Tag Archives: Grey Wolves

PPR Bonus podcast ep 20 Isa Blumi on Yemen War updates and Qatari and Turkish Connection

This month Associate Professor at Stockholm University Isa Blumi joined me to update the listeners on the dire situation in Yemen. We started off with the ongoing siege of Al Hudaydah. We then moved on to a discussion of the recent media coverage the war in the west. Isa talked about a recent AP article which documented Saudi and Emirati support for Al Qaeda. Isa pointed out how the article fails to mention Qatar’s involvement in Yemen and the political implications behind this omission. We also touched on the abhorrent coverage the recent school bus bombing by Democracy Now. Later we shifted gears for a discussion of Turkey’s role in the region. We talked about the recent elections and economic problems in Turkey. We also touched on the status of the Gulen Movement, NATO-Turkish operations in Syria, and what Erdogan’s next geopolitical will be.

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Porkins Great Game episode 18 Grey Wolves, Marxist Sex Cults, and NATO

Christoph and I are back!  After a long hiatus we have returned with a jam packed episode.  In the first segment we discuss the bizarre “bomb plot” to attack the recent MEK Summit in Paris.  Then we explore the allegations that this was orchestrated by the Iranian government and the bogus claims by the West and Israel about a network of sleeper cells across Europe.  We then turn to a discussion about those swept up in the investigation–including an Iranian diplomat from Austria.

In the second segment Christoph and I break down the recent NATO summit in Brussels.  We focus mainly on how this impacts Germany. Trump demanded that NATO countries devote 4% GDP to NATO, also stated that Germany is too close with Russia.
For the third segment we continue discussing Germany. We talk about the rise of the Gulen movement.  Christoph explains how this has manifested after the failed coup in Turkey. We also touch on the whereabouts a several key plotters of the coup who are allegedly being protected in Berlin.

In our final segment we take a in-depth look at the recent election in Turkey. We discuss how Erdogan and his coalition partners with in the ultra-nationalist MHP swept the country.  The rise of the ultra-nationalism within the Turkey may have a dangerous impact. We discuss MHP leader Devlet Bahçeli’s recent calls for the release of two prominent ultra-nationalist mob bosses, as well as the founder of the Grey Wolves taking a seat in parliament.  We finish this segment by touching on recent joint operations between Turkey and U.S. in Northern Syria.

We close out with our traditional “weird terrorism” section.  I talk about the return of Afghanistan’s Vice President, Abdul Rashid Dostum, from self imposed exile in Turkey, which resulted from assault and rape charges.  Christoph shares an interesting interview of a former U.S. Army sniper who fought alongside the KLA in the 90’s on behalf of a foreign defense ministry.

Download PGG episode 18


Show Notes:


Alleged Iranian bomb plot

Europeans work to save Iran deal, and business, after Trump pulls out

Rohani To Visit Switzerland, Austria Amid Iran Nuclear Deal Dispute

Belgium charges couple with plotting attack on French rally

Iran diplomat among six arrested over suspected plot against opposition meeting

Holland expels two Iranian diplomats, but stays silent on reasons

Iran says Belgium arrests are a plot to sabotage Rouhani Europe visit

Foiled bomb plot distracts from Iranian President Rouhani’s message in Europe

Netanyahu: foiling of Iranian bombing in France was ‘no coincidence’

Mossad said to have thwarted Iranian plot to bomb opposition rally in France

Campaign against Iran:

Donald Trump’s New World Order

State Dept Insider: “Eerily Familiar Drumbeat of War Intensifying” Ahead Of Pompeo’s Iran Speech

U.S. launches campaign to erode support for Iran’s leaders

Pompeo: US Unafraid to Attack Iranian Regime at the ‘Highest Level’

Trump tells Iran ‘never, ever threaten’ U.S. or suffer consequences

NATO summit:

Trump Takes Aim at Germany and NATO

Brussels Summit Declaration

U.S. pushes NATO to ready more forces to deter Russian threat

NATO Already Vastly Outspends Russia. Its Problems Are Not About Money.

