Tag Archives: anthrax

Porkins Policy Radio episode 139 Syria Strikes, Skripal Poisoning with JP Sottile and Robbie Martin

JP Sottile joins me in the first hour to discuss the recent airstrikes by the US, UK, and France in Syria. We discuss how this is nothing new for the Trump administration, and how in fact this latest airstrike comes almost on the anniversary of Trump’s earlier strike after the alleged use of chemical weapon. JP and I also discuss how this latest attack appears to have targeted three sites which were completely evacuated and probably were known of in advance. JP talks about the theater that was involved in this latest military action, including Trump’s idiotic use of the phrase “mission accomplished.” We then break down the media’s hyping of this event as a prelude to WWIII. JP and I present several reasons for why this is nothing more than bluster meant to drive traffic on websites. We also explore the notion that this is really the last hurrah of the American Empire. We talk about the decline of US power and their inability to maintain such a large global empire. I talk about the how France has begun filling this imperialist vacuum more and more in Africa.

In the second hour Robbie Martin joins me to breakdown the ever changing narrative of the Skirpal poisoning. We talk about how this fits into the larger context of what we are seeing geopolitically particular with regard to actions in Syria. Robbie talks about how Theresa May wove Skirpal into her decision to help bomb Syria over the weekend. Later we move onto the latest explanation which comes from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that the Skripal’s were exposed to BZ. Robbie explains what BZ is and the history of the US governments experiments with the chemical. We also mention the State Department cable that mentions the possibility of BZ having been used in Syria. The bizarre claim by former KGB operative Boris Karpichkov that Skripal is connected to the murder of GCHQ’s Gareth Williams is also discussed. We end by talking about the danger of these sorts of operations and the rhetoric that is produces within society.

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Show Notes:



The Real Message Behind Trump’s Syrian Strike

Strikes on Syria chemical sites ‘solve nothing’: France’s Macron

ClandesTime Special – Conspiracy Theories: The Salisbury Poisoning

Media Roots Radio – Salisbury, Skripals & Syrian Airstrikes with Tom Secker

Russia Expects Answer From OPCW About of BZ Toxin Presence in Skripal Case

The Best Explanation For The Skripal Drama Is Still … Food Poisoning

Were the Skripals ‘Buzzed’, ‘Novi-shocked’ Or Neither? – May Has Some ‘Splaining’ To Do

Exclusive: Secret State Department cable: Chemical weapons used in Syria

Russian ex-spy sees link between Skripal and GCHQ officer found dead in 2010

Porkins Policy Radio episode 130 Homeland Season 7 Premiere with Tom Secker

Tom Secker of Spy Culture joins me to discuss the season 7 premiere of Homeland. We start off by giving a quick recap of the previous season which saw a faction of the deep state attempt to assassinate President Elect Elibazeth Keane. Tom and I then dive into this season, which breaks with Homeland protocol, and picks up 52 days after the events of season 6. We talk about where we are: President Keane locking up the supposed coup plotters, Carrie trying to expose her overreach, and Brett O’Keefe trying to “tell the truth.” We discuss our general thoughts on this griping first episode and discuss why we are excited for the season progression. We then move onto one of the main themes of this season, the various characters defense and love of the state. Tom and I look at Carrie and Saul and how they represent the “good” CIA trying to restore democracy and civil liberties. We talk about the clever way show runner Alex Gansa and the CIA have inserted this idea without even mentioning the agency once. Tom and I also talk about my favorite character Brett O’Keefe, also known as Alex Jones. Later on we explore the real world parallels that Homeland is introducing including: fractured political state, the threat of an omnipresent deep state after the president, and how Homeland mimics the way families are being torn apart by Trump’s America.

In the second hour Tom and I talk about the interesting mention of 4chan by O’Keefe. I also talk about my theory that they are obliquely referencing Qanon in this episode. We then move onto the climactic scene where coup plotter General McClendon is assassinated inside a federal prison. Tom and I theorize as to who was behind this. I lay out my theory that this may have been a third unknown actor, most likely the Russians. Tom and I finish off by touching on a very revealing interview Alex Gansa gave to Variety. We talk about Gansa’s comments that the CIA is working with the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as his own reference to the deep state going after Trump. I round out the episode by going off about the recent cornstarch anthrax letter that was sent to Donald Trump Jr. I talk about Jack Posobiec’s idiotic comments and lack of historical knowledge about the government orchestrated 2001 Anthrax attacks, as well as Julian Assange’s claims that he received a letter with white powder.

