Tag Archives: conspiracy culture

Failed State Update: The Jeffrey Epstein corner of the conspiracyverse w/Pearse Redmond

From Failed State Update:
Pearse Redmond is a podcaster, writer, and one of the leading figures of the Jeffrey Epstein research community. For years, when no one in the mainstream media cared, Pearse and his cohort were diving deep into Epstein-world, trying to figure out what the man was up to and how to get him put in the slammer for good. In this episode of Failed State Update, we discuss some of the more bizarre aspects of the Epstein case and why it took the mainstream media so long to catch up with the conspiracy theorists.

Joseph L. Flatley website

Joseph L. Flatley on Twitter

Failed State Update Newsletter

Music: “Kevin’s Gate,” “Slow Gaze to Nowhere,” and “Pale Machine” by Eric Smith & Glowing Cloud

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The Age of Transitions – Uncertain Times

Pearse Redmond interview

From TheAgeofTransitions.com

Pearse Redmond returns to the show to help us all take a look around at the strange place we find ourselves in now. QAnon has come a long way since the days that Pearse and Robbie Martin would talk about it on a weekly basis. American foreign policy has taken a political backseat as Trumpism focuses in on all things domestic.

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Porkins Policy Radio episode 197 Qanon Silent but Deadly with Robbie Martin part 1

This week Robbie Martin joined me for the first installment in our new monthly series which looks at the Qanon conspiracy theory and its impact on society at large. We started by discussing the fact that Q has not posted anything since August 1st (due to the 8chan’s removal). Robbie talked about how the Qanon community has handled the absence of “Q drops.” This has mainly taken the form of Q followers believing that Trump’s tweets are now coded messages from Q. We then looked at how Trump himself has become an active participant in the conspiracy theory. Robbie talked about how unprecedented it is to have a sitting president seeding a conspiracy theory, and simultaneously being viewed as the hero in the narrative. Robbie also discussed the historical roots of the Qanon theory and its connections to PizzaGate. He talked about how Qanon evolved out of PizzaGate and the possible role that people like Erik Prince and Steve Pieczenik have played in promoting it. We finished off by looking at how the Qanon theory has influenced the public’s understanding of the recent scandal involving Trump, Biden, and Ukraine.

In the second hour I open the phone lines. Jon Gold called in and gave us an update on the ongoing 9/11 lawsuit against Saudi Arabia. We talked about Barr’s decision to release the name of the high ranking Saudi official who was overseeing the two San Diego hijackers. Later, I talked about the allegations that Iran was behind the recent attack on two Saudi oil facilities. I laid out my reasons for why the US was so quick to shift blame away from the Houthis. I also explored the idea that Iran was behind the attack.

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Porkins Policy Radio 194 How the media continues to cover up the Epstein Saga, and Steve Bannon in Hong Kong with @Gumby4Christ

This week @Gumby4Christ joined me to discuss Jeffrey Epstein. We focused primarily on the media’s handling of the scandal, and the role they continue to play in covering up the scope of the scandal. Gumby and I talk about the strange behavior of the NY Post coverage since Epstein’s death. Gumby discussed the now infamous photo of Ghislane Maxwell at In-N-Out Burger. He talked about why the Post ran such a dubious photo and how this confused the public. Later we explored how many media outlets and journalists seem to be re-writing their own histories covering Epstein. We looked at one NPR segment that garnered a lot of attention. Gumby and I discussed NPR’s reliance on journalist John Connolly and how that raises serious red flags. We talked about the contradictory story that Connolly seems to spinning regarding Vicky Ward, Graydon Carter, and Epstein.

In the second hour we continued our look into the media and their handling of the Epstein saga. We looked at the NYT’s coverage over the years starting with Landon Thomas Jr. and his almost glowing profiles. We also touched on a recent NYT “The Daily” podcast which featured Maria and Annie Farmer. We looked at how Les Wexner was seemingly erased from Farmer’s story. We round out the episode by looking at the curious case of NY Post reporter Larry Celona, his connections to Stanley Kubrick, and how this factors into the conspiracy culture’s theories on Epstein. We closed out by talking about Steve Bannon and his insertion into the Hong Kong Protests.

Download PPR episode 194

Show Notes:


Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims, Denied a Trial, Vent Their Fury: ‘He Is a Coward’

A Dead Cat, A Lawyer’s Call And A 5-Figure Donation: How Media Fell Short On Epstein

Other peoples money: The curious saga of the Wall St broker who informed for the government while his clients funds vanished

All the people all the time: How Donald Trump fooled the media, used the media to fool the banks, used the banks to fool the bondholders, and used the bondholders to pay for the yachts and mansions and mistresses

Was a Vanity Fair Editor Secretly Working for the Church of Scientology?