Gülen movement in Germany:

Germany searching for Turkey’s most wanted coup suspect: report

Civilian mastermind of FETÖ coup attempt Adil Öksüz spotted in Berlin, Turkey seeks action

Turkey’s Gulen movement on the rise in Germany

The Gülen Movement Appears in Germany

Rise of ultranationalism in Turkey:

General Elections – Parliamentary Elections Turkey

The Year of the Gray Wolf: The Rise of Turkey’s New Ultranationalism

Merkel’s Handshake with Grey Wolves leader at NATO summit (German)

‘Our bodies are Turkish, our souls Islamic!’ The rise of Turkey’s ultra-nationalists


U.S. and Turkey Agree on Kurds’ Withdrawal From Syrian Town

Popular movement declares resistance to foreign troops in Syria’s Manbij

Dostum’s return to Afghanistan:

Accused of Rape and Torture, Exiled Afghan Vice President Returns

Afghan Vice President Dostum Escapes Suicide Attack; 14 Others Killed

German-American sniper embedded with KLA:

German-American sniper reveals secret Kosovo mission (German)

Porkins Great Game episode 13 Fetullah Gulen Lives!

On this months episode Christoph and I take an in-depth look at the recent “Four Day War” between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Nagorno Karabhak region.  We discuss the causes for this latest outbreak of violence, and the various regional and global actors involved.  Christoph also breaks down the history of this long-forgotten,  frozen conflict.

In our second segment we look into a variety of spy-games being played between Turkey and Russia.  We begin with the recent reversal by the FSB that Turkey was involved in the downing of a Russian passenger plane in Egypt and what this may mean.  Christoph and I discuss the political situation within NATO.  We focus on NATO’s hesitancy to get further entrenched in a military situation with Russia, and how NATO members are responding to this .

Next we discuss the recent interview that the reclusive Fethullah Gulen gave to a Russian newspaper, in which she attacks Turkey for shooting down a Russian fighter jet near the Syrian border.  Christoph and I both offer our theories and analysis as to why Gulen is speaking now, and what it means that he is speaking out against Erdogan.

Next we discuss the recent arrest of Grey Wolf fighter Alparslan Celik.  Faithful listeners will remember that Celik was the “Turkmen” rebel leader that took credit for the killing of a Russian pilot Oleg Peshkov.  Then we turn to the recent arrest of two Russian spies by the MIT in Turkey for their role in the murder of Chechen militant Abdulvakhid Edelgireyev.  We finish off this section by taking a look at the rising influence of Grey Wolves inside Germany, using the recent clashes between Grey Wolves and PKK supporters in the city of Aschaffenburg as an example.

For our weird terrorism section Christoph and I give a final farewell to our favorite Georgian Jihadi, Tarkhan Batirashvili aka Omar al-Shishani.  We talk about the Pentagon operation that killed him, and why this time they may actually be speaking the truth.  We also take a closer look at the Panama Papers and the telltale signs that this was a CIA operation.

Download PGG ep 13


Show Notes:


All-Out War Over Karabakh Is No One’s Interest

Armenia-backed forces report 97 dead in Nagorno-Karabakh fighting

Russia set to continue arms supplies to Azerbaijan and Armenia — official

Report: Israeli-made Suicide Drone Used in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Azeri Defense Ministry Plane Landed Twice in Israel During Fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijani Soldiers Execute Elderly Armenian Couple in Artsakh; Then Cut Off Their Ears

Karabakh conflict: Azerbaijani soldiers behead Ezidi from Armenia


Turkey-Russia conflict:

No “Turkish trace” in Russian plane crash over Egypt — Russian security service

Russia PM warns foreign offensive in Syria could spark ‘world war’

Would Russia Use Nukes to Defend Khmeimim?

