Tag Archives: WWIII

Porkins Policy Radio episode 139 Syria Strikes, Skripal Poisoning with JP Sottile and Robbie Martin

JP Sottile joins me in the first hour to discuss the recent airstrikes by the US, UK, and France in Syria. We discuss how this is nothing new for the Trump administration, and how in fact this latest airstrike comes almost on the anniversary of Trump’s earlier strike after the alleged use of chemical weapon. JP and I also discuss how this latest attack appears to have targeted three sites which were completely evacuated and probably were known of in advance. JP talks about the theater that was involved in this latest military action, including Trump’s idiotic use of the phrase “mission accomplished.” We then break down the media’s hyping of this event as a prelude to WWIII. JP and I present several reasons for why this is nothing more than bluster meant to drive traffic on websites. We also explore the notion that this is really the last hurrah of the American Empire. We talk about the decline of US power and their inability to maintain such a large global empire. I talk about the how France has begun filling this imperialist vacuum more and more in Africa.

In the second hour Robbie Martin joins me to breakdown the ever changing narrative of the Skirpal poisoning. We talk about how this fits into the larger context of what we are seeing geopolitically particular with regard to actions in Syria. Robbie talks about how Theresa May wove Skirpal into her decision to help bomb Syria over the weekend. Later we move onto the latest explanation which comes from Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that the Skripal’s were exposed to BZ. Robbie explains what BZ is and the history of the US governments experiments with the chemical. We also mention the State Department cable that mentions the possibility of BZ having been used in Syria. The bizarre claim by former KGB operative Boris Karpichkov that Skripal is connected to the murder of GCHQ’s Gareth Williams is also discussed. We end by talking about the danger of these sorts of operations and the rhetoric that is produces within society.

Download PPR episode 139

Show Notes:



The Real Message Behind Trump’s Syrian Strike

Strikes on Syria chemical sites ‘solve nothing’: France’s Macron

ClandesTime Special – Conspiracy Theories: The Salisbury Poisoning

Media Roots Radio – Salisbury, Skripals & Syrian Airstrikes with Tom Secker

Russia Expects Answer From OPCW About of BZ Toxin Presence in Skripal Case

The Best Explanation For The Skripal Drama Is Still … Food Poisoning

Were the Skripals ‘Buzzed’, ‘Novi-shocked’ Or Neither? – May Has Some ‘Splaining’ To Do

Exclusive: Secret State Department cable: Chemical weapons used in Syria

Russian ex-spy sees link between Skripal and GCHQ officer found dead in 2010

Porkins Policy Radio episode 73 Carol For Another Christmas with Tom Secker

Tom Secker joins me for a Christmas themed episode. We discuss the 1964 television film Carol For Another Christmas. Commissioned by the United Nations and produced by the Xerox corporation this 1964 film would feature a disturbing retelling of A Christmas Carol. Tom and I discuss the people involved in this movie including director Joseph Mankiewicz, actor Sterling Hayden, and writer Rod Serling. We talk about some of the various intelligence connections some of the individuals had prior to making this film with the UN. Tom and I explore the film as a piece of propaganda and whether or not it succeeds in promoting the United Nations. We break down Peter Sellers amazing performance as “Imperial Me” the hyper-individualist cult leader who takes over in the post apocalyptic world with out the UN. We discuss how this fear based vision represents the “Liberal Consensus” of the UN: with out us there will be WWIII.

Through much of the second hour Tom and I devote time to laying out how ineffectual and corrupt the UN has become. We talk about the contradictory political messages the film presents us with and how this mirrors the many problems of the UN. Looking ahead to the future Tom and I discuss if we are headed to WWIII, and why so much of the news the past week has been decidedly dark for the Christmas season.

Download PPR episode 73

Show Notes:

A Carol For Another Christmas

The UN Goes to the Movies