Tag Archives: big data

Porkins Policy Radio episode 86 Homeland Predicted the Deep State and Alex Jones with Tom Secker

Tom Secker returns for the second installment of our discussion on the sixth season of Homeland. We begin with a quick recap of the past several episodes before diving into the big themes going on this season. Tom and I begin by focusing on the character of Dar Adal and the notion that he represents a faction of the now infamous deep state. We talk about the mysterious private intelligence firm that Adal is using for assassinations, false flag bombings, and information operations. Tom and I discuss what exactly the CIA is getting out of having their favorite TV portray such a nefarious and shadowy organization at the center of the season plot-line. We also touch on the fact that the CIA is virtually nonexistent in this season and what that may mean. The two of us talk about the fact that Homeland has successfully made this whole season revolve around the meme of “fake news” and big data as a powerful tool for manipulation. We talk about the fact that these ideas were woven into the script months before they became talking points for the general public. Tom talks about the power of the fake news meme as a tool of the CIA and National Security State. We also explore the character of Brett O’Keefe who is the greatest characterization of Alex Jones ever. Tom and I talk about O’Keefe’s role as a deep state contractor for Dar Adal, and his efforts to create sock puppet accounts to influence public opinion.

In the second hour Tom ask the question if the CIA is telling us that Alex Jones is in fact an agency asset through Homeland. We explore the various interpretations of the O’Keefe – Jones character and what the CIA may be trying to tell us about the alt-media and conspiracy culture in general. Tom also tells us about his articles in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology. I finish off the show by discussing the increasingly dire situation in Yemen and why no one is talking about it.

Download PPR episode 86

Show Notes:

Watch Homeland season 6

The data that turned the world upside down

Thousands of Yemenis rally in Sanna on war’s second anniversary

Trump administration weighs deeper involvement in Yemen war

UNICEF report on Yemen – Falling through the Cracks