Porkins Policy Radio episode 101 The Russians Are Coming with JP Sottile and Robbie Martin

In the first hour I am joined by JP Sottile of News Vandal for an in-depth conversation on the growing scandal involving Donald Trump Jr. We begin by touching on the latest person to have been in the infamous meeting, Ike Kaveladze, and his connection to a 2000 Congressional investigation into Russian money laundering operations. JP and I go beyond the headlines and try to decipher what this meeting might have actually been about. We offer up a more straight forward narrative that this was a meeting about corruption and payoffs. The two of us discuss the attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya’s links to Russian oligarchs and to a recent money laundering case that was recently settled in her clients favor, and how the specter of Donald Trump loomed in the background. JP and I also look back to the 1990’s and a similar scandal involving the Clinton’s and the Chinese government. Later JP and I discuss the horrifying proposal by Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon have to privatize the war in Afghanistan. JP tells us about the two men who will help lead this charge, Erik Prince of Black Water, and Stephen Feinberg of Cerberus Capital which owns DynCorp. We talk about their nightmare vision for the complete privatization of warfare and nation building. JP discusses how this is actually the natural progression of the American economic and political system, and how Donald Trump is the natural man to usher this in.

In the second hour Robbie Martin joins me as we flesh out some of the topics brought up by JP and myself. We start by taking a step back and looking at how both the mainstream and alternative media have used this recent scandal to their benefit. Robbie and I address the claims made by morons like Cernovich that this is all a deep state operation. We also explore the forgotten story of the seizure of two Russian spy facilities and the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats (spies) by the Obama administration in December 2016. Robbie and I discuss how this story has been nearly forgotten by the media yet it represents an extremely important moment in both the Obama and Trump presidencies. The two of us talk about how the facilities have yet to be turned back to the Russian’s despite their pleas with Trump. Robbie and I explore how serious an action this is and how Trump has been put into a very difficult spot by all of this. Robbie also gives us the latest updates on the ever evolving neoconservative movement. We discuss the closing down of the neocon think tank The Foreign Policy Initiative and where the movement may be headed.

Download PPR episode 101

Show Notes:

News Vandal


Russian dirt on Clinton? ‘I love it,’ Donald Trump Jr. said

Donald Trump Jr. releases email chain on his Russian meeting

Natalia Veselnitskaya, lawyer who met Trump Jr., seen as fearsome Moscow Insider

Soviet Veteran Who Met With Trump Jr. Is a Master of the Dark Arts

Rob Goldstone, publicist behind Trump Jr. meeting, reportedly in fear and hiding in plain sight

Eighth person in Trump Tower meeting is identified

Kushner and Bannon Team Up to Privatize the War in Afghanistan

Erik Prince on Breitbart Radio talking privatization of Afghan War

At Cerberus, Feinberg Built a Web of National Security Ties

Media Roots

A Very Heavy Agenda

Ahead Of Meeting, Russia Presses For Access To Diplomatic Compounds

Russia allegedly planning to expel 30 American diplomats in a few weeks

Analysis: US expulsion of Russian spies is mostly symbolic, aimed domestically

Russian aid center in Serbia rejects claims that it is an intelligence base

A Right-Leaning Foreign-Policy Think Tank Shuts Down

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  • dwil  On July 19, 2017 at 10:44 pm

    Robbie Martin is claiming Russian intelligence is — incompetent? Their spy-intelligence services are the stuff of legend. They’ve had spies inside our agencies damn near since the inception of the CIA. They were deep in MI6. We know their capabilities are vast. Hell let’s go back to Ian Fleming, Mad Magazine’s Spy vs. Spy, “The Americans” tv show, and more. They aren’t being sold to U.S citizens to be romanticized, after all.

    And to be more pointed, are you telling me Robbie’s sister, who remade herself through RT involved herself in an incompetent news agency? She certainly didn’t leave RT because it was incompetent!

    To be frank, I’ve always wondered about Abby… and Robbie. If we go back in time to her protest days and woman on the street journalism, she had her share of “Deray McKesson photo op” moments; those allegedly candid iconic pics that just scream, “Staged!” She’s positioned herself as outrĂ© journalist who tells it like it really is and worked for “enemy of the State,” RT, with no blowback whatsoever, and in fact, has thrived despite appearing to place herself in positions that would, at the very least, land most journos on the blackballed list, if not worse.

    She and Robbie circumvent around the planet putting themselves in “dangerous” positions without mainstream back up or connections and always exit unscathed. Citizens of the U.S. have been killed in countries where some “things” are better left unseen and unsaid… and were killed just due to their presence, let alone for seeking stories untold by the vast majority of media outlets, mainstream or otherwise.

    As Jimi Hendrix said, “The world is nothin’ but a big gimmick isn’t it?”

  • dwil  On July 20, 2017 at 5:09 pm

    Oh, and LOVE your show Pearse. Just because I may disagree with someone, some premise or conclusions doesn’t mean I don’t really enjoy your work.

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