Download PPR episode 130

Show Notes:


Homeland Season 7

‘Homeland’ Boss on Season 7’s Trump Inspiration, Alex Jones and RIP Peter Quinn

PPR episode 125 North Korea Anthrax Propaganda with Robbie Martin

American Anthrax v1.5

Donald Trump Jr.’s Wife Taken to Hospital After White-Powder Scare

Julian Assange claims package containing ‘threat’ and ‘white powdery substance’ sent to him at Ecuadorian embassy

Ochelli Effect: Hyperbolic Trigonometric Identities Clash

Chuck interrupts both of his guests a bit more than usual on this episode. So it looks like being busy producing himself , has not made him shut up any more than anything else. Good thing ? Bad Thing , You Decide…

This Tuesday night we start off with author Mike Swanson who takes us through many concepts. This time we address “supply-side economics”and the contradictions of public pronouncements versus policy. Also addressed is the Wall Street indications versus day to day life. much more in-depth information can be found at https://wallstreetwindow.com and by the way the site is undergoing a bit of a renovation. Plus more … Hyperbolic Trigonometric Identities Clash

Second hour we discuss ICBMs that were not launched on Hawaii and Japan with fellow radio host Pearse Redmond. Was it a test? If yes , a test of what ? Is this the new normal? Does agent Orange AKA Trump have any idea what is going on anyway? 239 Lbs.? Is psychosis a good psy-op? Hyperbolic Trigonometric Identities Clash ? Mass Distraction? Weapons of self-destruction ?Trickle Down Economics ? Korean Hyperbolics?

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Show Notes:

Presidency for Sale: 64 Trade Groups, Companies, Candidates, Foreign Governments and Political Groups Spending Money at Trump’s Properties

The Great Lie of Supply-Side Economics

PPR episode 125 North Korea Anthrax Propaganda with Robbie Martin

North Korea said to be testing anthrax-tipped ballistic missiles

Hawaii missile alert: False alarm warns residents of “ballistic missile threat”

White House: Hawaii false alarm ‘purely a state exercise’

Porkins Policy Radio episode 125 North Korea Anthrax Propaganda with Robbie Martin

Robbie Martin joins us for an in-depth look into the most recent saber rattling between the US and North Korea. We start off by talking about the general hysterical political rhetoric that we see here in the US. Robbie and I touch on the size of Trump’s nuclear button as an example. Next Robbie and I explore the strange stories that emerged just before the new year talking about North Korea’s anthrax weapon program. Robbie and I talk about the Ashai Shimbun article that kick started the bogus story, as well as the multiple reports of a North Korean defector with anthrax antibodies in his system. Robbie talks about the problems with this narrative and its similarities to the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. We also look into the science behind these claims and debunk the notion that you can even house anthrax in an ICBM. Later Robbie and I talk about the anti-war movements continued decay, and the lack of voices speaking out against the threat of war in North Korea. Robbie talks about the difficulties in defending the North Korean people. We talk about the ways in which they have become so demonized that most average people could care less if they were murdered by the US military.

In the second hour Robbie discusses his work looking into the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. We discuss how they have fallen off as a topic of discussion and research. Robbie talks about the widespread use of Cipro during this time, and the dangers of using antibiotics unless you are truly sick. We also talk about whistleblower Matt DeHart and his connection to the anthrax investigation. Later Robbie and I dive head first into the latest iteration of Pizzagate by looking into “Qanon”. We discuss what the QAnon story is, its origins, and how it is just the latest example of controlled opposition. The two of us explain why this should not be taken seriously, and look into the sad state that the MAGA movement finds themselves in.

Download PPR episode 125

Show Notes:

A Very Heavy Agenda

Media Roots

North Korea said to be testing anthrax-tipped ballistic missiles

Anthrax antibodies detected in blood of North Korean defector, raising biological weapons fears

North Korea: Building Missiles Armed with Anthrax That Can Hit America?