Putin vs. Erdogan: NATO Concerned over Possible Russia-Turkey Hostilities

Why Turkey is losing hope in Syrian border town of Azaz

Syrian rebels say reinforcements get free passage via Turkey

Gülen unveils his anti-Turkey stance once again

Fethullah Gülen’s role in the shooting of the Russian jet

First Turkey-Russia meeting after jet incident


Turkey arrests ‘Russian pilot killer’ & ‘Russian spies’:
Alleged killer of Russian jet pilot detained on fraud charges

Alleged killer of Russian jet pilot pens letter to Russia from prison

Two ‘Russian spies’ caught in Istanbul

Murder in Istanbul: Kremlin’s hand suspected in shooting of Chechen

Russian detained in Istanbul for plotting to assassinate Chechen dissidents

Update: Turkish prosecutor drops charges against Alparslan Celik after examining video


Turkish-Kurdish conflict in Germany:

Kurdish PKK Confront Pro-Turkey Protesters in Germany

Germany fears return of Turkish-Kurdish violence on its soil


Death of Omar al-Shishani:

Top ISIS leader ‘critically injured’ in U.S. airstrike, activists say

IS group commander Shishani ‘clinically dead:’ monitor

Special Forces in Rojava – TTG

Obama sends more Special Forces to Syria in fight against IS

Islamic State Leader Omar al-Shishani Fought Under U.S. Umbrella as Late as 2013

Charles Lister comments on Palmyra


Panama Papers:

What I Learned From the Panama Papers

The One Sentence Summary of the Panama Papers

Panama says will adopt international tax reporting standards by 2018: media

Swiss banker whistleblower: CIA behind Panama Papers

Armenia: Panama Papers Prompts Official’s Resignation

Panama Papers book (German)

Congress for Cultural Freedom

Heinrich Boell and Co: “Drinking CIA Brandies”

German documentary on the Cultural Cold War



Skee-Lo – I Wish

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Porkins Great Game ep. 12 Newsbud Special: Inside Turkey’s War in Syria

February 11, 2016 – 11:15 pm

This month Christoph and I recorded a special Newsbud related episode of PGG.  We focus mainly on Turkey’s increased intervention into the Syrian War.  We discuss Christoph’s recent article in Boiling Frogs Post  analyzing this very issue.  We begin with the increased Russian airstrikes and how this has completely changed the course of the war.  Christoph and I touch on how this is being interpreted by NATO and the US.  We next move on to Turkey’s reliance on Syrian Turkmen militants to fight their proxy battle.  Christoph and I update the listeners on the Grey Wolf “Turkmen” leader  Alparslan Çelik, and his recent appearance in Turkey for the funeral of a high level MHP official.  We also touch on the shift of the MHP towards a more Islamist friendly political stance.  Christoph and I also provide our analysis on the recent statements by the FSB that the Grey Wolves may have been working with ISIS to bring down the Russian Airbus of the Sinai Peninsula.  Later we talk about an important article former NSA agent John Schindler, in which he attempts to dismiss these claims and the existence of Operation Gladio.  We also explore the possibility of a Turkish ground invasion of Syria and the further Pakistanization of the country.

Christoph and I also talk about our participation in Newsbud and how this will further expand the podcast.  Christoph and I talk about the new cold war and the good vs. evil media landscape.  We also discuss the importance of objective in depth geopolitical reporting.  We talk about the launch of our Kickstarter campaign that begins this Sunday February 14th, and why fans of Porkins Great Game should donate.

