PPR Bonus Podcast ep 12 The Final Cut with Tom Secker

Tom Secker and I finish off our trilogy of episodes discussing House of Cards. This month we look at the last season The Final Cut. We discuss Francis’ long political career as it begins it’s twilight phase. Tom and I talk at length about the Cyprus story-line which introduces foreign policy to the show for the first time. We touch on FU’s complete lack of expertise in this realm and how it contributes to his ultimate demise. Tom and I also discuss whether Urquhart’s experiences as a young man in Cyprus made him into the psychopathic individual he is as Prime Minister. Later we explore the characters of Claire Carlsen and Tom Makepeace, as well as our favorite new character Jeffrey Booza-Pitt.

Tom and I also focus on the complex relationship between Francis, Elizabeth, and the security state. We talk about Elizabeth and Corder’s master plan which comes to fruition in the last episode, and how yet again the show accurately portrays the security state as the real center of power in British politics. Tom and and I also touch on two real world events that mimic House of Cards: the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, and Paul Manafort laundering money in the Bank of Cyprus. And of course Tom and return to our ongoing question: is it all about sex?

Quick Note: I apologize for the coughing and sniffling. I was still sick at the time of the recording.

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