Tag Archives: joyce singular

Porkins Policy Radio episode 94 Casting JonBenet with Stephen and Joyce Singular / Epstein Updates

Stephen and Joyce Singular join me in the first hour for a discussion of the genre bending documentary Casting JonBenet. Produced by Netflix and directed by Kitty Green, the film employs a novel approach to true crime documentaries: using an open casting call Green interviews Boulder area actors as they prepare for the roles of John and Patsy Ramesy and other major figures in the case, interspersed with some reenactments, and their own theories as to who committed the crime. We begin by discussing our overall feelings of the film and the merits and disappointments of this unique approach. Joyce and Stephen talk about the fact that this is the first major film to come out on the JonBenet case that actually tackles the topic of child porn rings in Boulder. We also focus on the fact that this film is also the first that actually attempts to humanize John and Patsy Ramsey. The three of us talk about several key scenes in the film in which the actors talk about their own personal experiences (some very similar to this case) where they were presented with serious moral dilemmas. We talk about their own responses to these events and how this offers insight into the actions and emotions of the Ramsey family. Joyce and Stephen also talk about the terrify reality that children are presented with on a daily basis, and why JonBenet continues to be exploited to this day. We also touch on pedophile John Mark Karr’s false confession, the culture of child pageants, and the ways in which the media continues to hide the true of what took place 20 years ago. We close out the first hour by briefly talking about OJ Simpson’s upcoming parole hearing.

In the second hour I break down some of the most recent developments in the ongoing Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane legal saga. I address the rumors and allegations that Virginia Giuffre is about to settle her defamation case and why I think it may be bogus. I also explore the other allegations put forth by Conchita Sarnoff that Ghislane Maxwell’s lawyers have no idea where she is. Next I move onto Sarnoff’s recent defense of US attorney and Epstein protector Alex Acosta, and why Sanroff continues to act as the conduit for all important Epstein related news. Later I talk about Epstein’s newest high profile team of lawyers, why he is aligning himself with his employee Lesley Groff, and what this all means moving forward. I finish off by presenting several possibilities for what this all means and if Epstein and company might actually be severed up some real justice. I also announce who my special guest will be next week.

Note: Stephen and Joyce are also working on a new book and documentary dealing with police violence and PTSD. You can find out more about this by visiting StephenSingular.com

Download PPR episode 94

Show Notes:
Stephen Singular

Casting JonBenet full movie

Presumed Guilty: An Investigation of the JonBenet Ramsey Case, the Media, and the Culture of Pornography

PPR episode 68 Presumed Guilty: Stephen Singular on JonBenet Ramsey Murder

PPR episode 71 Boulder’s Dark Secret: Stephen and Joyce Singular on JonBenet Ramsey

Jeffrey Epstein ‘sex slave’ trial postponed

‘Sex slave’ wants Epstein to explain how Prince Andrew allegedly met her

Jeffrey Epstein’s Runaway Procurer

Alex Acosta’s Prosecution Of Sex Trafficking

Alexander Acosta, Donald Trump’s Labor Nominee, Grilled on Secret Deal for Billionaire Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein

Order granting motion for extension of time to effectuate service on defendant Ghislane Maxwell

Steptoe & Johnson LLP

Porkins Policy Radio episode 71 Boulder’s Dark Secret: Stephen and Joyce Singular on JonBenet Ramsey

In the first hour we are joined by Stephen Singular and his wife and writing partner Joyce for a follow up episode on the JonBenet Ramsey case. Joyce kick-starts our conversation by giving us her perspective on the case and her involvement in it. Next we move onto the overlooked incident involving a high level city official who was caught with explicit pornography (possible child related) in his desk at work. Stephen and Joyce explain how this relates to the larger issues at play in Boulder: prominent and influential people involved in an underground scene that were never looked at by the police. They explain how this is par for the course when it came to investigating these aspects of the case. I also ask Joyce and Stephen about the possibility that JonBenet’s murder may have been related to blackmail against John Ramsey. Joyce also elaborates on the strange poems that a handful of people (including themselves) received that explicitly named people involved in the murder and child pornography world in Boulder. Later on Stephen and Joyce answer some listener questions about the case. We also explore the larger question of why this case has fallen the way side in recent years. Stephen and Joyce both give their perspectives as to why people no longer want to investigate this case, but also the current developments that are ongoing.

In the second hour I update the listeners on the most recent development in the JonBenet case regarding Burke Ramsey’s lawsuit against CBS and Dr. Werner Spitz. Then I move on to the conspiracy culture and the latest attempt at mainstreaming the movement. I talk about the History Channel show Hunting Hitler and the possibility that it is an experiment and operation designed to influence the movement. I talk about the show’s main host, former CIA agent Bob Baer, and the involvement of the Pentagon in the show. I explore the idea that both the CIA and DOD may be trying to influence the way the alt-media/conspiracy culture conducts research and present themselves to the world at large. I also talk about the pitfalls that this presents to us moving forward and being taken seriously.

Download PPR episode 71

Show Notes:

Porkins Policy Radio episode 68 Presumed Guilty: Stephen Singular on JonBenet Ramsey Murder


Presumed Guilty: An investigation of the JonBenet Ramsey case, the media, and the culture of pornography

Shadow on the Mountain: Nancy Pfister, Dr William Stlyer, and the Murder of Aspen’s Golden Girl

Hunting Hitler