Download PGG ep 12

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Show Notes:

Turkey-Russia battle for Bayirbucak:

Syrian Turkmens, Turkish Nationalists, Russian Jets & the Battle for Bayırbucak

Turkey’s nationalist ‘Gray Wolves’ enter Syrian fray

Syrian government troops retake Rabia, last rebel stronghold in Latakia

Russia seeks alleged killer of Turkey-downed jet pilot after Rabia recapture

More than 6,000 flee besieged Bayırbucak take shelter in Turkey

Sinai plane crash:

Turkey says Russian jet violated its airspace again, warns of consequences

Turkey Shells Civilian Homes on Syrian Border, Russian MoD Has Video Proof

Turkish Nationalist Group Grey Wolves Linked to A321 Terror Attack – FSB

Sharm el-Sheikh flights shutdown triggered when British spies uncovered Isil bomb plot after Russian air crash

Britain accused of withholding Sinai crash intel from Russia & Egypt

Russia suspends flights to Egypt due to security concerns after Sinai crash

Obama Appoints a Not-Too-Long-Ago-Hatched Neocon Larva

Russia’s Syria Intervention Enrages US-led Coalition, ISIS & Al-Qaeda

U.S. Spies Root for an ISIS-Russia War

Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn Says Rise of Islamic State was “a willful decision” and Defends Accuracy of 2012 Memo

Who Really Murdered 224 Innocent People on Flight 9268?

Russia warns of Turkish invasion:

Turkey refuses Russia’s request for observation flight over Syria border

Turkey Planning Military Invasion in Syria – Russian Defense Ministry

Turkey-backed rebels warn civilians to flee ISIS-held border strip

The Struggle for Azaz Corridor Could Spur a Turkish Intervention

Turkey warns US over ‘Kurdish corridor’ in Syria

U.S. envoy visits Kurdish-held northern Syria

Inside Syria: The farm airstrip that’s part of the U.S. fight against ISIS

Syrian army and allies breaks rebel siege of Shi’ite towns: army

Syrian army, PYD advancing to Turkish border with Russian air support

Turkish Aid Group Says Setting Up New Camps Inside Syria for Fresh Wave of Migrants

Thousands brave freeze at Turkey border as Syria warns Riyadh, Ankara

Published after recording – The Syria War Will Not Be a Quagmire — Because Putin is Winning



Desire – Under Your Spell

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Porkins Great Game episode 11 Gladio B Heats Up In Syria

December 13, 2015 – 9:31 pm

On this episode Christoph and I start off with our favorite Georgian politician, Mikheil Saakashvili, and his most recent meddling in his native country.  While ostensibly operating as governor of Odessa, Saakashvili was recently caught on tape advising the owner and director of popular TV station Rustavi 2 on how to instigate a violent confrontation with the goverment.  The pro-Saakashvili channel has been in a long legal dispute and the current regime has trued multiple times to shut it down.  Christoph explains what is at stake for Rustavi 2 and how Saakashvili has been inserting himself into the situation.  We discuss his plans to start a “revolution” by orchestrating a violent government showdown.  We also talk about Georgia’s recent descion to buy natural gas from Russia and Iran.  Christoph breaks down the reasons for this and address’ the persistan claims that the Georgian Dream Coalition is “pro-Russian.”

Next we move to Syria and the startling rumors of Chinese involvement in the war.  We discuss a series of reports about Chinese naval vessels and military advisers arriving in Syria.  Next we talk about the growing Uighur presence in places such as Jisr al Shughour and Deir ez-Zour.  We break down the increasing role of the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) with in the jihadi movement, but also their role in bringing hundreds of Uighur’s to Syria.  We explore how all of this has forced China’s hand to a degree when in comes to fighting international terrorism.

For our third section Christoph and I explore the recent shooting down of a Russian jet by the Turkish military.  We breakdown the reality of what actually happened, and provide a detailed analysis as to why Turkey carried out this action.  We talk about Russia’s recent targeting of Turkish backed Turkem fighters, and how this one was one of the major factors for Turkey downing the fighter jet.  Christoph explains how this was probably a joint US-Turkey operation separate from the NATO power structure.  Christoph also tells us about the leader of the Turkem fighters and his true identity as a Turkish national and son of a Turkish mayor.  As we round out the section we explore the ISIS oil smuggling routes that have also been bombed by Russia.  We talk about how much of this lucrative trade is being overseen and brokered Bilal Erdogan, son of president Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Christoph also gives his predictions as to the sorts of steps Russia will be taking in the near future.

