Entertainment Exchange (SEEX). Tom explains what this little know pseudo-govenment NGO is, and how they have been quietly assisting over 1,300 Hollywood films. We talk about their connection to the National Academy of Sciences and their connection to the state. Tom then discusses their stated aim: to assist Hollywood in depicting accurate science, and the promotion of science and scientists. Tom and I then explore how this is not quite an accurate assessment of their work. We talk about the huge influence that they have on Hollywood productions, including changing aspects of the script and promoting was amounts to science fiction. Tom discusses SEEX’s involvement in Thor, how they made Natalie Portman’s character an astrophysicist and then created a whole add campaign designed around her. We also discuss SEEX’s strange idealized Hollywood depiction of scientists as rich and beautiful. Tom talks about how SEEX seems to have drank the Hollywood kool-aid. We talk about how Science and Entertainment Exchange promotes “cool” scientists over actual science. Later we discuss SEEX’s close relationship with both the Pentagon and the CIA. Tom and I lay out the theory that the Pentagon is simply using SEEX as a front to push a technocratic transhumanist agenda. We finish off the hour talking about why more attention should be paid to SEEX and the work they are doing.

In the second hour I talk about the untimely deaths of musician Mark E. Smith and author Ursala K. Le Guin. I then move onto the passing of investigative journalist Robert Parry. I talk about the tremendous work that Parry did on Iran-Contra and the 1980 October Surprise. I discuss why the loss of Parry is so significant given the sad state of journalism today. I also touch on Prop Or Not’s nasty attack on Parry. I end the show talking about Trump’s upcoming State of the Union and what we should keep an eye out for in his speech.

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Show Notes:

Octopus Books (Broadax)

Broadax (Amazon)

ClandesTime 131 – The Science and Entertainment Exchange

Science and Entertainment Exchange

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortium News

Porkins Policy Radio episode 123 Boxing Day Special with Tom Secker

For my Boxing Day Special I am joined by goof friend Tom Secker. We have a lengthy discussion about the year 2017, our ups and down’s, and some of our favorite and least favorite news stories of the year. We begin by discussing our favorite news stories of the year. Next Tom and I move onto what we felt was the most important news story of the year. We discuss why the War in Yemen and the defeat of ISIS constitute this title. Tom and I also discuss the significance of the #MeToo movement, and some of the problems we have with the way in which the media is covering it. We then move one the most over blown stories of the year, focusing mainly on Russiagate and Pizzagate. Next we talk about our favorite films and TV shows of the year. I of course picked anime for mine. Lastly we talk about our favorite Trump moments of 2017. We finish off by talking about the sort of year we have had and why Tom and I are quite proud of what we have accomplished.

This is a laid back if slightly zanier episode. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our Boxing Day end of the year special.

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Show Notes:

Follow CIA’s Newest Puppy Class!

Pupdate: A Pup Leaves the Class

More facts revealed about mystery sonic attacks on US embassy in Cuba

Luxembourg to further-probe Jean-Claude Juncker’s role in spy scandal

PPR episode 120 Decline of the US Empire with JP Sottile and Death of Saleh in Yemen

War for the Planet of the Apes

ClandesTime 112 – Billions

Welcome to the NHK

Shin Sekai Yori

ClandesTime 126 – American Vandal

Donald Trump stares into solar eclipse without safety glasses, while aides shout ‘don’t look!’

Trump Slurring Words During Jerusalem Speech

PPR Bonus Podcast ep 12 The Final Cut with Tom Secker

Tom Secker and I finish off our trilogy of episodes discussing House of Cards. This month we look at the last season The Final Cut. We discuss Francis’ long political career as it begins it’s twilight phase. Tom and I talk at length about the Cyprus story-line which introduces foreign policy to the show for the first time. We touch on FU’s complete lack of expertise in this realm and how it contributes to his ultimate demise. Tom and I also discuss whether Urquhart’s experiences as a young man in Cyprus made him into the psychopathic individual he is as Prime Minister. Later we explore the characters of Claire Carlsen and Tom Makepeace, as well as our favorite new character Jeffrey Booza-Pitt.

