Tag Archives: socialism

Porkins Policy Radio episode 199 Matthew Alford on Brexit, Boris Johnson, and Black Rod

This week I welcomed Matthew Alford to discuss all things Brexit. We kicked off the show by talking about Boris Johnson’s rise to power. Matt talked about Johnson’s public persona as an “inbred upperclass twit,” and how this has shaped his political career. Next, we dove head first into the ongoing drama of Brexit. Matt updated the listeners on the latest developments, including the announcement of a general election on December 12. Matt also analyzed recent polls, which suggest that Johnson and the Conservatives will most likely win and therefore push forward with his party’s plan to leave the EU. We talked about the wisdom of holding a second election and why Matt advocates for voting Labour. We also touched on complex issues like the border with Northern Ireland and how Brexit could unravel the delicate political architecture of the peace deal in Northern Ireland.

In the second hour we discussed Donald Trump’s false narrative that he is some sort of “peace president.” Matt focused on why so many in the conspiracy culture seem to latch onto this false narrative. We also spoke about Trump’s destructive policies in Venezuela and the deteriorating political situation in Haiti. Matt concluded the episode by talking about what some in the UK are overlooking (e.g., the UK as a major arms dealer) due to a strong focus on Brexit. We ended by talking about some of the positive initiatives such as climate change activism around the world, and various other protests during which individuals en mass speak truth to power.

Download episode 199

Show Notes:

Matthew Alford University of Bath

Writer With No Hands (Facebook)


Union Jackboot: What Your Media and Professors Don’t Tell You About British Foreign Policy

How the Western media support state terror – while millions die

Porkins Policy Radio episode 174 Matthew Alford on Union Jackboot

Writer, comedian, and University of Bath teaching fellow, Matthew Alford joined me to discuss his latest book Union Union Jackboot: What Your Media and Professors Don’t Tell You About British Foreign Policy, which we co-authored with TJ Coles. We started off the conversation by discussing the unique structure of the book. Matt and I talked about the perception of British foreign policy we see today in the media. We touch on the brutal legacy the British Empire has had around the world, and take shots at some of the UK’s sacred cows like Winston Churchill. We also discussed why the media, Conservatives, and many in Labour despises Jeremy Corbyn. We talked about the way that Corbyn is perceived, many times incorrectly. Matt also talks about Brexit and why we should never feel sorry for Theresa May. Later we talked about the destructive role British foreign policy plays in seemly mundane affairs like clothing industry. We also touched on Britain’s role more recently in Sri Lanka and Nigeria.

Download PPR episode 174

Show Notes:

Matthew Alford University of Bath

The Writer With No Hands (Facebook page)


Union Jackboot: What Your Media and Professors Don’t Tell You About British Foreign Policy

Union Jackboot YouTube Channel

Matthew Alford on Censorship In Hollywood

Union Jackboot authors Matthew Alford and TJ Coles discuss Libya and Propaganda on Renegade Inc.

This House Would Vote Trump:The Case For the Motion

Porkins Policy Radio episode 164 2018 Election Special with JP Sottile and Ed Opperman

JP Sottile joined me in the first hour for our 2018 Midterm Election Special. JP talked about the massive amounts of data coming in regarding this highly contested midterm. We talked about the role of women voters, MeToo, and the side shows like the “Migrant Caravan.” Later JP and I discussed several interesting Senate races including Missouri. JP also talked about Trump’s use of neo-fascist imagery and rhetoric to energize his base.

Ed Opperman joined me for the second hour of the election special. We talked about the broken healthcare system and support for universal healthcare. Ed talked about the watered down socialists and alleged left leaning candidates like Beto O’Rourke and Ocasio Cortez. We discussed whether these politicians are actually making things worse for us. We also touched on Ted Cruz, Curtis Sliwa, and the dangers of iphone’s.

Download PPR episode 164

Show Notes:


Midterms Takeaway: Trump’s Purified Party


Trump Midterm press conference



Porkins Policy Radio episode 155 Maduro assassination attempt and economic warfare on Venezuela with Paul Dobson

This week my guest is journalist Paul Dobson of Venezuelanalysis. We had a wide ranging discussion on Venezuela, its current political and economic situation, and western media distortions. First, we covered the recent terrorist attack on President Maduro’s life on August 4th. We touched on the right-wing media operations out of Miami, which supported this terrorist act, as well as the role of ultra right-wing activists in Venezuela and Colombia. Paul and I discussed the arrest of opposition politician Juan Requesens in connection with the attack. We also talked about the alleged role that former National Assembly President Julio Borges played in Bogota. Paul also mentions the shadowy Osman Delgado Tabosky, who has been named by the Venezuelan government as a financier of the attack.

In the second hour Paul and I discussed the current economic problems in Venezuela. Paul talked about the devastating effects that U.S. sanctions are having on the Venezuelan people. Then we talked about the lack of specialized medicine due to sanctions on major financial institutions such as Citibank. We also addressed the reasons why Venezuelans must wait in line for gasoline despite being an oil rich nation. We explained how organizations like the IMF and World Bank are waiting to swoop in to exert total control of the economy through the use of loans and bailouts. Finally, we closed out by talking about Venezuela’s vibrant democratic process and the ways in which the western media continues to present a false narrative of its electoral system.

Download episode 155

Show Notes:


Campaign to End US and Canada Sanctions Against Venezuela

Venezuela’s President Maduro Survives Assassination Attack On Live TV

Failed Terrorist Attack against Venezuelan President Maduro – An Analysis

Opposition Lawmaker Borges Named in Drone Bombing Investigation, Arrest Warrant Issued

Venezuela Top Prosecutor: 34 Involved In Failed Assassination of Maduro

Venezuela: Opposition Legislator Linked to Drone Attack Detained

Ex-city police chief claims role in Venezuela drone attack

Maduro Encourages FBI to Investigate Drone Attack Suspect

Opposition Leader Lobbied Banks to Boycott Venezuelan Government, AP Reveals

Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs: Who Is Kirsten Madison?

Venezuela’s Marching Campesinos Meet Maduro, Denounce Corruption & Revolutionary ‘Reversals’

Venezuelanalysis: Official Statement on Facebook’s Removal of Our Page