Porkins Policy Radio episode 80 Aaron Smith Levin Scientology The Aftermath

Ex-Scientologist Aaron Smith Levin joins us once again to discuss the latest news regarding Scientology. Aaron begins by discussing his experiences on Leah Remini’s groundbreaking television series Scientology: The Aftermath. Aaron explains what it was like being interviewed and opening up about a dark chapter in his life and the trauma that Scientology brought down on him. Aaron also talks about the response from Scientology against Aaron, which has been in the form of his very own Scientology hate site. Aaron and I also discuss the significance of this new television series. Aaron explains how this is making a much bigger impact on the public; more so than recent documentaries like Going Clear. Aaron and I also explore the untold story of sexual abuse with the Church of Scientology. We delve into how the Church has covered this up time and time again. Aaron talk about several Scientology run schools, Cadet Orgs, and other related organizations where sexual abuse was going on and was covered up by Scientology. We also talk about the Office of Special Affairs practice of putting people “off lines” (barring you from doing services for the Church, but not kicking you out) after confessing to having sex with minors in auditing sessions.

In the second hour Aaron and I talk about what is currently going on in the upper management levels of Scientology. Aaron talk about David Miscavige’s latest power grab in his unending fight to control every single aspect of Scientology. We also talk about the strange case of David Miscavige’s wife Shelly, who has not been publicly seen for several years. Aaron offers his own theories as to where she is and her role with in Scientology, as well as why Miscavige may be using her as a distraction operation for people like Leah Remini and others. We address the rumors that Miscavige is sick, why he is never seen in public, and why Scientologists don’t get plastic surgery. We finish off by talking about where Scientology is headed and how the group can sustain itself given all the negative publicity it has garnered in the past few years. Aaron also tells an amazing story about driving next to David Miscavige recently down in Florida and Miscavige’s aggressive driving style.

Download PPR episode 80

Show Notes:

Growing Up In Scientology


A&E Scientology The Aftermath

Watch Scientology The Aftermath

Lois Reisdorf Part 1

Joe Rogan Experience #908 Leah Remini

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