For our weird terrorism section we discuss South Korea’s claims that ISIS and North Korea are in league with one another.  As if that isn’t weird enough, we also touch on China’s claim that the Dailai Lama supports ISIS.

Christoph and I also briefly discuss a new media project that Sibel Edmonds is starting that both of us will be a part of.

Download PGG episode 11
Show Notes:

Saakashvili coup attempt:

“Rustavi 2 is a hostage of United National Movement,” Luka Kurtanidze

The New Great Game Round-Up #111 – U.S. Tries to Keep Georgia In Line

The New Great Game Round-Up #113 – Georgian Government Determined to Destroy Saakashvili Party

Wiretapped Recordings of Saakashvili Discussing Rustavi 2 TV Leaked

Saakashvili comments on leaked phone calls

Timeline: Rustavi 2 TV Row

Georgia strips ex-president Saakashvili of citizenship

Georgia’s “De-Georgianized” Ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili Vows a Comeback

Georgia wants gas from Russia & Iran:

Georgia Now Wants Gas From Russia and Iran

Anti-Gazprom rally outside Ivanishvili’s residence

Kakha Kaladze to hold working meetings with Gazprom

China in Syria:

China’s Main Mission: South China Sea, Not Syria

China says not planning to send military ships to Syria

BEN CARSON: Here’s the evidence that China is involved in Syria

Porkins Great Game Ep. 9 – The Death of Mullah Omar

Foreigners detained on the Turkish-Syrian border in 2015 (Turkish)

China Ministry Links Antiterror Efforts to Paris Tragedy

ISIS Releases Slickly-Produced Mandarin Song Seeking Chinese Recruits

China says Islamic State song in Mandarin shows need for global cooperation

If Assad asks, China can deploy troops to Syria

Turkey downs Russian jet:

Assad forces, Russian air strikes target Turkmen villages in Syria

Turkey summons Russian envoy over bombing of Turkmens in Syria: PM

Confused Turkish nationalists protest Russian air strikes in front of Dutch Consulate

US air force Gen Selva visits Ankara to discuss terror, Syria

ISW: Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet Supporting Syrian Regime Offensive


Mountain Ambush

The real reason for Turkey’s shoot-down of the Russian jet

Vladimir Putin claims US ‘leaked’ to Turkey the flight path of downed Russian jet

Syrian Turkmen commander who ‘killed’ Russian pilot turns out to be Turkish ultranationalist

Turkish Grey Wolves are participating in the blockade of Crimea

Russia vows to continue Syria air strikes close to Turkish border

Russia exposes Turkey-ISIS oil trade:

Former CIA chief says environmental concerns prevented bombing of Islamic State oil wells

Putin Names And Shames Obama Into Bombing IS Oil Smugglers

Russian warplanes disrupt ISIS oil sales channels; destroy 500 terrorist oil trucks in Syria

PBS NewsHour Uses Russian Airstrike Footage While Claiming U.S. Airstrike Successes

Russia has ‘more proof’ ISIS oil routed through Turkey, Erdogan says he’ll resign if it’s true

Russian military reveals new details of ISIS funding

ISIS Oil Trade Full Frontal

Turkish PM accuses Russia of ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Syria

With Russian air support, PYD strives to make gains in NW Syria

U.S. Urges Turkey to Seal Border

Turkey deploys military reinforcements to Syria border

Turkey gives the cold shoulder to US proposal to seal Syria border


North Korea/Dalai Lama-ISIS:

South Korean lawmakers accuse North of helping Islamic State

Turkey has proof of Russian involvement in Daesh oil, President Erdoğan says

Assad’s Secret: Evidence Points to Syrian Push for Nuclear Weapons

A Chinese official said the Dalai Lama supports the Islamic State. Ridiculous and telling


New Media Project:
Buckle-Up And Join The Ride: Our New Media Project Is On The Way

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Fatlip – “What’s up Fatlip”

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