Porkins Policy Radio episode 88 A History of Media Manipulation from OJ to Syria with Brian Heiss

Frequent guest Brian Heiss joins me for an in depth discussion of the current state of the media, and their continued legacy of manipulation and deception. We begin our conversation by dissecting the bogus news story that OJ Simpson is set to make a reality TV show with Casey Anthony. Brian and I discuss now the genesis of this story is a TMZ article that determined that an OJ reality show was actually impossible to make at this current time. Brian describes how this TMZ article became the source for numerous mainstream media articles making the false claim that the reality show indeed happening. We dive into how this fake news became a viral and is now entirely accepted as fact. Brian and I then move onto how the OJ trial built the foundation for this trend in media. We talk about several lies about the trial that have become accepted fact because of peoples emotional desires to believe something that fits their world view. We discuss productions such as The People vs OJ Simpson and OJ: Made in America and how they have continued to exploit lies in order to craft their own version of the truth.

In the second hour we expand out on this topic and look at the ways in which the media manipulates crime both here and abroad to fuel ratings and revenue. Brian and I use the OJ trial and the false allegations by people such as Jill Shivley as an analogy for the current push for war in Syria. We examine how emotions and not evidence drive both the public’s opinions about OJ and Bashar al Assad. Brian and I also look at the increased number of true crime documentaries that knowingly manipulate our emotions with lies and how this is affecting our entire criminal justice system. We speak about this rush to judgment and trial by media circus and it’s relationship to events such as the recent chemical attack in Syria.

Download PPR episode 88

Show Notes:

OJ Simpson.gq

OJ Simpson could be freed and on reality TV in 2017

Casey Anthony: ‘A lot of parallels’ to OJ Simpson’s case

O.J. Simpson Eyewitness or False Witness? Jill Shively : When the Lie Becomes the Truth

The LAPD Notification to O.J. Simpson : What Really Happened? Did OJ Ask LAPD How Nicole Was Killed?

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  • Hammered  On April 12, 2017 at 7:14 pm

    The download mp3 link is broken.
    [Duplicate http:// entries I think]

    Great show Pearse thanks.

  • JJ Bona  On April 12, 2017 at 11:45 pm

    Great stuff guys. I know this is besides the point, but the “meat eating” scene in Under Siege always made me chuckle as well.

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