U.S. Forces Are Training To Capture North Korea’s Weapons Of Mass Destruction

American Anthrax v1.5

Matt DeHart

Welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump

Porkins Policy Radio episode 69 Post Election PizzaGate Rant with Robbie Martin and Chuck Ochelli

Today I am joined by frequent guests Robbie Martin and Chuck Ochelli for the second hour. Robbie and I begin by discussing our general feelings about the soon to be President Donald Trump and the post election world. We take a close look at the people that Trump is surrounding himself with as he begins to form his cabinet and administration. We pay particular attention to the small faction of neocon’s that refused to jump on the “Never Trump” bandwagon and instead supported him wholeheartedly. The two of us explore the bizarre connections some of Trumps potential cabinet members and the 2001 Anthrax Attacks. Robbie describes how Vice President elect Mike Pence played a major role in the anthrax propaganda, going so far as to be one of the victims who was infected. We talk about Rudy Giuliani’s company BioONE which was responsible for the clean up of the Florida Sun building after the first anthrax attack. We also touch on Guliani’s chemical weapons drill, Operation Tripod, which was set to be held on September 12, 2001. Robbie and I also talk about PNAC neocon James Woolsey and his efforts to blame anthrax and 9/11 on Saddam Hussein. Robbie also talks about Woolsey’s famous anthrax drill, Operation Dark Winter. We explore the idea of what Trump’s response might be to a 9/11 or biological attack with these men surrounding him.

In the second hour Chuck joins us to discuss why the so called alt-media and conspiracy culture doesn’t seem to care about what is going on behind the scenes of the Trump administration. We talk about PizzaGate and TwitterGate and how they may be being used as a mass distraction. I bring up the suspicious timing of these two stories in relation to the upcoming Jeffrey Epstein deposition. We also explore how these stories have taken on a very scary tone and response from the conspiracy culture. The three of us talk about the fact that we now have Twitter “investigators” openly proliferating alleged child pornography in an attempt to stop it. We give our own advice as to how this should be dealt with and the level to which we should involve ourselves in this sort of work. I also ask Robbie and Chuck their views on the increasing sexualization of children, and how the alt-media/conspiracy-culture may be feeding this beast. We also touch on the similarities between this and the “Satanic Panic” of the 1980’s, and how the occult is not all black magic child sacrifice.

Download PPR episode 69

Show Notes:
Trump promised to “Drain the Swamp,” but he’s filling it with Bush-era “Crazies” instead

A Very Heavy Agenda

Media Roots




Porkins Policy Radio episode 13 “Iran, 9/11, and the death of Ariel Sharon with Ryan Dawson”

For today’s podcast we had the great pleasure of speaking with Ryan Dawson of Anti-Neocons Report.  We had a wide ranging discussion about Iran, the death of Ariel Sharon, 9/11, JFK,  and much more.

Download PPR episode 13

Show notes:


War by Deception

Decades of Deception

A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties


Suicide – “Rocket USA”

Suicide – “Ghost Rider”

Porkins Policy Radio Episode 4 “Gasing New Yorkers: Biowarfare then and now”

Download PPR episode 4

Show notes:

If you see something, say something

Don’t panic: NYPD will pump gas into crowded NYC subway system next July in a $3.4M Experiment

NYPD will deploy “harmless” gas into subway in terror response drill

Fed’s expose subway riders to chemical gas and admits ignorance to health effects

NYPD conducting multiple gas attack tests in subway system

Implications of early menopause in women exposed to perfluorocarbons (PFC’s)

You’re more likley to die from brain eating parasites, alcoholism, obesity, medical errors, risky sexual behavior or just about anything OTHER THAN terrorism

Operation Delirium: Decades after a risky Cold War experiment, a scientist lives with secrets

Governments and Biowarfare: A brief history

Plenty to say about subway test gas that isn’t seen

As swine flu spreads, conspiracy theories of laboratory origins abound


New Riders of the Purple Sage “Panama Red”

Carter Family “River of Jordan”