Tag Archives: blacklist

PGG Bonus podcast ep 1 Putin, Trump, and Propaganda


For the first PGG bonus podcast Christoph and I start off by discussing Russia-US relations in the age of Trump. We talk about the warming relations between the two nations and if this will evolve into a meaningful relationship. We explore some of the recent cabinet appointments by Trump and what this might mean for the US and geopolitics in general. Christoph and I talk about how the enemy has shifted away from Russia and to Iran, China, and global jihadist’s. We touch on characters such as General’s Michael Flynn and James “Mad Dog” Mattis, and how they will influence US foreign policy.

Later Christoph and I dissect the most recent iteration of America’s war on Russian propaganda. We discuss the website http://PropOrNot.com and their infamous media blacklist. We talk about the institutions that might be behind the website, and their bizarre criteria for labeling websites as “pro-Russian propaganda.” We also talk about how this is becoming a growing problem through out the West.

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