The Fantasist

The first women to report Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery

Financier Starts Sentence in Prostitution Case

Steve Bannon talking to The Epoch Times

Gumby thread on Bannon and Guo Wengui

Trump, QAnon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of The Epoch Times

Me and Li — Why I left Falun Gong after being a devoted believer for a decade

Porkins Policy Radio episode 193 Jeffrey Epstein distractions and limited hangout with Robbie Martin

This week I started off the first hour by ranting about the media coverage the Epstein Saga has received in the alternative and mainstream. I talked about the way we are deliberately being distracted with stories that either go nowhere or push extremist ideologies. I focused particular attention on the photo of Ghislane Maxwell at In-N-Out Burger which appears to have either staged or photoshopped. The troubling theory describing Epstein as part of the global Zionist conspiracy is discussed. I also took calls from listeners.

In the second hour Robbie Martin joined me to continue and expand this conversation. We looked at the way the conspiracy culture has approached this story. Robbie and I discussed the possibility that what we are seeing now is a limited hangout, designed to control the narrative and ensure that those involved are protected. We talked about why it took so long for the FBI to raid Epstein’s house in the Virgin Islands and if that was designed to ensure that information was destroyed. Later Robbie talked about his theory that Donald Trump may have been involved in his own blackmail operation through the use of his hotels. We finished off the conversation with a look at how Trump has utilized Qanon in the past months, becoming an active participant in the cult like group.

Download PPR episode 193

Show Notes:

EXCLUSIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell’s respectable new life: Jeffrey Epstein’s long-time consort and the alleged procurer of his underage victims has been living with 43-year-old tech CEO at his secluded $3M oceanfront mansion outside of Boston

Jeffrey Epstein’s gal pal Ghislaine Maxwell spotted at In-N-Out Burger in first photos since his death

Speculation grows Ghislaine Maxwell is planting appearances to throw the public off her scent

Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister spotted packing up bags near home where socialite was rumoured to be staying

EXCLUSIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell STAGED In-N-Out photo in Los Angeles with her close friend and attorney, using confidante’s dog Dexter in the snapshot

Pic of Ghislaine Maxwell at In-N-Out Burger May Be Fake





Porkins Policy Radio episode 188 Editorial Report: Journalistic integrity and why racists are not welcome here

This week I addressed some editorial issues regarding the radio show and the types of guests I will not support or promote. I talked about the backlash I received for calling Ryan Dawson a “racist grifter” and why I continue to stand by that statement. I discussed my own journalistic integrity and why I will not allow myself to be tainted by right-wingers simply because they do “good research.”

In the second hour, I took a call from Dimitri who questioned my decision to have Lucien Greaves on the show and take much of what he was saying at face value. We talked about Greave’s’ problematic past which I, admittedly, did not research before when I had him on. I talked about my own reservations now about having him back on, and how this is an inevitable problem when it comes to radio journalism. Later we talked about another controversial figure that people ask me about Dr. Joylln West, whom Jon Atack knew and has talked about on the show before. I talked about the theories regarding West and the Oklahoma City Bombing and how much of that story doesn’t hold up. Chuck helps me finish off the show by talking about the problems that we face as journalists and radio hosts.

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Show Notes:

Anatomy of a Crypto-Fascist Sect

PPR Bonus Podcast ep 26 Michael Swanson on The Death of Lyndon LaRouche

Michael Swanson joined me to discuss the death of cult leader Lyndon LaRouche. We talked about the history of the LaRouche movement and it’s impact on the conspiracy culture. We also touched on LaRouche’s connections with the government and his strange political ideology. Later Michael talked about the decline of the political cult in the age of Qanon.

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Porkins Policy Radio episode 169 Lucien Greaves and Joseph Flatley on Satanic Panic, ISSTD, and False Memories

This week I am joined by journalist Joseph Flatley and Lucien Greaves the co-founder of The Satanic Temple. The three of us talked about the dangers of the recovered memory movement, the ISSTD, and the role that the conspiracy culture plays in this. Lucien discussed what the Satanic Temple does as an organization and why it is interested in exposing Satanic Ritual Abuse for the pseudoscience that it is. We discussed several high profile cases involving the ISSTD, including the murder of Jude Mirra by his mother Gigi. Lucien talked about Gigi’s use of the ISSTD’s Dr. Ellen Lacter. We talked about Lacter’s role in Jude’s death and how the ISSTD handled it. We we also discussed why so many of the psychiatrists and mental health professionals that employ these dangerous methods are still able to practice medicine. We also touched on conspiracy figures such as David Shurter and Fiona Barnett who have made whole careers out of spreading lies about satanic ritual abuse. We round out conversation by talking about how the satanic panic has evolved over the years.