Tom and I also focus on the complex relationship between Francis, Elizabeth, and the security state. We talk about Elizabeth and Corder’s master plan which comes to fruition in the last episode, and how yet again the show accurately portrays the security state as the real center of power in British politics. Tom and and I also touch on two real world events that mimic House of Cards: the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, and Paul Manafort laundering money in the Bank of Cyprus. And of course Tom and return to our ongoing question: is it all about sex?

Quick Note: I apologize for the coughing and sniffling. I was still sick at the time of the recording.

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ClandesTime 126 American Vandal

From Spy Culture:

Today I am joined by old friend Pearse Redmond to review and discuss the Netflix TV series American Vandal, a mockumentary that satirises the true crime genre. Pete Maldonado is a student at a high school in California who starts making a documentary about a fellow student, Dylan Maxwell, who was expelled for graffitti-ing dicks on 27 teachers cars. He soon finds that Dylan is probably innocent, and he and his co-producer Sam set out to find the true culprits and figure out what is really going on. In our discussion Pearse and I get into some of our favourite moments and characters, the style which shifts throughout the series from comedy to drama, the lessons for amateur detectives and the role of social media. We also touch on why true crime is popular and ask whether it merely provides a vicarious thrill or whether it inspires people to become hobby investigators.

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Show Notes:
American Vandal

Porkins Policy Radio episode 117 Breivik Netflix Movie and Saudi Purge

Tom Secker joins me in the first hour to discuss the upcoming Netflix movie about Anders Behring Breivik and the Oslo and Utoya Island attacks. Tom and I talk about why the film is being made now and the state funding it is receiving from the Norwegian government. We then talk about the writer and director of this film Paul Greengrass. Tom explains his career as a government propagandist and focuses on his film United 93. We then talk about the aspects of the attack we anticipate Greengrass and Netflix will leave out of the film. We discuss Breivik’s politics and how they have become adopted by much of the alt and far right in recent times. Tom discusses the notion that the attack may have been intended as a message to far right groups to further embrace this political ideology. We also touch on the idea that this was a Gladio style event, and whether or not Brevik was working for others. Later Tom and I talk about former Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and his current job as Secretary General of NATO. We discuss NATO’s role as it exists today and the power it has. Tom and I finish off by discussing our final episode in our review of House of Cards. I also update the listeners about the return of Porkins Great Game.

In the second hour I rant about the recent political purge in Saudi Arabia and the larger implications of it. I talk about Mohammad bin Salman’s alleged corruption and liberalization campaigns, and how he is using this as a smoke screen for his larger political ambitions. I discuss my thoughts on the forced resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri by the Saudi’s. I talk about how Hariri and Lebanon are being used as a proxy battleground between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Yemen and the famine is also discussed. I finish off by laying out my theory that this is the foreign policy nightmare we can expect from Donald Trump. I also mention the rumors that Trump was bribed directly by Mohammad bin Salman, and how this might explain the recent developments across the middle east.

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Show Notes:
Spy Culture

Too Soon: Netflix’s Anders Breivik Epic Needles Norwegians

Netflix Lands Paul Greengrass Pic About Norwegian Terrorist Who Killed 77

Saudi Arabia detains more than 200 people in widening crackdown

EXCLUSIVE: Senior Saudi figures tortured and beaten in purge

Saudi prince killed in helicopter crash near Yemen border a day after royal purge

Saudi Arabia says prince ‘alive and well’ after rumours of his death

Saudi-owned TV says Hariri was target of assassination plot days ago

Hariri ‘held for refusing to confront Hezbollah’

The Prime Minister of Lebanon’s Unnerving Interview

Saudi attempts to discredit Hariri fail as Lebanese public backs PM

Saudi Arabia agrees to lift blockade on Yemen as children face starvation & cholera

Trump weighs in on Saudi purge in tweets

Crown Prince bin Salman ‘bribed’ Trump, Saudi Twitter whistleblower claims

Trump curtsies for King Salman