The Ochelli Effect – Historiography


What will historians eventually decide about the assassination of JFK? Michael Swanson discusses this with Chuck and both partake in educated speculation on the matter.

What does the old rule of perspective have to do with modern conventions?

Mike is writing a book about the Vietnam War and keeps learning new things.

Is the distance of generations required to judge history? How will The JFK Research community be viewed in context?

Will future generations have no desire to care about the Kennedy assassination? Does anyone even remotely think World War One is as important as it actually is?

How did the Romans handle history? How bad are standard textbooks?

Pearse Redmond joins in the second hour.

The latest pointless debates over the SCOTUS nominee are discussed.

The War of Terror is still a thing. One wonders if historians will be able to untangle the mess of the alleged War already in progress.

Why is Iran the re-visited fabled enemy of the day?

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