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Satan Goes to the Mind Control Convention: Manchurian Candidates, Recovered Memories, and the Dark Side of Conspiracy Culture

The ISSTD & The Death of Jude Mirra

Buy a copy of Satan Goes to the Mind Control Convention

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PPR ep. 166 Satan Goes to the Mind Control Convention with Joseph Flatley

From LennyFlatley.net

Satan Goes to the Conspiracy Convention is an investigation into the role that conspiracy theories play in American life and the current political climate. The story begins with the author crashing a convention for therapists who promote recovered memory therapy, a discredited (and dangerous) form of therapy that conjures up “memories” of past lives, extraterrestrials, and government mind control operations. From there, the reader will meet Pizzagate enthusiasts, conspiracy entrepreneurs, Satanists, flat-earthers, and people who believe that the Boston Marathon Bombing was a government “false flag” psyop. The story ends on the streets of Pittsburgh during the recent synagogue shooting and its aftermath. Ultimately, the book says, right-wing conspiracy culture is an authoritarian confidence trick that will only get more dangerous over the coming years.


“Joseph L. Flatley goes where few journalists dare to tread: into the heart of America’s conspiracy culture. Sociopaths, quack psychologists, targeted individuals, flat-earthers, antisemites, one world government freaks—no moldy rock is left unturned. Reading this book, first you’ll want to laugh and then you’ll want to run home and lock your doors. Because it makes one thing very clear: America’s conspiracy culture is a lot less fringe, a lot more profitable, and a hell of a lot more right-wing and scary than most of us want to admit.”
— Yasha Levine, author of Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet

“Joe Flatley is that rarest journalistic observer of conspiracy culture: deeply informed of its history and lineages, perfectly rational, and just sympathetic enough to know when harmless eccentricity and justified paranoia bleeds into malevolent madness. In these investigations he is at his best, deep-diving into worlds of belief where the CIA, Satan and the Occult are the only forces that matter.”
— Alexander Zaitchik, author of The Gilded Rage: A Wild Ride Through Donald Trump’s America and Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance

“Nobody gets inside the minds of conspiracy theorists and other American oddballs quite like Joe Flatley. This book is a pleasure to read—and a little frightening.”
— Matt Stroud, author of Thin Blue Lie: The Failure of High-Tech Policing

“A haunting and intimate look into the darker corners of the conspiracy movement, Satan Goes to the Mind Control Convention explores the toxic practices used by groups who exploit and control people seeking help. Joseph L. Flatley clearly demonstrates the dangers they present to an America obsessed by conspiratorial thinking.”
— Pearse Redmond, host of Porkins Policy Radio and Open Minds On Air

Porkins Policy Radio episode 166 Satan Goes to the Mind Control Convention with Joseph Flatley

Journalist and filmmaker Joseph L Flatley joined me to discuss his latest book Satan Goes to the Mind Control Convention: Manchurian Candidates, Recovered Memories, and the Dark Side of Conspiracy Culture (and other stories). We start out by discussing why Joseph decided to write a non-fiction book this time around. Joseph also explained his precise definition of conspiracy theory and conspiracy theorists that is used throughout the book. Joseph and I then moved onto the topics that take up the first half of the book, the recovered memory community and the theory of wide spread Satanic Ritual Abuse perpetrated by the CIA and aliens. We focused on one of the leading charlatan’s in this field Dr. Colin Ross. We talked about the toxic practices that Ross and other employ on their mainly female victims. Joseph used the case of Roma Hart as a template to explain how Ross implants false memories of abuse. Later we talk about the creepier aspects of Ross’ “therapy” which infantilizes women and turns them into children. Joseph also touched on the role that Lucien Greaves and the Satanic Temple have done in exposing many of these dangerous practices. We also discussed Ross’ connections to Scientology.

Later we talked about the broader issues related to conspiracy theory that Joseph bring up in the book. We discussed the rise of right-wing populist conspiracy theory and the role that is playing in everyday life. Joseph talked about his idea that conspiracy theorists are the canaries in the coal mine of society. We closed out the conversation by talking about Robert Bowers and the Tree of Life shooting in Joseph’s native home of Pittsburgh.

Download PPR episode 166

Show Notes:



Satan Goes to the Mind Control Convention: Manchurian Candidates, Recovered Memories, and the Dark Side of Conspiracy Culture (and other stories)

The Fascist Creep: How Conspiracy Theories and an Unhinged President Created an Anti-Semitic Terrorist