Porkins Policy Radio episode 128 Tom Secker on SEEX and A Tribute to Robert Parry

Good friend Tom Secker joins me today in the first hour for an in-depth discussion of the Science and Entertainment Exchange (SEEX). Tom explains what this little know pseudo-govenment NGO is, and how they have been quietly assisting over 1,300 Hollywood films. We talk about their connection to the National Academy of Sciences and their connection to the state. Tom then discusses their stated aim: to assist Hollywood in depicting accurate science, and the promotion of science and scientists. Tom and I then explore how this is not quite an accurate assessment of their work. We talk about the huge influence that they have on Hollywood productions, including changing aspects of the script and promoting was amounts to science fiction. Tom discusses SEEX’s involvement in Thor, how they made Natalie Portman’s character an astrophysicist and then created a whole add campaign designed around her. We also discuss SEEX’s strange idealized Hollywood depiction of scientists as rich and beautiful. Tom talks about how SEEX seems to have drank the Hollywood kool-aid. We talk about how Science and Entertainment Exchange promotes “cool” scientists over actual science. Later we discuss SEEX’s close relationship with both the Pentagon and the CIA. Tom and I lay out the theory that the Pentagon is simply using SEEX as a front to push a technocratic transhumanist agenda. We finish off the hour talking about why more attention should be paid to SEEX and the work they are doing.

In the second hour I talk about the untimely deaths of musician Mark E. Smith and author Ursala K. Le Guin. I then move onto the passing of investigative journalist Robert Parry. I talk about the tremendous work that Parry did on Iran-Contra and the 1980 October Surprise. I discuss why the loss of Parry is so significant given the sad state of journalism today. I also touch on Prop Or Not’s nasty attack on Parry. I end the show talking about Trump’s upcoming State of the Union and what we should keep an eye out for in his speech.

Download PPR episode 128

Show Notes:

Octopus Books (Broadax)

Broadax (Amazon)

ClandesTime 131 – The Science and Entertainment Exchange

Science and Entertainment Exchange

Robert Parry’s Legacy and the Future of Consortium News

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