Tag Archives: insider trading

Porkins Policy Radio 179 New 9/11 warnings unearthed and Russiagate revelations with Jon Gold

This week research Jon Gold joined me to talk about some of recent revelations regarding the 9/11 coverup. We started off with some breaking news out of Guantanamo regarding the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others, and alleged recordings of them speaking about the 9/11 attacks months before they happened. Jon and I discussed the significance of these recordings and why they have been hidden from the public and defense lawyers at the military tribunal. Jon talks about some of the possible government agencies who could have made the recordings and the larger issue of a continued coverup. We also touched on the recent reporting out of Sarasota, Florida regarding Prince Turki al Faisal’s connections to the 9/11 attacks. Jon and I shifted gears a bit and talked about the Mueller Report and Russiagate. We discussed the way the media has obsessed over this story. Jon touched on the journalists who have made a name out of Russiagate and yet turn their backs to issues such as 9/11. Later we touched on Israel and the rise of the right wing in the Middle Eastern country. Jon and I talked about Trump’s recent decision to recognize the stolen Golan Heights as well as the recent focus on AIPAC. We finished off by talking about the recent de-funding of the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund. Jon talked about the ongoing health crisis affecting tens of thousands who were exposed to the World Trade Center dust.

Download episode 179

Show Notes:


U.S. said to have tapes of alleged 9/11 mastermind plotting with co-conspirators

The 9/11 Tapes: Lorie Van Auken, whose husband was killed at the World Trade Center, asks why the existence of the plotters’ phone calls has been concealed until now.

‘September 14, 2001: Deutsche Bank Exec Resigns, Prompting Speculations of 9/11 Connection’

Ex-Saudi ambassador: No knowledge of Sarasota’s 9/11 connection

The Lobby USA (episode 1 & 2)

The Lobby USA (episode 3 & 4)